#!/bin/bash # First find the disabled tutorials, we don't care if boxes are broken there # Then find any 'raw' blockquote (missing any classes) # and diff those, removing everything from the disabled list. warning() {

(>&2 echo "$(tput setab 2)$*$(tput sgr0)")


DISABLED_TUTOS=“$(grep 'enable:.*false' -R topics//tutorials//tutorial.md -l | sed 's|/tutorial.md||')”

does_not_need_workflows() {

cat | grep -v topics/dev | grep -v topics/admin | grep -v topics/contributing | grep -v  galaxy-interface | grep -v instructors


ALL_TUTOS=“$(find topics/*/tutorials/ -maxdepth 1 -mindepth 1 | sort -u | does_not_need_workflows)” HAS_WORKFLOWS=“$(find topics/ | grep workflows | grep -v 'workflows$' | xargs -I{} dirname {} | xargs -I{} dirname {} | sort -u | does_not_need_workflows)”

echo “Missing Workflows” diff <(echo “$ALL_TUTOS”) <(echo “$HAS_WORKFLOWS”) | grep '<' | grep -v “$DISABLED_TUTOS”