Teresa Müller



The following list includes only slides and tutorials where the individual or organisation has been added to the contributor list. This may not include the sum total of their contributions to the training materials (e.g. GTN css or design, tutorial datasets, workflow development, etc.) unless described by a news post.





GitHub Activity

github Issues Reported

35 Merged Pull Requests

See all of the github Pull Requests and github Commits by Teresa Müller.

Reviewed 41 PRs

We love our community reviewing each other's work!


logo for the Galaxy Academy event consisting of a laptop surrounded by illustrations of DNA molecules
Massive open online education party: The Galaxy Training Academy
A laptop displaying shapes resembling a statistical plot with a program from Galaxy Training Academy. Surrounding the laptop, there are DNA strands as well as a pen displayed.
Organizing GTA2025: Give us feedback and your availability!
GTN logo with a multi-coloured star and the words Galaxy Training Network
The GTN joined the BioNT Community Event & CarpentryConnect - Heidelberg 2024
GTN logo with a multi-coloured star and the words Galaxy Training Network
BioNT basic curriculum Round Two - Starting in autumn 2024 with the RNA-Seq and Python Workshops
GTA logo including the GTN star and beams behind it in the GTN colors. Additionally the Text: Galaxy Training Academy and GALAXY TRAINING NETWORK and the Galaxy logo.
Call for Trainers and Helpers for the Galaxy Training Academy 2025
Teresa Müller avatar

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Stats for materials contributed to by Teresa Müller