Sequence analysis
Analyses of sequences
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Quality Control
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This project (2020-1-NL01-KA203-064717) is funded with the support of the Erasmus+ programme of the European Union. Their funding has supported a large number of tutorials within the GTN across a wide array of topics.



NHGRI GDS Community Network
SciLifeLab: QCFAIL
Articles about common next-generation sequencing problems -
Marco-Antonio Mendoza-Parra et al: A quality control system for profiles obtained by ChIP sequencing
Presents an approach that associates global and local QC indicators to ChIP-seq data sets as well as to a variety of enrichment-based studies by NGS. -
Ana Conesa et al: A survey of best practices for RNA-seq data analysis
Highlights the challenges associated with each step of RNA-seq data analysis. -
Yuval Benjamini et al: Summarizing and correcting the GC content bias in high-throughput sequencing
Summarizes the many possible sourced of GC bias for deeply sequenced samples. -
David Sims et al: Sequencing depth and coverage: key considerations in genomic analyses
Discuss the issue of sequencing depth in the design of next-generation sequencing experiments. -
Frontiers in Genetics: Quality assessment and control of high-throughput sequencing data
Collection of papers on quality controls for various NGS applications -
Frazer Meacham et al: Identification and correction of systematic error in high-throughput sequence data
Reviews and proposes correction for systematic base pair errors in deep sequencing -
Guillaume Devailly et al: Heat seq: an interactive web tool for high-throughput sequencing experiment comparison with public data
Presents a web-tool that allows genome scale comparison of high throughput experiments -
Amores, A., et al. 2011: Genome evolution and meiotic maps by massively parallel DNA sequencing
Catchen, J. M. et al. 2011: Stacks: building and genotyping loci de novo from short-read sequences
Davey, J. W., et al. 2011: Genome-wide genetic marker discovery and genotyping using next-generation sequencing
Etter, P. D., et al. 2011: SNP Discovery and Genotyping for Evolutionary Genetics using RAD sequencing
Ekblom, R., and J. Galindo. 2010: Applications of next generation sequencing in molecular ecology of non-model organisms
Hohenlohe, P. A. et al. 2010: Population genomics of parallel adaptation in threespine stickleback using sequenced RAD tags
Gompert, Z., and C. A. Buerkle. 2011a: A hierarchical Bayesian model for next-generation population genomics
Gompert, Z., and C. A. Buerkle. 2011b: Bayesian estimation of genomic clines
Lynch, M. 2009: Estimation of allele frequencies from high-coverage genome-sequencing projects
Nielsen, R., et al. 2005: Genomic scans for selective sweeps using SNP data
Hohenlohe, P. A., et al. 2010: Using population genomics to detect selection in natural populations: Key concepts and methodological considerations
Stapley, J., et al. 2010: Adaptation genomics: the next generation
Altshuler, D., et al. 2000: An SNP map of the human genome generated by reduced representation shotgun sequencing
Baxter, S. W., et al. 2011: Linkage mapping and comparative genomics using next-generation RAD sequencing of a non-model organism
Chutimanitsakun, Y., et al. 2011: Construction and application for QTL analysis of a Restriction Site Associated DNA (RAD) linkage map in barley
Gore, M. A., et al. 2009: A first-generation haplotype map of maize
Baird, N. A., et al. 2008: Rapid SNP discovery and genetic mapping using sequenced RAD markers
Emerson, K. J., et al. 2010: Resolving postglacial phylogeography using high-throughput sequencing
Etter, P. D., et al. 2011: Local De Novo Assembly of RAD Paired-End Contigs Using Short Sequencing Reads
Hohenlohe, P. A., et al. 2011: Next-generation RAD sequencing identifies thousands of SNPs for assessing hybridization between rainbow and westslope cutthroat trout
Miller, M. R., et al. 2007: Rapid and cost-effective polymorphism identification and genotyping using restriction site associated DNA (RAD) markers
Willing, E. M., et al. 2011: Paired-end RAD-seq for de novo assembly and marker design without available reference
Andolfatto, P., et al. 2011: Multiplexed shotgun genotyping for rapid and efficient genetic mapping
Elshire, R. J., et al. 2011: A Robust, Simple Genotyping-by-Sequencing (GBS) Approach for High Diversity Species
Rigola, D., et al. 2009: High-Throughput Detection of Induced Mutations and Natural Variation Using KeyPoint™ Technology
van Orsouw, N. J., et al. 2007: Complexity reduction of polymorphic sequences (CRoPS): a novel approach for large-scale polymorphism discovery in complex genomes
van Tassell, C. P., et al. 2008: SNP discovery and allele frequency estimation by deep sequencing of reduced representation libraries
Luikart, G.,et al. 2003: The power and promise of population genomics: from genotyping to genome typing
Nielsen, R., et al. 2011: Genotype and SNP calling from next-generation sequencing data