Saskia Hiltemann
Researcher at Erasmus Medical Center
Former Affiliations
The following list includes only slides and tutorials where the individual or organisation has been added to the contributor list. This may not include the sum total of their contributions to the training materials (e.g. GTN css or design, tutorial datasets, workflow development, etc.) unless described by a news post.
Editorial Roles
This contributor has taken on additional responsibilities as an editor for the following topics. They are responsible for ensuring that the content is up to date, accurate, and follows GTN best practices.
- Foundations of Data Science
- Microbiome
- Plants
- Visualisation
- Introduction to Galaxy and Sequence analysis
- Gallantries Grant - Intellectual Output 1 - Introduction to data analysis and -management, statistics, and coding
- Gallantries Grant - Intellectual Output 2 - Large-scale data analysis, and introduction to visualisation and data modelling
- Gallantries Grant - Intellectual Output 3 - Data stewardship, federation, standardisation, and collaboration
- Synthetic Biology / Designing plasmids encoding predicted pathways by using the BASIC assembly method 🧐
- Synthetic Biology / Evaluating and ranking a set of pathways based on multiple metrics 🧐
- Synthetic Biology / Generating theoretical possible pathways for the production of Lycopene in E.Coli using Retrosynthesis tools 🧐
- Development in Galaxy / Debugging Galaxy 🧐
- Development in Galaxy / ToolFactory: Generating Tools From More Complex Scripts 🧐
- Development in Galaxy / Galaxy Webhooks 🧐
- Development in Galaxy / Data source integration ✍️ 🧐
- Development in Galaxy / Generic plugins ✍️ 🧐
- Development in Galaxy / ToolFactory: Generating Tools From Simple Scripts 🧐
- Development in Galaxy / Galaxy Interactive Tools 🧐
- Development in Galaxy / Adding and updating best practice metadata for Galaxy tools using the registry 🧐
- Development in Galaxy / JavaScript plugins ✍️ 🧐
- Development in Galaxy / Scripting Galaxy using the API and BioBlend 🧐
- Development in Galaxy / Writing Automated Tests for Galaxy 🧐
- Development in Galaxy / Creating Galaxy tools from Conda Through Deployment 🧐
- Development in Galaxy / Contributing a New Feature to Galaxy Core 🧐
- Development in Galaxy / Contributing to BioBlend as a developer 🧐
- Contributing to the Galaxy Training Material / GTN Metadata 🧐
- Contributing to the Galaxy Training Material / Generating PDF artefacts of the website 🧐
- Contributing to the Galaxy Training Material / Adding Quizzes to your Tutorial 🧐
- Contributing to the Galaxy Training Material / Updating diffs in admin training 🧐
- Contributing to the Galaxy Training Material / Tools, Data, and Workflows for tutorials ✍️ 🧐
- Contributing to the Galaxy Training Material / Creating content in Markdown 📝 🧐
- Contributing to the Galaxy Training Material / Principles of learning and how they apply to training and teaching 🧐
- Contributing to the Galaxy Training Material / Including a new topic 🧐
- Contributing to the Galaxy Training Material / Creating a new tutorial ✍️ 🧐
- Contributing to the Galaxy Training Material / Preview the GTN website as you edit your training material ✍️ 🧐
- Contributing to the Galaxy Training Material / Contributing to the Galaxy Training Network with GitHub 🧐
- Contributing to the Galaxy Training Material / Contributing with GitHub via its interface 🧐
- Contributing to the Galaxy Training Material / Creating Interactive Galaxy Tours ✍️ 🧐
- Contributing to the Galaxy Training Material / Teaching Python 🧐
- Contributing to the Galaxy Training Material / Adding auto-generated video to your slides 🧐
- Contributing to the Galaxy Training Material / Design and plan session, course, materials 🧐
- Contributing to the Galaxy Training Material / FAIR-by-Design methodology 🧐
- Visualisation / Visualisation with Circos ✍️ 🧐
- Visualisation / Genomic Data Visualisation with JBrowse ✍️ 🧐
- Visualisation / Ploting a Microbial Genome with Circos 🧐
- Genome Annotation / Refining Genome Annotations with Apollo (prokaryotes) 🧐
- Genome Annotation / Genome annotation with Helixer 🧐
- Genome Annotation / Genome annotation with Prokka 🧐
- Genome Annotation / Genome Annotation 🧐
- Genome Annotation / Identification of AMR genes in an assembled bacterial genome 📝 🧐
- Genome Annotation / Refining Genome Annotations with Apollo (eukaryotes) 🧐
- Genome Annotation / Genome annotation with Maker 🧐
- Genome Annotation / From small to large-scale genome comparison 🧐
- Genome Annotation / Secondary metabolite discovery 🧐
- Genome Annotation / CRISPR screen analysis 🧐
- Genome Annotation / Genome annotation with Braker3 🧐
- Genome Annotation / Essential genes detection with Transposon insertion sequencing 🧐
- Genome Annotation / Long non-coding RNAs (lncRNAs) annotation with FEELnc 🧐
- Genome Annotation / Genome annotation with Funannotate 🧐
- Genome Annotation / Comparative gene analysis in unannotated genomes 🧐
- Genome Annotation / Creating an Official Gene Set 🧐
- Genome Annotation / Masking repeats with RepeatMasker 🧐
- Genome Annotation / Functional annotation of protein sequences 🧐
- Teaching and Hosting Galaxy training / Hybrid training 🧐
- Teaching and Hosting Galaxy training / Train-the-Trainer: putting it all together 🧐
- Teaching and Hosting Galaxy training / Galaxy Admin Training 🧐
- Teaching and Hosting Galaxy training / Running a workshop as instructor ✍️ 🧐
- Teaching and Hosting Galaxy training / Course Builder 🧐
- Teaching and Hosting Galaxy training / Live Coding is a Skill 🧐
- Teaching and Hosting Galaxy training / Asynchronous training 🧐
- Teaching and Hosting Galaxy training / Organizing a workshop 🧐
- Teaching and Hosting Galaxy training / Assessment and feedback in training and teachings 🧐
- Teaching and Hosting Galaxy training / Teaching online 🧐
- Teaching and Hosting Galaxy training / Motivation and Demotivation 🧐
- Teaching and Hosting Galaxy training / Training techniques to enhance learner participation and engagement 🧐
- Teaching and Hosting Galaxy training / Teaching experiences 🧐
- Teaching and Hosting Galaxy training / Training Infrastructure as a Service 🧐
- Teaching and Hosting Galaxy training / Set up a Galaxy for Training ✍️ 🧐
- Sequence analysis / Quality Control 🧐
- Sequence analysis / Removal of human reads from SARS-CoV-2 sequencing data 🧐
- Sequence analysis / Screening assembled genomes for contamination using NCBI FCS 🧐
- Sequence analysis / NCBI BLAST+ against the MAdLand 🧐
- Sequence analysis / Clean and manage Sanger sequences from raw files to aligned consensus 🧐
- Sequence analysis / Mapping 🧐
- Sequence analysis / Quality and contamination control in bacterial isolate using Illumina MiSeq Data 🧐
- Statistics and machine learning / Regulations/standards for AI using DOME 🧐
- Statistics and machine learning / Generative Artificial Intelligence and Large Langage Model using Python 🧐
- Statistics and machine learning / Machine learning: classification and regression 🧐
- Statistics and machine learning / Regression in Machine Learning 🧐
- Statistics and machine learning / Text-mining with the SimText toolset 🧐
- Statistics and machine learning / Basics of machine learning 🧐
- Statistics and machine learning / Foundational Aspects of Machine Learning using Python 🧐
- Statistics and machine learning / Introduction to Machine Learning using R 🧐
- Statistics and machine learning / Fine tune large protein model (ProtTrans) using HuggingFace 🧐
- Statistics and machine learning / Deep Learning (without Generative Artificial Intelligence) using Python 🧐
- Statistics and machine learning / Deep Learning (Part 1) - Feedforward neural networks (FNN) 🧐
- Statistics and machine learning / Classification in Machine Learning 🧐
- Statistics and machine learning / Age prediction using machine learning 🧐
- Statistics and machine learning / PAPAA PI3K_OG: PanCancer Aberrant Pathway Activity Analysis 🧐
- Statistics and machine learning / Deep Learning (Part 3) - Convolutional neural networks (CNN) 🧐
- Statistics and machine learning / Train and Test a Deep learning image classifier with Galaxy-Ludwig 🧐
- Statistics and machine learning / Interval-Wise Testing for omics data 🧐
- Statistics and machine learning / Text-Mining Differences in Chinese Newspaper Articles 🧐
- Statistics and machine learning / Deep Learning (Part 2) - Recurrent neural networks (RNN) 🧐
- Statistics and machine learning / Introduction to deep learning 🧐
- Statistics and machine learning / A Docker-based interactive Jupyterlab powered by GPU for artificial intelligence in Galaxy 🧐
- Statistics and machine learning / Neural networks using Python 🧐
- Statistics and machine learning / Clustering in Machine Learning 🧐
- Statistics and machine learning / Image classification in Galaxy with fruit 360 dataset 🧐
- Imaging / Overview of the Galaxy OMERO-suite - Upload images and metadata in OMERO using Galaxy 🧐
- Imaging / End-to-End Tissue Microarray Image Analysis with Galaxy-ME 🧐
- Imaging / Nucleoli segmentation and feature extraction using CellProfiler 🧐
- Imaging / Analyse HeLa fluorescence siRNA screen 🧐
- Imaging / Introduction to Image Analysis using Galaxy ✍️ 🧐
- Imaging / Object tracking using CellProfiler 🧐
- Epigenetics / Identification of the binding sites of the Estrogen receptor 🧐
- Epigenetics / CUT&RUN data analysis 🧐
- Epigenetics / ATAC-Seq data analysis 🧐
- Epigenetics / Formation of the Super-Structures on the Inactive X 🧐
- Epigenetics / Identification of the binding sites of the T-cell acute lymphocytic leukemia protein 1 (TAL1) 🧐
- Epigenetics / DNA Methylation data analysis 🧐
- Epigenetics / Infinium Human Methylation BeadChip 🧐
- Epigenetics / Hi-C analysis of Drosophila melanogaster cells using HiCExplorer 🧐
- Computational chemistry / Virtual screening of the SARS-CoV-2 main protease with rxDock and pose scoring 🧐
- Computational chemistry / Setting up molecular systems 🧐
- Computational chemistry / Protein target prediction of a bioactive ligand with Align-it and ePharmaLib 🧐
- Computational chemistry / Running molecular dynamics simulations using NAMD 🧐
- Computational chemistry / High Throughput Molecular Dynamics and Analysis 🧐
- Computational chemistry / Analysis of molecular dynamics simulations 🧐
- Computational chemistry / Running molecular dynamics simulations using GROMACS 🧐
- Computational chemistry / Protein-ligand docking 🧐
- Climate / Pangeo ecosystem 101 for everyone - Introduction to Xarray Galaxy Tools 🧐
- Climate / Pangeo Notebook in Galaxy - Introduction to Xarray 🧐
- Climate / Visualize Climate data with Panoply netCDF viewer 🧐
- Climate / Getting your hands-on climate data 🧐
- Climate / Functionally Assembled Terrestrial Ecosystem Simulator (FATES) 🧐
- Climate / Ocean's variables study 🧐
- Climate / Functionally Assembled Terrestrial Ecosystem Simulator (FATES) with Galaxy Climate JupyterLab 🧐
- Single Cell / Generating a single cell matrix using Alevin 🧐
- Single Cell / Filter, plot, and explore single cell RNA-seq data with Seurat (R) 📝 🧐
- Single Cell / Single-cell quality control with scater 🧐
- Single Cell / Inferring single cell trajectories with Monocle3 🧐
- Single Cell / Inferring single cell trajectories with Scanpy (Python) 🧐
- Single Cell / Filter, plot and explore single-cell RNA-seq data with Scanpy (Python) 🧐
- Single Cell / Combining single cell datasets after pre-processing 🧐
- Single Cell / Pre-processing of Single-Cell RNA Data 🧐
- Single Cell / Pre-processing of 10X Single-Cell RNA Datasets 🧐
- Single Cell / Importing files from public atlases 🧐
- Single Cell / Generating a single cell matrix using Alevin and combining datasets (bash + R) 🧐
- Single Cell / Converting NCBI Data to the AnnData Format 🧐
- Single Cell / Filter, plot and explore single-cell RNA-seq data with Scanpy 🧐
- Single Cell / Understanding Barcodes 🧐
- Single Cell / Bulk RNA Deconvolution with MuSiC 🧐
- Single Cell / Filter, plot, and explore single cell RNA-seq data with Seurat 🧐
- Single Cell / Downstream Single-cell RNA analysis with RaceID 🧐
- Single Cell / GO Enrichment Analysis on Single-Cell RNA-Seq Data 🧐
- Single Cell / Single-cell ATAC-seq standard processing with SnapATAC2 🧐
- Single Cell / Removing the effects of the cell cycle 🧐
- Single Cell / Clustering 3K PBMCs with Seurat 📝 🧐
- Single Cell / Matrix Exchange Format to ESet | Creating a single-cell RNA-seq reference dataset for deconvolution 🧐
- Single Cell / Inferring single cell trajectories with Monocle3 (R) 🧐
- Single Cell / Evaluating Reference Data for Bulk RNA Deconvolution 🧐
- Single Cell / Converting between common single cell data formats 🧐
- Single Cell / Pseudobulk Analysis with Decoupler and EdgeR 🧐
- Single Cell / Bulk matrix to ESet | Creating the bulk RNA-seq dataset for deconvolution 🧐
- Single Cell / Clustering 3K PBMCs with Scanpy 🧐
- Single Cell / Multi-sample batch correction with Harmony and SnapATAC2 🧐
- Single Cell / Scanpy Parameter Iterator 🧐
- Single Cell / Inferring single cell trajectories with Scanpy 🧐
- Single Cell / Comparing inferred cell compositions using MuSiC deconvolution 🧐
- Transcriptomics / Reference-based RNAseq data analysis (long) 🧐
- Transcriptomics / Visualization of RNA-Seq results with Volcano Plot in R 🧐
- Transcriptomics / Genome-wide alternative splicing analysis 🧐
- Transcriptomics / De novo transcriptome assembly, annotation, and differential expression analysis 🧐
- Transcriptomics / Whole transcriptome analysis of Arabidopsis thaliana 🧐
- Transcriptomics / Small Non-coding RNA Clustering using BlockClust 🧐
- Transcriptomics / Pathway analysis with the MINERVA Platform ✍️ 🧐
- Transcriptomics / De novo transcriptome reconstruction with RNA-Seq 🧐
- Transcriptomics / RNA Seq Counts to Viz in R 🧐
- Transcriptomics / Differential abundance testing of small RNAs 🧐
- Transcriptomics / Visualization of RNA-Seq results with CummeRbund 🧐
- Transcriptomics / GO Enrichment Analysis 🧐
- Transcriptomics / RNA-Seq analysis with AskOmics Interactive Tool 🧐
- Transcriptomics / 2: RNA-seq counts to genes 🧐
- Transcriptomics / 1: RNA-Seq reads to counts 🧐
- Transcriptomics / RNA-RNA interactome data analysis 🧐
- Transcriptomics / RNA-seq Alignment with STAR 📝 🧐
- Transcriptomics / Visualization of RNA-Seq results with Volcano Plot 🧐
- Transcriptomics / Reference-based RNA-Seq data analysis 🧐
- Transcriptomics / Visualization of RNA-Seq results with heatmap2 🧐
- Transcriptomics / Network analysis with Heinz 🧐
- Transcriptomics / CLIP-Seq data analysis from pre-processing to motif detection 🧐
- Using Galaxy and Managing your Data / Downloading and Deleting Data in Galaxy 🧐
- Using Galaxy and Managing your Data / Rule Based Uploader: Advanced 🧐
- Using Galaxy and Managing your Data / Workflow Reports ✍️ 🧐
- Using Galaxy and Managing your Data / Group tags for complex experimental designs 🧐
- Using Galaxy and Managing your Data / JupyterLab in Galaxy 🧐
- Using Galaxy and Managing your Data / Creating, Editing and Importing Galaxy Workflows 🧐
- Using Galaxy and Managing your Data / InterMine integration with Galaxy 🧐
- Using Galaxy and Managing your Data / RStudio in Galaxy 🧐
- Using Galaxy and Managing your Data / Automating Galaxy workflows using the command line 🧐
- Using Galaxy and Managing your Data / Submitting sequence data to ENA 🧐
- Using Galaxy and Managing your Data / Searching Your History 🧐
- Using Galaxy and Managing your Data / Extracting Workflows from Histories 🧐
- Using Galaxy and Managing your Data / Use Jupyter notebooks in Galaxy 🧐
- Using Galaxy and Managing your Data / Using dataset collections 🧐
- Using Galaxy and Managing your Data / Using Workflow Parameters 🧐
- Using Galaxy and Managing your Data / Understanding Galaxy history system 📝 🧐
- Using Galaxy and Managing your Data / SRA Aligned Read Format to Speed Up SARS-CoV-2 data Analysis 🧐
- Using Galaxy and Managing your Data / Name tags for following complex histories 🧐
- Using Galaxy and Managing your Data / Rule Based Uploader 🧐
- Proteomics / Clinical Metaproteomics 2: Discovery 🧐
- Proteomics / Library Generation for DIA Analysis 🧐
- Proteomics / EncyclopeDIA 🧐
- Proteomics / Mass spectrometry imaging: Loading and exploring MSI data 🧐
- Proteomics / Proteogenomics 2: Database Search 🧐
- Proteomics / metaQuantome 3: Taxonomy 🧐
- Proteomics / metaQuantome 2: Function 🧐
- Proteomics / Protein FASTA Database Handling 🧐
- Proteomics / MaxQuant and MSstats for the analysis of TMT data 🧐
- Proteomics / Biomarker candidate identification 🧐
- Proteomics / Detection and quantitation of N-termini (degradomics) via N-TAILS 🧐
- Proteomics / Clinical Metaproteomics 3: Verification 🧐
- Proteomics / Clinical Metaproteomics 4: Quantitation 🧐
- Proteomics / Peptide and Protein Quantification via Stable Isotope Labelling (SIL) 🧐
- Proteomics / Clinical Metaproteomics 1: Database-Generation 🧐
- Proteomics / DIA Analysis using OpenSwathWorkflow 🧐
- Proteomics / Label-free versus Labelled - How to Choose Your Quantitation Method 🧐
- Proteomics / metaQuantome 1: Data creation 🧐
- Proteomics / Proteogenomics 3: Novel peptide analysis 🧐
- Proteomics / Peptide Library Data Analysis 🧐
- Proteomics / Machine Learning Modeling of Anticancer Peptides 🧐
- Proteomics / Proteogenomics 1: Database Creation 🧐
- Proteomics / Label-free data analysis using MaxQuant 🧐
- Proteomics / Clinical Metaproteomics 5: Data Interpretation 🧐
- Proteomics / Annotating a protein list identified by LC-MS/MS experiments 🧐
- Proteomics / Peptide and Protein ID using OpenMS tools 🧐
- Proteomics / Metaproteomics tutorial 🧐
- Proteomics / Multiomics data analysis using MultiGSEA 🧐
- Proteomics / Secretome Prediction 🧐
- Proteomics / Peptide and Protein ID using SearchGUI and PeptideShaker 🧐
- Assembly / Genome Assembly of a bacterial genome (MRSA) sequenced using Illumina MiSeq Data 📝 🧐
- Assembly / Genome assembly using PacBio data 🧐
- Assembly / Genome Assembly Quality Control 🧐
- Assembly / Unicycler assembly of SARS-CoV-2 genome with preprocessing to remove human genome reads 🧐
- Assembly / Unicycler Assembly 🧐
- Assembly / Large genome assembly and polishing 🧐
- Assembly / An Introduction to Genome Assembly 🧐
- Assembly / ERGA post-assembly QC 🧐
- Assembly / De Bruijn Graph Assembly ✍️ 🧐
- Assembly / Genome Assembly of MRSA from Oxford Nanopore MinION data (and optionally Illumina data) 📝 🧐
- Assembly / Chloroplast genome assembly 🧐
- Assembly / Making sense of a newly assembled genome 🧐
- Assembly / Decontamination of a genome assembly 🧐
- Assembly / Vertebrate genome assembly using HiFi, Bionano and Hi-C data - Step by Step 🧐
- Assembly / Using the VGP workflows to assemble a vertebrate genome with HiFi and Hi-C data 🧐
- Evolution / Identifying tuberculosis transmission links: from SNPs to transmission clusters 🧐
- Evolution / Tree thinking for tuberculosis evolution and epidemiology 🧐
- Galaxy Server administration / Enable upload via FTP 🧐
- Galaxy Server administration / Reference Data with CVMFS 🧐
- Galaxy Server administration / Galaxy Installation with Ansible 📝 🧐
- Galaxy Server administration / Training Infrastructure as a Service (TIaaS) ✍️ 🧐
- Galaxy Server administration / Upgrading Galaxy 🧐
- Galaxy Server administration / Running Jobs on Remote Resources with Pulsar 🧐
- Galaxy Server administration / How I learned to stop worrying and love the systemd 🧐
- Galaxy Server administration / Reference Data with CVMFS without Ansible 🧐
- Galaxy Server administration / Galaxy Monitoring with gxadmin 🧐
- Galaxy Server administration / Deploying Tailscale/Headscale for private mesh networking 🧐
- Galaxy Server administration / Data Libraries ✍️ 🧐
- Galaxy Server administration / Setting up Celery Workers for Galaxy 🧐
- Galaxy Server administration / Deploying Wireguard for private mesh networking 🧐
- Galaxy Server administration / Connecting Galaxy to a compute cluster 🧐
- Galaxy Server administration / Galaxy Database schema 🧐
- Galaxy Server administration / Galaxy usage on SURF Research Cloud 🧐
- Galaxy Server administration / Deploying a Beacon v1 in Galaxy 📝 🧐
- Galaxy Server administration / Galaxy Monitoring with Reports 🧐
- Galaxy Server administration / Pulsar usage on SURF Research Cloud 🧐
- Galaxy Server administration / Automation with Jenkins 🧐
- Galaxy Server administration / Server Maintenance: Cleanup, Backup, and Restoration 🧐
- Galaxy Server administration / Deploying a compute cluster in OpenStack via Terraform 🧐
- Galaxy Server administration / Galaxy Interactive Tools 🧐
- Galaxy Server administration / Distributed Object Storage 🧐
- Galaxy Server administration / Monitoring Galaxy and Pulsar with Sentry 🧐
- Galaxy Server administration / Managing Galaxy on Kubernetes 🧐
- Galaxy Server administration / Customizing the look of Galaxy 🧐
- Galaxy Server administration / External Authentication 🧐
- Galaxy Server administration / Performant Uploads with TUS 🧐
- Galaxy Server administration / Create a subdomain for your community on 🧐
- Galaxy Server administration / Galaxy Tool Management with Ephemeris 🧐
- Galaxy Server administration / Ansible ✍️ 🧐
- Galaxy Server administration / Mapping Jobs to Destinations using TPV 🧐
- Galaxy Server administration / Galaxy Monitoring with Telegraf and Grafana 🧐
- Galaxy Server administration / Use Apptainer containers for running Galaxy jobs 🧐
- Galaxy Server administration / Galaxy Installation on Kubernetes 🧐
- Introduction to Galaxy Analyses / Introduction to Genomics and Galaxy 🧐
- Introduction to Galaxy Analyses / Upload data to Galaxy 🧐
- Introduction to Galaxy Analyses / Galaxy Basics for genomics ✍️ 🧐
- Introduction to Galaxy Analyses / Galaxy Basics for everyone ✍️ 🧐
- Introduction to Galaxy Analyses / How to reproduce published Galaxy analyses 🧐
- Introduction to Galaxy Analyses / Data Manipulation Olympics ✍️ 🧐
- Introduction to Galaxy Analyses / IGV Introduction 🧐
- Introduction to Galaxy Analyses / Very Short Introductions: QC 🧐
- Introduction to Galaxy Analyses / A short introduction to Galaxy 🧐
- Introduction to Galaxy Analyses / From peaks to genes 🧐
- Introduction to Galaxy Analyses / NGS data logistics 🧐
- Microbiome / Identification of the micro-organisms in a beer using Nanopore sequencing 🧐
- Microbiome / Taxonomic Profiling and Visualization of Metagenomic Data 🧐
- Microbiome / Pathogen detection from (direct Nanopore) sequencing data using Galaxy - Foodborne Edition 🧐
- Microbiome / QIIME 2 Cancer Microbiome Intervention 🧐
- Microbiome / Identifying Mycorrhizal Fungi from ITS2 sequencing using LotuS2 🧐
- Microbiome / Antibiotic resistance detection ✍️ 🧐
- Microbiome / Building an amplicon sequence variant (ASV) table from 16S data using DADA2 🧐
- Microbiome / Metatranscriptomics analysis using microbiome RNA-seq data ✍️ 🧐
- Microbiome / Analyses of metagenomics data - The global picture ✍️ 🧐
- Microbiome / 16S Microbial Analysis with mothur (short) ✍️ 🧐
- Microbiome / 16S Microbial analysis with Nanopore data 🧐
- Microbiome / Calculating α and β diversity from microbiome taxonomic data 🧐
- Microbiome / Metatranscriptomics analysis using microbiome RNA-seq data (short) ✍️ 🧐
- Microbiome / 16S Microbial Analysis with mothur (extended) ✍️ 🧐
- Microbiome / Assembly of metagenomic sequencing data 🧐
- Variant Analysis / Microbial Variant Calling 🧐
- Variant Analysis / Mutation calling, viral genome reconstruction and lineage/clade assignment from SARS-CoV-2 sequencing data 🧐
- Variant Analysis / Trio Analysis using Synthetic Datasets from RD-Connect GPAP ✍️ 🧐
- Variant Analysis / Avian influenza viral strain analysis from gene segment sequencing data 🧐
- Variant Analysis / Calling very rare variants 🧐
- Variant Analysis / Calling variants in non-diploid systems 🧐
- Variant Analysis / Querying the University of Bradford GDC Beacon Database for Copy Number Variants (CNVs) 🧐
- Variant Analysis / Pox virus genome analysis from tiled-amplicon sequencing data 🧐
- Variant Analysis / M. tuberculosis Variant Analysis 🧐
- Variant Analysis / Calling variants in diploid systems 🧐
- Variant Analysis / Exome sequencing data analysis for diagnosing a genetic disease 🧐
- Variant Analysis / Working with Beacon V2: A Comprehensive Guide to Creating, Uploading, and Searching for Variants with Beacons 🧐
- Variant Analysis / Somatic Variant Discovery from WES Data Using Control-FREEC 🧐
- Variant Analysis / Identification of somatic and germline variants from tumor and normal sample pairs 🧐
- Variant Analysis / From NCBI's Sequence Read Archive (SRA) to Galaxy: SARS-CoV-2 variant analysis 🧐
- Variant Analysis / Mapping and molecular identification of phenotype-causing mutations 🧐
- FAIR Data, Workflows, and Research / FAIR Galaxy Training Material 🧐
- FAIR Data, Workflows, and Research / DataPLANT ARCs ✍️ 🧐
- FAIR Data, Workflows, and Research / Making clinical datasets FAIR 🧐
- FAIR Data, Workflows, and Research / FAIR Bioimage Metadata 🧐
- FAIR Data, Workflows, and Research / Exporting Workflow Run RO-Crates from Galaxy 🧐
- FAIR Data, Workflows, and Research / FAIR in a nutshell 🧐
- FAIR Data, Workflows, and Research / FAIR data management solutions 🧐
- FAIR Data, Workflows, and Research / RO-Crate in Python 🧐
- FAIR Data, Workflows, and Research / REMBI - Recommended Metadata for Biological Images – metadata guidelines for bioimaging data 🧐
- FAIR Data, Workflows, and Research / Submitting workflows to LifeMonitor 🧐
- FAIR Data, Workflows, and Research / RO-Crate - Introduction 🧐
- FAIR Data, Workflows, and Research / Data Registration 🧐
- FAIR Data, Workflows, and Research / Best practices for workflows in GitHub repositories 🧐
- FAIR Data, Workflows, and Research / Introduction to Data Management Plan (DMP) for Peatland Research and PeatDataHub 🧐
- FAIR Data, Workflows, and Research / Workflow Run RO-Crate Introduction 🧐
- FAIR Data, Workflows, and Research / Sequence data submission to ENA 🧐
- Metabolomics / Mass spectrometry imaging: Examining the spatial distribution of analytes 🧐
- Metabolomics / Mass spectrometry: LC-MS analysis 🧐
- Metabolomics / Mass spectrometry imaging: Finding differential analytes 🧐
- Metabolomics / Predicting EI+ mass spectra with QCxMS 🧐
- Metabolomics / Mass spectrometry: LC-MS preprocessing with XCMS 🧐
- Metabolomics / Mass spectrometry : GC-MS analysis with metaMS package 🧐
- Metabolomics / Mass spectrometry: LC-MS data processing 🧐
- Metabolomics / Mass spectrometry: GC-MS data processing (with XCMS, RAMClustR, RIAssigner, and matchms) 🧐
- Galaxy Community Building / Creating a Special Interest Group 📝 🧐
- Galaxy Community Building / Creation of an interactive Galaxy tools table for your community 🧐
- Galaxy Community Building / Creating community content ✍️ 🧐
- Galaxy Community Building / What's a Special Interest Group? 📝 🧐
- Galaxy Community Building / Make your tools available on your subdomain 🧐
- Ecology / Cleaning GBIF data using OpenRefine 🧐
- Ecology / Metabarcoding/eDNA through Obitools 🧐
- Ecology / Data submission using ENA upload Tool 🧐
- Ecology / RAD-Seq de-novo data analysis 🧐
- Ecology / Marine Omics identifying biosynthetic gene clusters 🧐
- Ecology / RAD-Seq Reference-based data analysis 🧐
- Ecology / Compute and analyze biodiversity metrics with PAMPA toolsuite 🧐
- Ecology / Champs blocs indicators 🧐
- Ecology / Creating FAIR Quality assessment reports and draft of Data Papers from EML metadata with MetaShRIMPS 🧐
- Ecology / Biodiversity data exploration 🧐
- Ecology / Checking expected species and contamination in bacterial isolate 🧐
- Ecology / Sentinel 2 biodiversity 🧐
- Ecology / Visualize EBV cube data with Panoply netCDF viewer 🧐
- Ecology / Obis marine indicators 🧐
- Ecology / RAD-Seq to construct genetic maps 🧐
- Ecology / QGIS Web Feature Services 🧐
- Ecology / Ecoregionalization workflow tutorial 🧐
- Ecology / Regional GAM 🧐
- Ecology / Visualization of Climate Data using NetCDF xarray Map Plotting 🧐
- Ecology / Species distribution modeling 🧐
- Ecology / Cleaning GBIF data for the use in Ecology 🧐
- Ecology / Preparing genomic data for phylogeny reconstruction 🧐
- Foundations of Data Science / Make & Snakemake 🧐
- Foundations of Data Science / Python - Type annotations 🧐
- Foundations of Data Science / Python - Testing 🧐
- Foundations of Data Science / Advanced SQL 🧐
- Foundations of Data Science / dplyr & tidyverse for data processing 🧐
- Foundations of Data Science / SQL with R 🧐
- Foundations of Data Science / CLI basics 🧐
- Foundations of Data Science / Advanced CLI in Galaxy 🧐
- Foundations of Data Science / A (very) brief history of genomics 🧐
- Foundations of Data Science / Virtual Environments For Software Development 🧐
- Foundations of Data Science / Introduction to sequencing with Python (part four) 🧐
- Foundations of Data Science / Python - Argparse 🧐
- Foundations of Data Science / Advanced R in Galaxy 🧐
- Foundations of Data Science / Introduction to sequencing with Python (part two) 🧐
- Foundations of Data Science / SQL with Python 🧐
- Foundations of Data Science / SQL Educational Game - Murder Mystery 🧐
- Foundations of Data Science / Python - Warm-up for statistics and machine learning 🧐
- Foundations of Data Science / Python - Coding Style 🧐
- Foundations of Data Science / R basics in Galaxy 🧐
- Foundations of Data Science / One protein along the UniProt page 🧐
- Foundations of Data Science / Data Manipulation Olympics - SQL ✍️ 🧐
- Foundations of Data Science / Advanced Python 🧐
- Foundations of Data Science / Data Manipulation Olympics - JQ ✍️ 🧐
- Foundations of Data Science / Basics of using Git from the Command Line 🧐
- Foundations of Data Science / Python - Introductory Graduation 🧐
- Foundations of Data Science / Python - Multiprocessing 🧐
- Foundations of Data Science / Data manipulation with Pandas 🧐
- Foundations of Data Science / Introduction to SQL 🧐
- Foundations of Data Science / Version Control with Git 📝 🧐
- Foundations of Data Science / Data visualisation Olympics - Visualization in R ⚙️ 🧐
- Foundations of Data Science / Plotting in Python 🧐
- Foundations of Data Science / Python - Math 🧐
- Foundations of Data Science / Introduction to Python 🧐
- Foundations of Data Science / Conda Environments For Software Development 🧐
- Foundations of Data Science / Python - Functions 🧐
- Foundations of Data Science / Learning about one gene across biological resources and formats 🧐
- Foundations of Data Science / Python - Files & CSV 🧐
- Foundations of Data Science / CLI Educational Game - Bashcrawl 🧐
- Foundations of Data Science / Variant Calling Workflow ✍️ 🧐
- Foundations of Data Science / Python - Lists & Strings & Dictionaries 🧐
- Single Cell / Generación de una matriz de datos de secuenciación de ARN de células únicas utilizando Alevin 🧐
- Single Cell / Generación de una matriz de datos de secuenciación de ARN de células únicas utilizando Alevin 🧐
- Single Cell / Filtrado, representación y exploración de secuenciación de ARN de células únicas 🧐
- Introduction to Galaxy Analyses / Breve introducción a Galaxy - en español 🧐
- Ecology / Production d'indicateurs champs de bloc 🧐
- Synthetic Biology / Introduction to Synthetic Biology 🧐
- Development in Galaxy / Galaxy from a developer point of view 🧐
- Development in Galaxy / Tool Dependencies and Conda 🧐
- Development in Galaxy / Galaxy Code Architecture 🧐
- Development in Galaxy / Prerequisites for building software/conda packages 🧐
- Development in Galaxy / Galaxy Webhooks 🧐
- Development in Galaxy / Tool Shed: sharing Galaxy tools 🧐
- Development in Galaxy / Generic plugins ✍️ 🧐
- Development in Galaxy / Tool development and integration into Galaxy ✍️ 🧐
- Development in Galaxy / Introduction to the ToolFactory tutorial. 🧐
- Development in Galaxy / Galaxy Interactive Tours 🧐
- Development in Galaxy / Visualizations: JavaScript Plugins ✍️ 🧐
- Development in Galaxy / Scripting Galaxy using the API and BioBlend 🧐
- Development in Galaxy / Galaxy Interactive Environments ✍️ 🧐
- Development in Galaxy / Tool Dependencies and Containers 🧐
- Contributing to the Galaxy Training Material / Contributing with GitHub via command-line 🧐
- Contributing to the Galaxy Training Material / Creating Slides ✍️ 🧐
- Contributing to the Galaxy Training Material / Overview of the Galaxy Training Material 🧐
- Visualisation / Circos ✍️ 🧐
- Visualisation / JBrowse ✍️ 🧐
- Visualisation / Friends Don't Let Friends Make Bad Graphs 🧐
- Visualisation / Visualisations in Galaxy ✍️ 🧐
- Genome Annotation / Refining Genome Annotations with Apollo 🧐
- Genome Annotation / Genome annotation with Prokka 🧐
- Genome Annotation / High Performance Computing for Pairwise Genome Comparison 🧐
- Genome Annotation / Introduction to Genome Annotation 🧐
- Teaching and Hosting Galaxy training / Overview of the Galaxy Training Material for Instructors 🧐
- Teaching and Hosting Galaxy training / Workshop Kickoff ✍️ 🧐
- Sequence analysis / Quality Control 🧐
- Sequence analysis / Mapping ✍️ 🧐
- Statistics and machine learning / Regulations/standards for AI using DOME 🧐
- Statistics and machine learning / Generative Artificial Intelligence and Large Langage Model using Python 🧐
- Statistics and machine learning / Foundational Aspects of Machine Learning 🧐
- Statistics and machine learning / Deep Learning (without Generative Artificial Intelligence) using Python 🧐
- Statistics and machine learning / Feedforward neural networks (FNN) Deep Learning - Part 1 🧐
- Statistics and machine learning / Convolutional neural networks (CNN) Deep Learning - Part 3 🧐
- Statistics and machine learning / Recurrent neural networks (RNN) Deep Learning - Part 2 🧐
- Statistics and machine learning / Neural networks using Python 🧐
Nucleoli Segmentation
Feature Extraction
using CellProfiler 🧐 - Epigenetics / Introduction to ChIP-Seq data analysis 🧐
- Epigenetics / Introduction to ATAC-Seq data analysis 🧐
- Epigenetics / ChIP-seq data analysis 🧐
- Epigenetics / EWAS Epigenome-Wide Association Studies Introduction 🧐
- Epigenetics / Introduction to DNA Methylation data analysis 🧐
- Climate / Pangeo ecosystem 101 for everyone 🧐
- Climate / The Pangeo ecosystem 🧐
- Climate / Functionally Assembled Terrestrial Ecosystem Simulator (FATES) 🧐
- Climate / Introduction to climate data 🧐
- Single Cell / Automated Cell Annotation 🧐
- Single Cell / An introduction to scRNA-seq data analysis 🧐
- Single Cell / GO Enrichment Analysis on Single-Cell RNA-Seq Data 🧐
- Single Cell / Plates, Batches, and Barcodes 🧐
- Single Cell / Single-cell Formats and Resources 🧐
- Single Cell / Trajectory analysis 🧐
- Transcriptomics / Visualization of RNA-Seq results with CummeRbund 🧐
- Transcriptomics / Integrate and query local datasets and distant RDF data with AskOmics using Semantic Web technologies 🧐
- Transcriptomics / Introduction to Transcriptomics 🧐
- Transcriptomics / Network Analysis with Heinz 🧐
- Using Galaxy and Managing your Data / Galaxy workflows in Dockstore 🧐
- Using Galaxy and Managing your Data / Getting data into Galaxy ✍️ 🧐
- Using Galaxy and Managing your Data / Introduction to SRA Aligned Read Format and Cloud Metadata for SARS-CoV-2 🧐
- Proteomics / Introduction to proteomics, protein identification, quantification and statistical modelling 🧐
- Assembly / Genome assembly quality control. 🧐
- Assembly / Deeper look into Genome Assembly algorithms 🧐
- Assembly / Unicycler assembly of SARS-CoV-2 genome with preprocessing to remove human genome reads 🧐
- Assembly / Unicycler Assembly 🧐
- Assembly / An introduction to get started in genome assembly and annotation 🧐
- Assembly / An Introduction to Genome Assembly 🧐
- Assembly / De Bruijn Graph Assembly 🧐
- Evolution / Phylogenetics - Back to Basics - Introduction 🧐
- Evolution / Phylogenetics - Back to Basics - Estimating trees from alignments 🧐
- Evolution / Phylogenetics - Back to Basics - Terminology 🧐
- Evolution / Phylogenetics - Back to Basics - Phylogenetic Networks 🧐
- Evolution / Phylogenetics - Back to Basics - Building Trees 🧐
- Evolution / Phylogenetics - Back to Basics - Multiple Sequence Alignment 🧐
- Galaxy Server administration / Empathy ✍️ 🧐
- Galaxy Server administration / Galaxy Monitoring 🧐
- Galaxy Server administration / User, Role, Group, Quota, and Authentication managment 🧐
- Galaxy Server administration / Reference Genomes in Galaxy 🧐
- Galaxy Server administration / Reference Data with CVMFS 🧐
- Galaxy Server administration / Galaxy Installation with Ansible 🧐
- Galaxy Server administration / Running Jobs on Remote Resources with Pulsar 🧐
- Galaxy Server administration / Galaxy Monitoring with gxadmin 🧐
- Galaxy Server administration / Docker and Galaxy 🧐
- Galaxy Server administration / Storage Management ✍️ 🧐
- Galaxy Server administration / Connecting Galaxy to a compute cluster 🧐
- Galaxy Server administration / Controlling Galaxy with systemd or Supervisor 🧐
- Galaxy Server administration / Server Maintenance: Cleanup, Backup, and Restoration 🧐
- Galaxy Server administration / Terraform 🧐
- Galaxy Server administration / Galaxy Interactive Tools 🧐
- Galaxy Server administration / Galaxy on the Cloud 🧐
- Galaxy Server administration / Storage Management 🧐
- Galaxy Server administration / uWSGI 🧐
- Galaxy Server administration / Gearing towards production 🧐
- Galaxy Server administration / External Authentication 🧐
- Galaxy Server administration / Server: Other 🧐
- Galaxy Server administration / Galaxy Tool Management with Ephemeris 🧐
- Galaxy Server administration / Galactic Database 🧐
- Galaxy Server administration / Galaxy Troubleshooting 🧐
- Galaxy Server administration / Advanced customisation of a Galaxy instance 🧐
- Galaxy Server administration / Ansible 🧐
- Galaxy Server administration / Galaxy Monitoring with Telegraf and Grafana 🧐
- Galaxy Server administration / Galaxy from an administrator's point of view 🧐
- Introduction to Galaxy Analyses / Options for using Galaxy 🧐
- Introduction to Galaxy Analyses / A Short Introduction to Galaxy ✍️ 🧐
- Introduction to Galaxy Analyses / Introduction to Galaxy ✍️ 🧐
- Microbiome / Introduction to metatranscriptomics ✍️ 🧐
- Microbiome / Introduction to Microbiome Analysis ✍️ 🧐
- Variant Analysis / Introduction to Variant analysis 🧐
- FAIR Data, Workflows, and Research / Intro to DataPLANT ARCs ✍️
- Metabolomics / Predicting EI+ mass spectra with QCxMS 🧐
- Metabolomics / Mass spectrometry: LC-MS preprocessing - advanced 🧐
- Metabolomics / Introduction to Metabolomics 🧐
- Foundations of Data Science / A brief history of modern biology 🧐
- Foundations of Data Science / Bioinformatics Data Types and Databases 🧐
- Single Cell / Introducción al análisis de datos de scRNA-seq 🧐
- Introduction to Galaxy Analyses / Una breve introducción a Galaxy ✍️ 🧐
- Single Cell / Una introducción al análisis de datos scRNA-seq 🧐
- Introduction to Galaxy Analyses / Una Breve Introducción a Galaxy ✍️ 🧐
- Can I create multiple Galaxy accounts?
- How can I adapt this tutorial to my own data?
- How can I adapt this tutorial to my own data?
- Adding a custom database/build (dbkey)
- How can I do analysis X? - Getting help
- My jobs aren't running!
- Regular Expressions 101
- Results may vary
- Troubleshooting errors
- Define once, reference many times
- Adding a tag to a collection
- Creating a dataset collection
- Creating a paired collection
- Changing the datatype of a collection
- Converting the datatype of a collection
- Renaming a collection
- How do I find the Community Home pages?
- Thanks!
- How can I get started with contributing?
- How can I contribute in "advanced" mode?
- How can I give feedback?
- What can I do to help the project?
- How can I report mistakes or errors?
- How can I test an Interactive Tour?
- How can I create new content without dealing with git?
- Adding a tag
- Changing the datatype
- Changing database/build (dbkey)
- Converting the file format
- Creating a new file
- Detecting the datatype (file format)
- Importing data from a data library
- Importing data from remote files
- Importing via links
- Renaming a dataset
- Upload many files (>10) via FTP
- Compressed FASTQ files, (`*.gz`)
- FASTQ files: `fastq` vs `fastqsanger` vs ..
- Using the Window Manager to view multiple datasets
- Where can I read more about Quality Control of data?
- How many mules?
- Are there any upcoming events focused on Galaxy Training?
- What is Galaxy?
- Forking the GTN repository
- Updating the default branch from master to main
- Syncing your Fork of the GTN
- GTN ADR: Image Storage
- GTN ADR: Why Jekyll and not another Static Site Generator (SSG)
- GTN Architectural Decision Record Template
- Using tutorial mode and the Case Study suite
- What is this website?
- How can I advertise the training materials on my posters?
- What audiences are the tutorials for?
- How can I cite the GTN?
- Creating a GTN Event
- How is the content licensed?
- Creating a GTN News post
- Sustainability of the training-material and metadata
- Supporting Tutorial Mode (GTN-in-Galaxy) in a tutorial
- What are the tutorials for?
- Copy a dataset between histories
- Créer un nouvel history
- Creating a new history
- Renaming a history
- Searching your history
- Sharing your History
- Which icons are available to use in my tutorial?
- The input for a tool is not listed in the dropdown
- The input for a tool is not listed in the dropdown
- Install tools via the Admin UI
- What are the best practices for teaching with Galaxy?
- What Galaxy instance should I use for my training?
- How do I get help?
- Where do I start?
- Launch JupyterLab
- Launch RStudio
- Stop RStudio
- JBrowse is taking a long time to complete?
- How can I get help?
- Where do I start?
- Where can I run the hands-on tutorials?
- How do I use this material?
- Defining a Learning Pathway
- How do I find the Maintainer Home pages?
- Where can I read more about this analysis?
- Where can I read more about this analysis?
- MultiQC error for your FastQC reports?
- I cannot run client tests because yarn is not installed.
- Getting your API key
- Adding your recording to a tutorial or slide deck
- Recording a video tutorial
- Illumina MiSeq sequencing
- Nanopore sequencing
- What is a SNP?
- Where do I get more support?
- Contacting Galaxy Administrators
- Changing the tool version
- Organizing the tool panel
- Viewing tool logs (`stdout` and `stderr`)
- If a Tool is Missing
- Re-running a tool
- Selecting a dataset collection as input
- Select multiple datasets
- Multipile similar tools available
- How can I create a tutorial skeleton from a Galaxy workflow?
- Using tutorial mode
- Using IGV with Galaxy
- Add genome and annotations to IGV from Galaxy
- Add Mapped reads track to IGV from Galaxy
- What is a Learning Pathway?
- Creating a new workflow
- Opening the workflow editor
- Extracting a workflow from your history
- Hiding intermediate steps
- Importing a workflow
- Setting parameters at run-time
- Renaming workflow outputs
- Viewing a workflow report
- Running a workflow
Video Recordings
- Contributing to the Galaxy Training Material / Creating Slides 💬
- Visualisation / Circos 💬
- Transcriptomics / Introduction to Transcriptomics 💬
- Assembly / An Introduction to Genome Assembly 💬
- Galaxy Server administration / Running Jobs on Remote Resources with Pulsar 💬
- Microbiome / Introduction to Microbiome Analysis 💬 🗣
- Contributing to the Galaxy Training Material / Preview the GTN website as you edit your training material 💬 🗣
- Visualisation / Visualisation with Circos 💬
- Sequence analysis / Quality Control 💬
- Sequence analysis / Mapping 💬
- Transcriptomics / RNA Seq Counts to Viz in R 💬
- Transcriptomics / Reference-based RNA-Seq data analysis 💬
- Using Galaxy and Managing your Data / Workflow Reports 💬 🗣
- Using Galaxy and Managing your Data / Understanding Galaxy history system 💬 🗣
- Galaxy Server administration / Galaxy Installation with Ansible 💬
- Galaxy Server administration / Training Infrastructure as a Service (TIaaS) 💬
- Galaxy Server administration / Data Libraries 💬 🗣
- Galaxy Server administration / Connecting Galaxy to a compute cluster 💬
- Galaxy Server administration / Mapping Jobs to Destinations using TPV 💬
- Galaxy Server administration / Galaxy Monitoring with Telegraf and Grafana 💬
- Introduction to Galaxy Analyses / Galaxy Basics for genomics 💬
- Microbiome / Metatranscriptomics analysis using microbiome RNA-seq data 💬 🗣
- Microbiome / 16S Microbial Analysis with mothur (short) 💬 🗣
- Microbiome / Metatranscriptomics analysis using microbiome RNA-seq data (short) 💬 🗣
- Admin Training @ GCC 2022: Online Training Day 🎪
- My Training Event Title 🎪
- Galaxy Training Academy 2025 🎪
- Galaxy Training Academy 2024 🎪
GitHub Activity
github Issues Reported
344 Merged Pull Requests
See all of the github Pull Requests and github Commits by Saskia Hiltemann.
add reviewers to contributions metadata
imaging -
Support ISBN field in references
template-and-toolsstatistics -
Updates to Editorial Boards
assemblyimaging -
Add Tutorial for Text-Mining Chinese
statistics -
Editorial board page
Reviewed 1203 PRs
We love our community reviewing each other's work!
Update - minor
faqs -
Update Jbrowse parameter
variant-analysisassemblygenome-annotation -
Auto Compress Images
Update Persistent uniform resource locators
Update Cached Commit Data

Next GTN CoFest May 20, 2021

New Feature: FAQs

New Tutorials: Genome assembly of a MRSA genome

¿Hablas español?: The first curated tutorial in Spanish!

Oh no, it changed! Quick, to the archive menu.

New Tutorial: GitPod for contributing to the GTN

New Tutorial: Data Manipulation

GTN Video Library 2.0: 107 hours of learning across 154 videos

GTN Video Library 2.0: 107 hours of learning across 154 videos

4th Mycobacterium tuberculosis complex NGS made easy

An Ode to Helena - from the 🥓Bacon Brigade
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