Open Call for Trainers for the Galaxy Training Academy

Author(s) Teresa Müller avatar Teresa Müller
Editor(s) orcid logoHelena Rasche avatar Helena Rasche

Posted on: 11 June 2024 purlPURL:

We are happy to announce the Galaxy Training Academy 2024, a global online training event, where learners can get to know Galaxy and learn how to analyze data for various research topics.

  • Dates: October 07-11, 2024
  • Location: Global online
  • Registration deadline: July the 12th

The event

The event will provide a self-paced online learning experience for learners who would like to dive into the depths of Galaxy data analysis. The event is similar to the Smörgåsbord, but the program will be more structured. On Monday learners can get to know Galaxy and its tremendous functionality. Between Tuesday and Thursday, learners can choose from different Tracks that they are interested in. This can help learn to either get onboarded or understand fassates of one research area more in-depth. It is still up to the learnes to choose there program for the week but the track will give them guidance on what order will help to achieve their individual learning goals. In there self-paced learning endevers they will be supported via chat by us.

Initial Program:

Day Program
Monday Galaxy Introduction
Tuesday-Thursday    Different Tracks(*)
Friday Choose from a variety of different topics 

(*)Tracks: Proteomics, Assembly, Transcriptomics, Microbiome, Machine Learning, BY-COVID

Your contribution

We want to provide a high-quality learning experience and are seeking out for contributors, who will help to make this experience possible. We offer three distinct ways for you to contribute:

  1. Host Your Tutorial: Develop and share your own tutorial to enrich the learning experience.
  2. Assist in existing Tutorial Setups: We can propose a tutorial or connect you with other contributors to set up an existing Tutorial.
  3. Provide Event Support: Offer assistance by answering questions and guiding participants during the event.

Even if you don’t have a tutorial in mind, your support in any of the above capacities is highly valued. Simply choose the second or third option, and we’ll connect you with fellow contributors eager for assistance.

To ensure the highest quality of the tutorials you should do:

  1. Review and update the GTN tutorial
  2. Test the tutorial on at least 1 Galaxy instance
  3. Check that the workflow is in sync with the written instructions
  4. Record a video of yourself teaching the tutorial

Are you interested? Register now

We leave the call open until July the 12th.

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