!/bin/bash set -eo pipefail
GTN_CACHE=“$(pwd)/.jekyll-cache/aws-polly/” mkdir -p “$GTN_CACHE”
# Setup our Engine mozilla_port=$(ss -lptn ‘sport = :5002’ | wc -l) if [[ -n “$AWS_ACCESS_KEY_ID” ]]; then
engine="aws" echo "Using AWS for speech (this will cost money!)"
elif (( mozilla_port > 1 )); then
engine="mozilla" echo "Using MozillaTTS for speech"
echo "Cannot run, no speech engine setup. " echo "If you're testing, try: docker run -it -p 5002:5002 synesthesiam/mozillatts" exit 1
# Setup a temporary directory for building our project. build_dir=$(mktemp -d /tmp/gtn-ari.XXXXXXXXXX) echo “Building in $build_dir”
# Setup inputs if [ “$#” -ne 3 ]; then
echo "Error, expecting 3 parameters: slides_PDF slides_source mp4_output" exit 1
slides=$1 # e.g. _site/training-material/topic/admin/tutorials/ansible/slides.pdf source=$2 # e.g. topic/admin/tutorials/ansible/slides.html output=$3 # e.g. _site/training-material/topic/admin/tutorials/ansible/slides.mp4 slidesbase=$(basename “$source” .html) if [[ “$slidesbase” == *“_ES” ]]; then
lang=es language=esp
lang=en language=eng
subtitles=“$(dirname ”$output“)”/“$(basename ”$output“ .mp4)”.${lang}.vtt cover=“$output”.png srcdir=“$(dirname ”$source“)”
# Metadata ruby bin/extract-frontmatter.rb “${source}” | jq ‘.contributors | join(“, ”)’ > /dev/null || ec=$? if (( ec == 0 )); then
meta_authors="$(ruby bin/extract-frontmatter.rb "${source}" | jq '.contributors | join(", ")' -r)"
meta_authors="$(ruby bin/extract-frontmatter.rb "${source}" | jq '.contributions.authorship | join(", ")' -r)"
meta_title=“$(ruby bin/extract-frontmatter.rb ”${source}“ | jq .title -r)” REVISION=“$(git log -1 –format=%H)”
# This is digusting, but the safest way to get a fresh ffmpeg. FFMPEG_PATH=$(echo “const ffmpeg = require(‘ffmpeg-static’);console.log(ffmpeg.split(‘/’).slice(0, -1).join(‘/’));” | node -) echo “Located FFMPEG at $FFMPEG_PATH” export PATH=“$FFMPEG_PATH:$PATH” which ffmpeg
# We’ll cache audio locally. ffmpeglog=warning
# Setup output files script=“${build_dir}/script.json”
# Generate our script echo “ Building Script, Subtitles” echo ruby bin/ari-extract-script.rb “$source” ruby bin/ari-extract-script.rb “$source” > “$script” voice=$(cat “$script” | jq .voice.id)
# Now explode that into individual lines, synthesize, and re-assemble them into # our editly.json5 script # This will read the environment variable EDITLY_FAST=true and set fast in the script, if requested. ruby bin/ari-prep-script.rb “${build_dir}” “${engine}”
# Generate images for use. echo “ Extracting slides” convert “${slides}” -resize 1920x1080 “${build_dir}/slides.%03d.png”
echo “ Building Video | ./node_modules/.bin/editly –json ${build_dir}/editly.json5” $FFMPEG_PATH/ffmpeg -version ./node_modules/.bin/editly –json “${build_dir}/editly.json5”
# Mux it together echo “ Muxing” ffmpeg -loglevel $ffmpeglog -i “${build_dir}/tmp.mp4” -i “${build_dir}/out.srt” \
-movflags +faststart \ -metadata comment="build-tag:$(date --rfc-3339=seconds)/$REVISION/$USER/$engine/$voice" \ -metadata network="Galaxy Training Network"\ -metadata artist="$meta_authors, AWS Polly $voice" \ -metadata title="$meta_title" \ -c:v copy -c:a copy -c:s mov_text \ -map 0 -map 1 \ -metadata:s:a:0 language=$language \ -metadata:s:v:0 language=$language \ -metadata:s:s:0 language=$language \ -disposition:s:s:0 forced "${build_dir}/out.mp4"
# Check if output dir needs to be created mkdir -p “$(dirname ”$output“)”
# Copy our files over cp “${build_dir}/out.mp4” “$output” cp “${build_dir}/out.vtt” “$subtitles” convert -resize 480x270 “${build_dir}/slides.000.png” “$cover” ffprobe -loglevel warning -show_format -show_private_data -show_streams -print_format json -i “$output” > “$output”.json