!/bin/bash if [[ ! -f /tmp/2021.txt ]]; then
curl --silent https://training.galaxyproject.org/archive/2021-02-01/sitemap.xml | sed 's|<url>|\n|g' | grep '<loc>[^<]*</loc>' -o | sed 's/<loc>//;s/<\/loc>//' | sed 's|archive/2021-02-01|training-material|g' > /tmp/2021.txt
if [[ ! -f /tmp/2022.txt ]]; then
curl --silent https://training.galaxyproject.org/archive/2022-01-01/sitemap.xml | sed 's|<url>|\n|g' | grep '<loc>[^<]*</loc>' -o | sed 's/<loc>//;s/<\/loc>//' | sed 's|archive/2022-01-01|training-material|g' > /tmp/2022.txt
if [[ ! -f /tmp/2024.txt ]]; then
curl --silent https://training.galaxyproject.org/archive/2024-01-01/sitemap.xml | sed 's|<url>|\n|g' | grep '<loc>[^<]*</loc>' -o | sed 's/<loc>//;s/<\/loc>//' | sed 's|archive/2024-01-01|training-material|g' > /tmp/2024.txt
if [[ ! -f /tmp/2099.txt ]]; then
curl --silent https://training.galaxyproject.org/training-material/sitemap.xml | sed 's|<url>|\n|g' | grep '<loc>[^<]*</loc>' -o | sed 's/<loc>//;s/<\/loc>//' > /tmp/2099.txt
# No guarantees of API or data-file persistence # 1fe4d7d92e5ea5a5794cbe741eadb96a74511261 cat /tmp/20*.txt | sort -u | \
grep -v '/api/' | grep -v '/by-tool/' | grep -v '/hall-of-fame/' | \ grep -v '/badges/' | \ grep --extended-regexp -v 'krona_?[a-z]*.html' | \ grep -v '/transcriptomics/tutorials/ref-based/faqs/rnaseq_data.html' | \ grep -v '/topics/data-management/' | \ grep -v 'training-material/tags/' | grep -v 'data-library'| grep -v '/recordings/index.html' |\ sed 's|/$|/index.html|' | grep '.html$' | sort -u | sed 's|https://training.galaxyproject.org|_site|' > /tmp/gtn-files.txt
count=0 while read line; do
if [[ ! -f $line ]]; then echo "Missing: $line" count=$((count+1)) fi
done < /tmp/gtn-files.txt
if (( $count > 0 )); then
echo "Files in previous versions that are not currently redirected: $count" echo "Please ensure you add redirect_from: entries to each page" echo "If this file is intentionally deleted, with no replacement, please update this script with some exclusions." exit 1