module Jekyll::Filters::JsonldFilter
Generate JSON-LD metadata for the GTN
- A11Y
Public Instance Methods
Generate the Dublin Core metadata for a material. Parmaeters:
The material to generate the metadata for.
The site object.
Returns: A string containing the metadata.
{{ material | generate_dublin_core: site }} => <meta name="DC.identifier" content="..." />
# File _plugins/jekyll-jsonld.rb, line 68 def generate_dublin_core(material, site) return if material.key?('data') && material['data'].fetch('type', 'none') != 'tutorial_hands_on' attributes = [ ['DC.identifier', site['github_repository']], ['DC.type', 'text'], ['DC.title', material['title']], ['DC.publisher', 'Galaxy Training Network'], ['', Gtn::ModificationTimes.obtain_time(material['path'])] ] attributes += Gtn::Contributors.get_authors(material).map do |user| ['DC.creator', Gtn::Contributors.fetch_name(site, user)] end { |a, b| "<meta name=\"#{a}\" content=\"#{b}\">" }.join("\n") end
Generate the JSON-LD metadata for an event Parameters:
The page object.
site object.
The JSON-LD metadata.
{{ page | generate_event_jsonld: site }}
# File _plugins/jekyll-jsonld.rb, line 299 def generate_event_jsonld(page, site) organisers = Gtn::Contributors.get_organisers(page.to_h).map do |x| to_pfo_jsonld(x, site, json: false) end instructors = Gtn::Contributors.get_instructors(page.to_h).map do |x| to_pfo_jsonld(x, site, json: false) end funders = Gtn::Contributors.get_funders(site, page.to_h).map do |x| to_pfo_jsonld(x, site, json: false) end funding = Gtn::Contributors.get_grants(site, page.to_h).map do |x| to_pfo_jsonld(x, site, json: false) end materials = [] if page['program'] page['program'].each do |section| if !section.key? 'tutorials' next end section['tutorials'].each do |tutorial| if tutorial.key?('custom') next end material = Gtn::TopicFilter.fetch_tutorial_material(site, tutorial['topic'], tutorial['name']) materials.push(material) end end end materials.compact! # Extract EDAM terms from all materials edam_terms = do |material| material.fetch('edam_ontology', []).map do |term| { '@type': 'DefinedTerm', '@id': "{term}", inDefinedTermSet: '', termCode: term, } end end.flatten.uniq learning_objectives = do |material| material.fetch('objectives', []) end.flatten.compact # TODO: add topic edam terms too? Not sure. parts = [] materials.each do |material| mat = generate_material_jsonld(material, site['data'][material['topic_name']], site) if !mat.nil? && !mat.empty? parts.push(mat) end end if page['program'] syllab = page['program'].reject { |s| s['section'].nil? }.map do |section| { '@type': 'Syllabus', name: section['section'], description: section.fetch('description', nil), } end end data = { '@context': '', '@type': 'Course', url: "#{site['url']}#{site['baseurl']}#{page['url']}", name: page['title'], keywords: page['tags'] || [], description: page['description'], about: edam_terms, # TeSS, "scientific topics". audience: page['audience'], # TeSS: target audience # If 'online' is present in the mode, the course is online. # Will fail on "this is NOT an online course" # Acceptable. courseMode: page['mode'], startDate: page['date_start'], endDate: page['date_end'], organizer: organisers, # TeSS only, US spelling, non-standard location: page['location'], # TODO, TeSS location teaches: learning_objectives, # TeSS, "learning objectives" # timeRequired: 'P1D', # TeSS, "duration", TODO: calculate from start/end date, not implemented in scraper currently. availableLanguage: ['en'], # TODO: support other languages inLanguage: ['en'], # TODO: support other languages # courseCode # coursePrerequisites # educationalCredentialAwarded # financialAidEligible # hasCourseInstance # numberOfCredits # occupationalCredentialAwarded # syllabusSections # totalHistoricalEnrollment # assesses # competencyRequired # educationalAlignment # educationalLevel # educationalUse # learningResourceType # teaches funder: funders, # Org or person funding: funding, # Grant publisher: GTN, provider: GTN, syllabusSections: syllab, # Session materials # TODO: not currently parsed by TeSS, google just complains about it, so we're leaving it out. # hasPart: parts, } begin data['dateModified'] = Gtn::ModificationTimes.obtain_time(page.path) data['datePublished'] = Gtn::PublicationTimes.obtain_time(page.path) rescue StandardError data['dateModified'] = Gtn::ModificationTimes.obtain_time(page['path']) data['datePublished'] = Gtn::PublicationTimes.obtain_time(page['path']) end if page['cover'] data['image'] = if page['cover'] =~ /^http/ [page['cover']] else ["#{site['url']}#{site['baseurl']}#{page['cover']}"] end end # We CANNOT guarantee A11Y # data.update(A11Y) if page['cost'] and page['cost'].downcase == 'free' data['isAccessibleForFree'] = true offer = { '@type': 'Offer', price: 0, priceCurrency: 'EUR', category: 'Free', isAccessibleForFree: true, } elsif page['cost'] data['isAccessibleForFree'] = false offer = { '@type': 'Offer', price: page['cost'].split[0], priceCurrency: page['cost'].split[1], isAccessibleForFree: false, category: 'Paid', # TODO: this can be more advanced but we need to collect start/end times, and timezone. } end # TODO: this is wrong in a whole host of scenarios like incl weekends. course_days = (page.fetch('date_end', page['date_start']) - page['date_start']).to_i if course_days < 1 course_days = 1 end data['hasCourseInstance'] = [ { '@type': 'CourseInstance', courseMode: page['mode'], # courseWorkload: "A daily course running from #{page['date_start']} to #{page['date_end']}", offers: offer, instructor: instructors, isAccessibleForFree: data['isAccessibleForFree'], courseSchedule: { '@type': 'Schedule', startDate: page['date_start'], endDate: page.fetch('date_end', page['date_start']), repeatCount: course_days, repeatFrequency: 'daily', # Contrary to spec, this is what Google wants. }, courseWorkload: "P#{course_days}D", } ] data['offers'] = [offer] if page.key?('location') && page['location'].keys.length > 1 data['location'] = { '@type': 'Place', name: page['location']['name'], address: { '@type': 'PostalAddress', streetAddress: page['location'].fetch('address', nil), addressLocality: page['location'].fetch('city', nil), addressRegion: page['location'].fetch('region', nil), postalCode: page['location'].fetch('postcode', nil), addressCountry: page['location'].fetch('country', nil) } } end JSON.pretty_generate(data) end
Generate the JSON-LD metadata for a funding organisation Parameters:
The id of the person.
The contributor object from ORGANISATIONS.yaml.
The site object.
The JSON-LD metadata.
# File _plugins/jekyll-jsonld.rb, line 185 def generate_funder_jsonld(id, contributor, site) { '@context': '', '@type': 'Organization', '': { '@id': '', '@type': 'CreativeWork' }, name: Gtn::Contributors.fetch_name(site, id), description: contributor.fetch('funding_statement', 'An organization supporting the Galaxy Training Network'), url: contributor.fetch('url', "{id}/"), logo: contributor.fetch('avatar', "{id}.png"), } end
Generate the JSON-LD metadata for a grant Parameters:
The id of the grant.
The contributor object from GRANTS.yaml.
The site object.
The JSON-LD metadata.
# File _plugins/jekyll-jsonld.rb, line 208 def generate_grant_jsonld(id, contributor, site) organization = { '@context': '', '@type': 'Grant', identifier: contributor['funding_id'], url: Gtn::Contributors.fetch_funding_url(contributor) || contributor['url'], funder: generate_funder_jsonld(id, contributor, site) } organization['startDate'] = contributor['start_date'] if contributor.key?('start_date') organization['endDate'] = contributor['end_date'] if contributor.key?('end_date') organization end
Generate the JSON-LD metadata for a learning pathway Parameters:
The page object.
site object.
The JSON-LD metadata.
{{ page | generate_learning_pathway_jsonld: site }}
# File _plugins/jekyll-jsonld.rb, line 512 def generate_learning_pathway_jsonld(page, site) materials = [] page['pathway'].each do |section| if !section.key? 'tutorials' next end section['tutorials'].each do |tutorial| if tutorial.key?('custom') next end material = Gtn::TopicFilter.fetch_tutorial_material(site, tutorial['topic'], tutorial['name']) materials.push(material) end end materials.compact! # Extract EDAM terms from all materials edam_terms = do |material| material.fetch('edam_ontology', []).map do |term| { '@type': 'DefinedTerm', '@id': "{term}", inDefinedTermSet: '', termCode: term, } end end.flatten.uniq learning_objectives = do |material| material.fetch('objectives', []) end.flatten.compact funders = do |material| Gtn::Contributors.get_funders(site, material).map do |x| to_pfo_jsonld(x, site, json: false) end end.flatten.uniq.compact funding = do |material| Gtn::Contributors.get_grants(site, material).map do |x| to_pfo_jsonld(x, site, json: false) end end.flatten.uniq.compact # TODO: add topic edam terms too? Not sure. parts = [] materials.each do |material| mat = generate_material_jsonld(material, site['data'][material['topic_name']], site) if !mat.nil? && !mat.empty? parts.push(mat) end end syllab = page['pathway'].reject { |s| s['section'].nil? }.map do |section| { '@type': 'Syllabus', name: section['section'], description: section.fetch('description', nil), } end data = { '@context': '', '@type': 'Course', url: "#{site['url']}#{site['baseurl']}#{page['url']}", name: "Learning Pathway #{page['title']}", keywords: page['tags'] || [], description: page['description'], about: edam_terms, # TeSS, "scientific topics". audience: page['audience'], # TeSS: target audience teaches: learning_objectives, # TeSS, "learning objectives" availableLanguage: ['en'], # TODO: support other languages inLanguage: ['en'], # TODO: support other languages # courseCode # coursePrerequisites # educationalCredentialAwarded # financialAidEligible # hasCourseInstance # numberOfCredits # occupationalCredentialAwarded # syllabusSections # totalHistoricalEnrollment # assesses # competencyRequired # educationalAlignment # educationalLevel # educationalUse # learningResourceType # teaches funder: funders, # Org or person funding: funding, # Grant publisher: GTN, provider: GTN, syllabusSections: syllab, # Session materials # TODO: not currently parsed by TeSS, google just complains about it, so we're leaving it out. # hasPart: parts, } begin data['dateModified'] = Gtn::ModificationTimes.obtain_time(page.path) data['datePublished'] = Gtn::PublicationTimes.obtain_time(page.path) rescue StandardError data['dateModified'] = Gtn::ModificationTimes.obtain_time(page['path']) data['datePublished'] = Gtn::PublicationTimes.obtain_time(page['path']) end if page['cover'] data['image'] = if page['cover'] =~ /^http/ [page['cover']] else ["#{site['url']}#{site['baseurl']}#{page['cover']}"] end end # We CANNOT guarantee A11Y # data.update(A11Y) data['isAccessibleForFree'] = true offer = { '@type': 'Offer', price: 0, priceCurrency: 'EUR', category: 'Free', isAccessibleForFree: true, } data['offers'] = [offer] # TODO: this is basically just wrong. data['hasCourseInstance'] = [ { '@type': 'CourseInstance', courseMode: 'online', offers: offer, isAccessibleForFree: data['isAccessibleForFree'], } ] JSON.pretty_generate(data) end
Convert a material to JSON-LD. Intended to be used by the filters which you should call in templates.
The material object.
The topic object.
site object.
The JSON-LD metadata.
# File _plugins/jekyll-jsonld.rb, line 682 def generate_material_jsonld(material, topic, site) langCodeMap = { "en" => 'English', "es" => 'Español', "fr" => 'Français', } eduLevel = { 'Introductory' => 'Beginner', 'Intermediate' => 'Intermediate', 'Advanced' => 'Advanced' } return '{}' if !topic topic_desc = { '@type': 'CreativeWork', name: (topic['title']).to_s, description: (topic['summary']).to_s, url: "#{site['url']}#{site['baseurl']}/topics/#{topic['name']}/" } # aggregate everything data = { # Properties from Course '@context': '', '@type': 'LearningResource', # Required for BioSchemas '': { '@id': '', '@type': 'CreativeWork' }, # Properties from CreativeWork # "about" described below # # "accountablePerson":, # "aggregateRating":, # "alternativeHeadline":, # "associatedMedia":, audience: { '@type': 'EducationalAudience', educationalRole: EDU_ROLES[topic['type']] }, # "audio":, # "award":, # "author" described below # "character":, citation: [ { '@type': 'CreativeWork', name: 'Galaxy Training: A Powerful Framework for Teaching!', url: '' }, { '@type': 'CreativeWork', name: 'Community-Driven Data Analysis Training for Biology', url: '' } ], # "comment":, # "commentCount":, # "contentLocation":, # "contentRating":, # "contentReferenceTime":, # "contributor" described below # copyrightHolder: GTN, # copyrightNotice: m # "copyrightYear":, # "correction":, # "creator":, # "dateCreated":, # "datePublished":, discussionUrl: site['gitter_url'], # "editor":, # "educationalAlignment":, # "educationalUse":, # "encoding":, # "encodingFormat":, # "exampleOfWork":, # "expires":, # "funder": funding, # "genre":, # "hasPart" described below headline: (material['title']).to_s, # "interactionStatistic":, interactivityType: 'mixed', isAccessibleForFree: true, # "isBasedOn":, isFamilyFriendly: true, # "isPartOf" described below # "keywords": described below # "learningResourceType" described below license: '', # "locationCreated":, # "mainEntity":, # "material":, # "mentions" described below # "offers":, # "position":, producer: GTN, provider: GTN, # "publication":, # "publisher":, # "publisherImprint":, # "publishingPrinciples":, # "recordedAt":, # "releasedEvent":, # "review":, # "schemaVersion":, # "sdDatePublished":, # "sdLicense":, # "sdPublisher":, sourceOrganization: GTN, # "spatialCoverage":, # "sponsor":, # "temporalCoverage":, # "text":, # "thumbnailUrl":, # "timeRequired" described below # "translationOfWork":, # "translator": Google Translate???, # "typicalAgeRange":, # "version":, # "video":, # "workExample":, # "workTranslation":, # Properties from Thing # "additionalType":, # "alternateName":, # "description" described below # "disambiguatingDescription":, # "image":, # "mainEntityOfPage":, # "name" described below # "potentialAction":, # "sameAs":, # "subjectOf":, # "url" described below workTranslation: [], creativeWorkStatus: material['draft'] ? 'Draft' : 'Active', } if material.key?('pub_date') data['dateModified'] = material['mod_date'] data['datePublished'] = material['pub_date'] else begin data['dateModified'] = Gtn::ModificationTimes.obtain_time(material.path) data['datePublished'] = Gtn::PublicationTimes.obtain_time(material.path) rescue StandardError data['dateModified'] = Gtn::ModificationTimes.obtain_time(material['path']) data['datePublished'] = Gtn::PublicationTimes.obtain_time(material['path']) end end if material.key?('copyright') # copyrightHolder: GTN, data['copyrightNotice'] = material['copyright'] else # I'm not sure this is accurate. data['copyrightHolder'] = GTN end funders = Gtn::Contributors.get_funders(site, material).map do |x| to_pfo_jsonld(x, site, json: false) end grants = Gtn::Contributors.get_grants(site, material).map do |x| to_pfo_jsonld(x, site, json: false) end data['funder'] = funders data['funding'] = grants data['identifier'] = "{material['short_id']}" if material.key?('short_id') data.update(A11Y) actual_material = Gtn::TopicFilter.fetch_tutorial_material(site, material['topic_name'], material['tutorial_name']) # info depending if tutorial, hands-on or slide level # parts = [] # data['hasPart'] = parts mentions = [] description = [] data['isPartOf'] = topic_desc data['abstract'] = material .fetch('content', '') .strip .split("\n") .first if ! data['abstract'].nil? data['abstract'] = data['abstract'] .gsub(/\{\{\s*site.baseurl\s*\}\}/, url_prefix(site)) .gsub(/\[{{\s*site.url\s*}}/, '[' + url_prefix(site)) .gsub(/{% link (topics[^%]*).md %}/, url_prefix(site) + '\1.html') .gsub(/{% link (topics[^%]*).html %}/, url_prefix(site) + '\1.html') .gsub(/\s*\(?{%\s*cite [^}]+\s*%}\)?/, '') .gsub('{{ site.github_repository }}', safe_site_config(site, 'github_repository', '')) .gsub(/{% snippet ([^%]*) %}/, '') .gsub(/{% include ([^%]*) %}/, '') end description.push("## Abstract\n\n#{data['abstract']}\n\n") if (material['name'] == '') || (material['name'] == 'slides.html') if material['name'] == '' data['learningResourceType'] = 'e-learning' description.push("## About This Material\n\nThis is a Hands-on Tutorial from the GTN which is usable either for individual self-study, or as a teaching material in a classroom.\n\n") else data['learningResourceType'] = 'slides' end data['name'] = material['title'] data['url'] = "#{site['url']}#{site['baseurl']}#{material['url']}" # Requires data['version'] = Gtn::ModificationTimes.obtain_modification_count(material['path']) # Time required if material.key?('time_estimation') && !material['time_estimation'].nil? data['timeRequired'] = "PT#{material['time_estimation'].upcase}" end # Description with questions, objectives and keypoints if material.key?('questions') && !material['questions'].nil? && material['questions'].length.positive? questions = material['questions'].join("\n - ") description.push("## Questions this #{material['type']} will address\n\n - #{questions}\n\n") end if material.key?('objectives') && !material['objectives'].nil? && material['objectives'].length.positive? objectives = material['objectives'].map{|x| "- #{x}"}.join("\n") description.push("## Learning Objectives\n\n#{objectives}\n\n") data['teaches'] = objectives end if material.key?('keypoints') && !material['keypoints'].nil? && material['keypoints'].length.positive? keypoints = material['keypoints'].join("\n - ") description.push("## Key Points\n\n - #{keypoints}\n\n") end # Keywords data['keywords'] = [topic['title']] + (material['tags'] || []) # Zenodo links end # Mentions are 'external resources' in TeSS. # This could be expanded with # - supported servers # - tools and resources used (e.g. Galaxy) or tools linked to the TS. # - slides (if tutorial) and tutorial (if slides) # - other materials in the same topic? if actual_material.key?('workflows') mentions.push({ '@type': 'Thing', url: "#{site['url']}#{site['baseurl']}#{material['dir']}workflows/", name: "Associated Workflows" }) end # Notebooks if actual_material.key?('notebook') if actual_material['notebook']['language'] != 'r' # Python, Bash, SQL (all via jupyter) url = "#{site['url']}#{site['baseurl']}#{material['dir']}#{material['topic_name']}-#{material['tutorial_name']}.ipynb" mentions.push({ '@type': 'Thing', url: url, name: "Jupyter Notebook (with Solutions)" }) mentions.push({ '@type': 'Thing', url: url.gsub(/\.ipynb$/, '-course.ipynb'), name: "Jupyter Notebook (without Solutions)" }) elsif actual_material['notebook']['language'] == 'r' # Actual R url = "#{site['url']}#{site['baseurl']}#{material['dir']}#{material['topic_name']}-#{material['tutorial_name']}.Rmd" mentions.push({ '@type': 'Thing', url: url, name: "Quarto/RMarkdown Notebook" }) mentions.push({ '@type': 'Thing', url: "", name: "RStudio" }) end end # Tools uses_tools = false (actual_material['tools'] || []).each do |tool| if['tool-meta'].nil? next end toolmeta =['tool-meta'][tool] if toolmeta.nil? next end if toolmeta[''].length.positive? mentions.push({ '@type': 'Thing', url: "{toolmeta['']}", name: toolmeta.fetch('bio.tools_name', toolmeta['name']) }) end uses_tools = true end if uses_tools mentions.push({ '@type': 'Thing', url: "", name: "Galaxy" }) end # Zenodo link out if actual_material.key?('zenodo_link') && ! actual_material['zenodo_link'].nil? if actual_material['zenodo_link'].length.positive? mentions.push({ '@type': 'Thing', url: (actual_material['zenodo_link']).to_s, name: "Associated Training Datasets" }) end end if description.empty? description.push(material.fetch('content', '').strip.split("\n").first) end data['description'] = description.join("\n") data['inLanguage'] = if material.key?('lang') { '@type': 'Language', name: langCodeMap[material['lang']], alternateName: material['lang'] } else { '@type': 'Language', name: 'English', alternateName: 'en' } end # Course requirements (material + topic) reqs = [] reqs.push(*topic['requirements']) if topic.key?('requirements') reqs.push(*material['requirements']) if material.key?('requirements') if !reqs.empty? coursePrerequisites = [] reqs.each do |req| if req['type'] == 'internal' if req.key?('tutorials') (req['tutorials']).each do |tuto| (site['pages']).each do |page| if ((page['name'] == '') || (page['name'] == 'slides.html')) && ((page['topic_name'] == req['topic_name']) && (page['tutorial_name'] == tuto)) # slides if page['name'] == 'slides.html' coursePrerequisites.push( { '@context': '', '@type': 'LearningResource', url: "#{site['url']}#{site['baseurl']}/topics/#{req['topic_name']}/" \ "tutorials/#{tuto}/slides.html", name: (page['title']).to_s, description: "Slides for '#{page['title']}' tutorial", learningResourceType: 'slides', interactivityType: 'expositive', provider: GTN } ) if page['hands_on_url'] coursePrerequisites.push( { '@context': '', '@type': 'LearningResource', url: (page['hands_on_url']).to_s, learningResourceType: 'e-learning', interactivityType: 'expositive', } ) end end # hands-on if page['name'] == '' coursePrerequisites.push( { '@context': '', '@type': 'LearningResource', url: "#{site['url']}#{site['baseurl']}/topics/#{req['topic_name']}/tutorials" \ "/#{tuto}/tutorial.html", name: (page['title']).to_s, description: "Hands-on for '#{page['title']}' tutorial", learningResourceType: 'e-learning', interactivityType: 'expositive', provider: GTN } ) end end end end else coursePrerequisites.push( { '@context': '', '@type': 'LearningResource', url: "#{site['url']}#{site['baseurl']}/topics/#{req['topic_name']}/", name: (site['data'][req['topic_name']]['title']).to_s, description: (site['data'][req['topic_name']]['title']).to_s, provider: GTN } ) end elsif req['type'] == 'external' coursePrerequisites.push({ '@type': 'CreativeWork', url: (req['link']).to_s, name: (req['title']).to_s }) else coursePrerequisites.push((req['title']).to_s) end end data['competencyRequired'] = coursePrerequisites.uniq end # Add contributors/authors if material.key?('contributors') || material.key?('contributions') authors = Gtn::Contributors.get_authors(material).map do |x| generate_person_jsonld(x, Gtn::Contributors.fetch_contributor(site, x), site) end data['author'] = authors end # Add non-author contributors if material.key?('contributions') data['contributor'] = Gtn::Contributors.get_non_authors(material).map do |x| generate_person_jsonld(x, site['data']['contributors'][x], site) end end about = [] about.push(topic_desc) edam_terms = topic.fetch('edam_ontology', []) | material.fetch('edam_ontology', []) about += do |term| { '@type': 'DefinedTerm', '@id': "{term}", inDefinedTermSet: '', termCode: term, # "name": , url: '' \ "{term}" } end data['about'] = about data['educationalLevel'] = material.key?('level') ? eduLevel[material['level']] : 'Beginner' data['mentions'] = mentions data end
Generate the JSON-LD metadata for a news article (blog) Parameters:
The page object.
site object.
The JSON-LD metadata.
# File _plugins/jekyll-jsonld.rb, line 255 def generate_news_jsonld(page, site) authors = Gtn::Contributors.get_authors(page.to_h).map do |x| to_pfo_jsonld(x, site, json: false) end data = { '@context': '', '@type': 'BlogPosting', url: "#{site['url']}#{site['baseurl']}#{page['url']}", name: page['title'], headline: page.excerpt[0..100].gsub(/\n/, ' '), # TODO: remove html tags. keywords: page['tags'] || [], description: page.excerpt[0..100].gsub(/\n/, ' '), # TODO: remove html tags articleBody: page.content, # TODO: remove html tags datePublished:, dateModified: Gtn::ModificationTimes.obtain_time(page.path), author: authors, publisher: GTN, mainEntityOfPage: { '@type': 'WebPage', '@id': "#{site['url']}#{page['url']}" }, image: { '@type': 'ImageObject', width: 60, height: 60, url: "#{site['baseurl']}/assets/images/GTN-60px.png" } } data.update(A11Y) JSON.pretty_generate(data) end
Generate the JSON-LD metadata for an organisation Parameters:
The id of the org.
The contributor object from ORGANISATIONS.yaml.
The site object.
The JSON-LD metadata.
# File _plugins/jekyll-jsonld.rb, line 159 def generate_org_jsonld(id, contributor, site) organization = { '@context': '', '@type': 'Organization', '': { '@id': '', '@type': 'CreativeWork' }, id: "#{site['url']}#{site['baseurl']}/hall-of-fame/#{id}/", name: Gtn::Contributors.fetch_name(site, id), description: 'An organization supporting the Galaxy Training Network', } organization['url'] = contributor['url'] if contributor.key?('url') && contributor['url'] organization end
Generate the JSON-LD metadata for a person Parameters:
The id of the person.
The contributor object from CONTRIBUTORS.yaml.
The site object.
The JSON-LD metadata.
generate_person_jsonld("hexylena", site['data']['contributors']['hexylena'], site) => { "@context": "", "@type": "Person", "": { # Bioschemas profile "@id": "", "@type": "Person" }, "url": "", "mainEntityOfPage": "", "name": "hexylena", "image": "", "description": "A contributor to the GTN project.", "memberOf": [...], "identifier": "", "orcid": "" }
# File _plugins/jekyll-jsonld.rb, line 115 def generate_person_jsonld(id, contributor, site) member_of = Gtn::Contributors.fetch_contributor(site, id)['affiliations'] || [] member_of = do |org_id| org = Gtn::Contributors.fetch_contributor(site, org_id) generate_org_jsonld(org_id, org, site) end person = { '@context': '', '@type': 'Person', '': { '@id': '', '@type': 'CreativeWork' }, # I guess these are identical? url: "#{site['url']}#{site['baseurl']}/hall-of-fame/#{id}/", mainEntityOfPage: "#{site['url']}#{site['baseurl']}/hall-of-fame/#{id}/", name: Gtn::Contributors.fetch_name(site, id), image: "{id}", # No clue what to put here it's a person. description: if contributor.nil? 'A contributor to the GTN project.' else contributor.fetch('bio', 'A contributor to the GTN project.') end, memberOf: [GTN] + member_of, } if !contributor.nil? && contributor.key?('orcid') && contributor['orcid'] person['identifier'] = "{contributor['orcid']}" person['orcid'] = "{contributor['orcid']}" end person end
Convert a material to JSON-LD, intended to be used in Jekyll
Liquid templates. Parameters:
The material object.
The topic object.
site object.
The JSON-LD metadata.
{{ material | to_jsonld: topic, site }}
# File _plugins/jekyll-jsonld.rb, line 668 def to_jsonld(material, topic, site) JSON.pretty_generate(generate_material_jsonld(material, topic, site)) end
Generate the JSON-LD metadata for a person, funder, or organisation as JSON. Parameters:
The id of the person.
The site object.
Should the output be rendered as JSON (only really used in contributor page.)
The JSON-LD metadata.
# File _plugins/jekyll-jsonld.rb, line 231 def to_pfo_jsonld(id, site, json: true) contributor = Gtn::Contributors.fetch_contributor(site, id) d = if Gtn::Contributors.person?(site, id) generate_person_jsonld(id, contributor, site) elsif Gtn::Contributors.grant?(site, id) generate_grant_jsonld(id, contributor, site) else generate_org_jsonld(id, contributor, site) end if json JSON.pretty_generate(d) else d end end