Tutorials from the world of the Generic Model Organism Database (GMOD)

GMOD is a collection of open source software tools for managing, visualising, storing, and disseminating genetic and genomic data, many of which are directly interoperable.

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You can view the tutorial materials in different languages by clicking the dropdown icon next to the slides (slides) and tutorial (tutorial) buttons below.

JBrowse 1

Learn to use JBrowse v1 here.

Lesson Slides Hands-on Recordings Input dataset Workflows
Bacterial Genome Annotation
Genome annotation with Prokka
Genomic Data Visualisation with JBrowse
Identification of AMR genes in an assembled bacterial genome
Making sense of a newly assembled genome
Microbial Variant Calling
Refining Genome Annotations with Apollo (prokaryotes)
SARS-CoV-2 Viral Sample Alignment and Variant Visualization
Genome annotation with Funannotate
Genome annotation with Maker (short)
Genome annotation with Maker
Refining Genome Annotations with Apollo (eukaryotes)


Genome Annotation with MAKER.

Lesson Slides Hands-on Recordings Input dataset Workflows
Genome annotation with Maker (short)
Genome annotation with Maker


InterMine is a data warehouse you can query for interesting features and data.

Lesson Slides Hands-on Recordings Input dataset Workflows
InterMine integration with Galaxy

Apollo v2

Apollo is a collaborative, real time genome annotation editor.

Lesson Slides Hands-on Recordings Input dataset Workflows
Refining Genome Annotations with Apollo (prokaryotes)
Refining Genome Annotations with Apollo (eukaryotes)

Editorial Board

This material is reviewed by our Editorial Board:

orcid logoHelena Rasche avatar Helena Rascheorcid logoAnthony Bretaudeau avatar Anthony Bretaudeau


This material was contributed to by:

orcid logoDeepti Varshney avatar Deepti Varshneyorcid logoCristóbal Gallardo avatar Cristóbal Gallardoorcid logoLaura Leroi avatar Laura Leroiorcid logoTeresa Müller avatar Teresa Müllerorcid logoAnna Syme avatar Anna SymeAva Hoffman avatar Ava Hoffmanorcid logoStéphanie Robin avatar Stéphanie Robinorcid logoBjörn Grüning avatar Björn GrüningSimon Bray avatar Simon Brayorcid logoAnthony Bretaudeau avatar Anthony Bretaudeauorcid logoDelphine Lariviere avatar Delphine Lariviereorcid logoErwan Corre avatar Erwan Correorcid logoPaul Zierep avatar Paul ZierepBazante Sanders avatar Bazante SandersAnton Nekrutenko avatar Anton Nekrutenkoorcid logoSaskia Hiltemann avatar Saskia Hiltemannorcid logoAlexandre Cormier avatar Alexandre Cormierorcid logoMateo Boudet avatar Mateo Boudetorcid logoHelena Rasche avatar Helena Rascheorcid logoJonathan Kreplak avatar Jonathan Kreplakorcid logoSimon Gladman avatar Simon GladmanCandace Savonen avatar Candace SavonenNathan Dunn avatar Nathan DunnRobert Meller avatar Robert Mellerorcid logoMiaomiao Zhou avatar Miaomiao ZhouFrederick Tan avatar Frederick TanKatherine Cox avatar Katherine CoxJasper Ouwerkerk avatar Jasper OuwerkerkDaniela Butano avatar Daniela Butanoorcid logoBérénice Batut avatar Bérénice BatutElizabeth Humphries avatar Elizabeth HumphriesYo Yehudi avatar Yo YehudiTorsten Seemann avatar Torsten SeemannNatalie Kucher avatar Natalie Kucher


These individuals or organisations provided funding support for the development of this resource