class Jekyll::Tags::CiteUrlTag
Citation URL tag which just pulls out the URL for the article, most useful in quote citations.
> Some Quote {: .quote cite="{% cite_url Ramalingam_2004 %}"}
Public Class Methods
Calls superclass method
# File _plugins/jekyll-scholar.rb, line 82 def initialize(tag_name, text, tokens) super @text = text.strip end
Public Instance Methods
# File _plugins/jekyll-scholar.rb, line 87 def render(context) page = context.registers[:page] site = context.registers[:site] Gtn::Scholar.load_bib(site) # Mark this page as having citations page['cited'] = true return "@#{@text}" if page['citation_target'] == 'R' # Which page is rendering this tag? source_page = page['path'] # Citation Frequency site.config['citation_count'] = if !site.config.key?('citation_count') site.config['citation_count'][@text] += 1 # If the overall cache is nil, create it site.config['citation_cache'] = {} if site.config['citation_cache'].nil? # If the individual page in the chace is nil, create it. site.config['citation_cache'][source_page] = [] if site.config['citation_cache'][source_page].nil? # Push it to our cache. site.config['citation_cache'][source_page].push(@text) begin doi = site.config['cached_citeproc'].items[@text].doi url = site.config['cached_citeproc'].items[@text].url if !doi.nil? "{doi}" elsif !url.nil? url end res = url rescue StandardError => e Jekyll.logger.warn "[GTN/scholar] Could not render #{@text} from #{source_page} (#{e})" res = %(<span>{@text}</span>) end res end