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# Feedforward neural networks (FNN) Deep Learning - Part 1
Kaivan Kamali
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hands-on](/training-material/topics/statistics/tutorials/intro_deep_learning/tutorial.html) --- ### <i class="far fa-question-circle" aria-hidden="true"></i><span class="visually-hidden">question</span> Questions - What is a feedforward neural network (FNN)? - What are some applications of FNN? --- ### <i class="fas fa-bullseye" aria-hidden="true"></i><span class="visually-hidden">objectives</span> Objectives - Understand the inspiration for neural networks - Learn activation functions & various problems solved by neural networks - Discuss various loss/cost functions and backpropagation algorithm - Learn how to create a neural network using Galaxy’s deep learning tools - Solve a sample regression problem via FNN in Galaxy --- # What is an artificial neural network? ??? What is an artificial neural network? --- # Artificial Neural Networks - ML discipline roughly inspired by how neurons in a human brain work - Huge resurgence due to availability of data and computing capacity - Various types of neural networks (Feedforward, Recurrent, Convolutional) - FNN applied to classification, clustering, regression, and association --- # Inspiration for neural networks - Neuron a special biological cell with information processing ability - Receives signals from other neurons through its *dendrites* - If the signals received exceeds a threshold, the neuron fires - Transmits signals to other neurons via its *axon* - *Synapse*: contact between axon of a neuron and denderite of another - Synapse either enhances/inhibits the signal that passes through it - Learning occurs by changing the effectiveness of synapse  <!-- CC0 license--> --- # Celebral cortex - Outter most layer of brain, 2 to 3 mm thick, surface area of 2,200 sq. cm - Has about 10^11 neurons - Each neuron connected to 10^3 to 10^4 neurons - Human brain has 10^14 to 10^15 connections --- # Celebral cortex - Neurons communicate by signals ms in duration - Signal transmission frequency up to several hundred Hertz - Millions of times slower than an electronic circuit - Complex tasks like face recognition done within a few hundred ms - Computation involved cannot take more than 100 serial steps - The information sent from one neuron to another is very small - Critical information not transmitted - But captured by the interconnections - Distributed computation/representation of the brain - Allows slow computing elements to perform complex tasks quickly --- # Perceptron  <!-- CC0 license--> --- # Learning in Perceptron - Given a set of input-output pairs (called *training set*) - Learning algorithm iteratively adjusts model parameters - Weights and biases - So the model can accurately map inputs to outputs - Perceptron learning algorithm --- # Limitations of Perceptron - Single layer FNN cannot solve problems in which data is not linearly separable - E.g., the XOR problem - Adding one (or more) hidden layers enables FNN to represent any function - *Universal Approximation Theorem* - Perceptron learning algorithm could not extend to multi-layer FNN - AI winter - *Backpropagation* algorithm in 80's enabled learning in multi-layer FNN --- # Multi-layer FNN  <!-- CC0 license--> - More hidden layers (and more neurons in each hidden layer) - Can estimate more complex functions - More parameters increases training time - More likelihood of *overfitting* --- # Activation functions  <!-- CC0 license--> --- # Supervised learning - Training set of size *m*: { (x^1,y^1),(x^2,y^2),...,(x^m,y^m) } - Each pair (x^i,y^i) is called a *training example* - x^i is called *feature vector* - Each element of feature vector is called a *feature* - Each x^i corresponds to a *label* y^i - We assume an unknown function y=f(x) maps feature vectors to labels - The goal is to use the training set to learn or estimate f - We want the estimate to be close to f(x) not only for training set - But for training examples not in training set --- # Classification problems  <!-- CC0 license--> --- # Output layer - Binary classification - Single neuron in output layer - Sigmoid activation function - Activation > 0.5, output 1 - Activation <= 0.5, output 0 - Multilabel classification - As many neurons in output layer as number of classes - Sigmoid activation function - Activation > 0.5, output 1 - Activation <= 0.5, output 0 --- # Output layer (Continued) - Multiclass classification - As many neurons in output layer as number of classes - *Softmax* activation function - Takes input to neurons in output layer - Creates a probability distribution, sum of outputs adds up to 1 - The neuron with the highest proability is the predicted label - Regression problem - Single neuron in output layer - Linear activation function --- # Loss/Cost functions - During training, for each training example (x^i,y^i), we present x^i to neural network - Compare predicted output with label y^1 - Need loss function to measure difference between predicted & expected output - Use *Cross entropy* loss function for classification problems - And *Quadratic* loss function for regression problems - Quadratic cost function is also called *Mean Squared Error (MSE)* --- # Cross Entropy Loss/Cost functions  <!-- CC0 license-->  <!-- CC0 license--> --- # Quadratic Loss/Cost functions  <!-- CC0 license-->  <!-- CC0 license--> --- # Backpropagation (BP) learning algorithm - A *gradient descent* technique - Find local minimum of a function by iteratively moving in opposite direction of gradient of function at current point - Goal of learning is to minimize cost function given training set - Cost function is a function of network weights & biases of all neurons in all layers - Backpropagation iteratively computes gradient of cost function relative to each weight and bias - Updates weights and biases in the opposite direction of gradient - Gradients (partial derivatives) are used to update weights and biases - To find a local minimum --- # Backpropagation error  <!-- CC0 license--> --- # Backpropagation formulas  <!-- CC0 license--> --- # Types of Gradient Descent - *Batch* gradient descent - Calculate gradient for each weight/bias for *all* samples - Average gradients and update weights/biases - Slow, if we have too many samples - *Stochastic* gradient descent - Update weights/biases based on gradient of *each* sample - Fast. Not accurate if sample gradient not representiative - *Mini-batch* gradient descent - Middle ground solution - Calculate gradient for each weight/bias for all samples in *batch* - batch size is much smaller than training set size - Average batch gradients and update weights/biases --- # Vanishing gradient problem - Second BP equation is recursive - We have derivative of activation function - Calc. error in layer prior to output: 1 mult. by derivative value - Calc. error in two layers prior output: 2 mult. by derivative values - If derivative values are small (e.g. for Sigmoid), product of multiple small values will be a very small value - Since error values decide updates for biases/weights - Update to biases/weights in first layers will be very small - Slowing the learning algorithm to a halt - The reason Sigmoid not used in deep networks - Why ReLU is popular in deep networks --- # Car purchase price prediction - Given 5 features of an individual (age, gender, miles driven per day, personal debt, and monthly income) - And, money they spent buying a car - Learn a FNN to predict how much someone will spend buying a car - We evaluate FNN on test dataset and plot graphs to assess the model’s performance - Training dataset has 723 training examples - Test dataset has 242 test examples - Input features scaled to be in 0 to 1 range --- # For references, please see tutorial's References section --- - Galaxy Training Materials ([](  ??? - If you would like to learn more about Galaxy, there are a large number of tutorials available. - These tutorials cover a wide range of scientific domains. --- # Getting Help - **Help Forum** ([](  - **Gitter Chat** - [Main Chat]( - [Galaxy Training Chat]( - Many more channels (scientific domains, developers, admins) ??? - If you get stuck, there are ways to get help. - You can ask your questions on the help forum. - Or you can chat with the community on Gitter. --- # Join an event - Many Galaxy events across the globe - Event Horizon: [](  ??? - There are frequent Galaxy events all around the world. - You can find upcoming events on the Galaxy Event Horizon. --- ## Thank You! This material is the result of a collaborative work. Thanks to the [Galaxy Training Network]( and all the contributors!
Kaivan Kamali
Tutorial Content is licensed under
Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License