module Gtn::Linter
This is our ONE central linting script that handles EVERYTHING.
Public Class Methods
GTN:009 - This looks like an invalid tool link. There are several ways that tool links can be invalid, and only one correct way to reference a tool
{% tool [JBrowse genome browser]( %}
{% tool [JBrowse genome browser]( %} {% tool [JBrowse genome browser]( %} {% tool [JBrowse genome browser](jbrowse/1.16.4+galaxy3) %} {% tool [JBrowse genome browser]( %}
# File bin/lint.rb, line 499 def self.bad_tool_links(contents) find_matching_texts(contents, @BAD_TOOL_LINK) + \ find_matching_texts(contents, @BAD_TOOL_LINK2) .map do |idx, _text, selected| ReviewDogEmitter.error( path: @path, idx: idx, match_start: selected.begin(0), match_end: selected.end(0) + 1, replacement: "{% tool #{selected[1]}(#{selected[2]}) %}", message: 'You have used the full tool URL to a specific server, here we only need the tool ID portion.', code: 'GTN:009', fn: __method__.to_s, ) end find_matching_texts(contents, @MAYBE_OK_TOOL_LINK) .map do |idx, _text, selected| if acceptable_tool?(selected[2]) next end ReviewDogEmitter.error( path: @path, idx: idx, match_start: selected.begin(0), match_end: selected.end(0) + 1, replacement: "{% tool #{selected[1]}(#{selected[2]}) %}", message: 'You have used an invalid tool URL, it should be of the form "{owner}/{repo}/{tool}/{version}" (or an internal tool ID) so, please double check.', code: 'GTN:009' ) end end
GTN:040 - links are invalid in the GTN, please use the<filename> format instead. This ensures that when users download files from zenodo into Galaxy, they appear correctly, with a useful filename.
# File bin/lint.rb, line 536 def self.bad_zenodo_links(contents) find_matching_texts(contents, /https:\/\/\/api\//) .reject { |_idx, _text, selected| _text =~ /files-archive/ } .map do |idx, _text, selected| ReviewDogEmitter.error( path: @path, idx: idx, match_start: selected.begin(0), match_end: selected.end(0) + 1, replacement: nil, message: 'Please do not use links, instead it should look like<filename>', code: 'GTN:040', fn: __method__.to_s, ) end end
# File bin/lint.rb, line 1188 def self.bib_missing_mandatory_fields(bib) results = [] bib.each do |x| begin doi = x.doi rescue StandardError doi = nil end begin url = x.url rescue StandardError url = nil end begin isbn = x.isbn rescue StandardError isbn = nil end results.push([x.key, 'Missing a DOI, URL or ISBN. Please add one of the three.']) if doi.nil? && url.nil? && isbn.nil? begin x.title results.push([x.key, 'This entry is missing a title attribute. Please add it.']) if !x.title rescue StandardError results.push([x.key, 'This entry is missing a title attribute. Please add it.']) end end results end
GTN:007 - We could not find a citation key, please be sure it is used in a bibliography somewhere.
# File bin/lint.rb, line 425 def self.check_bad_cite(contents) find_matching_texts(contents, /{%\s*cite\s+([^%]*)\s*%}/i) .map do |idx, _text, selected| citation_key = selected[1].strip if citation_library[citation_key].nil? ReviewDogEmitter.error( path: @path, idx: idx, match_start: selected.begin(0), match_end: selected.end(0), replacement: nil, message: "The citation (#{citation_key}) could not be found.", code: 'GTN:007', fn: __method__.to_s, ) end end end
GTN:028 - Your headings are out of order. Please check it properly, that you do not skip levels.
# File bin/lint.rb, line 898 def self.check_bad_heading_order(contents) doc ="\n"), input: 'GFM') headers ={|k| k.type == :header} bad_depth = headers .each_cons(2) # Two items at a time .select{|k1, k2| k2.options[:level] - k1.options[:level] > 1} # All that have a >1 shift in heading depth .map{|_,b | b} # Only the second, failing one. all_headings = headers .map{|k| "#" * k.options[:level] + " "+ k.options[:raw_text] }{|k| ReviewDogEmitter.error( path: @path, idx: k.options[:location] - 1, match_start: 0, match_end: k.options[:raw_text].length + k.options[:level] + 1, replacement: '#' * (k.options[:level] - 1), message: "You have skipped a heading level, please correct this.\n<details>" \ "<summary>Listing of Heading Levels</summary>\n\n```\n#{all_headings.join("\n")}\n```\n</details>", code: 'GTN:028', fn: __method__.to_s, ) } end
GTN:033 - This icon is not known to use. If it is new, please add it to our configuration.
# File bin/lint.rb, line 446 def self.check_bad_icon(contents) find_matching_texts(contents, /{%\s*icon\s+([^%]*)\s*%}/i) .map do |idx, _text, selected| icon_key = selected[1].strip.split[0] if jekyll_config['icon-tag'][icon_key].nil? ReviewDogEmitter.error( path: @path, idx: idx, match_start: selected.begin(0), match_end: selected.end(0), replacement: nil, message: "The icon (#{icon_key}) could not be found, please add it to _config.yml.", code: 'GTN:033', fn: __method__.to_s, ) end end end
GTN:018 - You have linked to a file but this file could not be found. Check your link to make sure the path exists.
Note that we use a customised version of Jekyll’s link function which will not work correctly for _posts/news items, which should be corrected at some point. We should remove our custom link function and go back to the official one.
# File bin/lint.rb, line 729 def self.check_bad_link(contents) find_matching_texts(contents, /{%\s*link\s+([^%]*)\s*%}/i) .map do |idx, _text, selected| path = selected[1].to_s.strip if !File.exist?(path.gsub(%r{^/}, '')) ReviewDogEmitter.error( path: @path, idx: idx, match_start: selected.begin(0), match_end: selected.end(0), replacement: nil, message: "The linked file (`#{selected[1].strip}`) could not be found.", code: 'GTN:018', fn: __method__.to_s, ) end end find_matching_texts(contents, /\]\(\)/i) .map do |idx, _text, selected| path = selected[1].to_s.strip if !File.exist?(path.gsub(%r{^/}, '')) ReviewDogEmitter.error( path: @path, idx: idx, match_start: selected.begin(0), match_end: selected.end(0), replacement: nil, message: 'The link does not seem to have a target.', code: 'GTN:018', fn: __method__.to_s, ) end end end
GTN:005 - Using link names like ‘here’ are unhelpful for learners who are progressing through the material with a screenreader. Please use a more descriptive text for your linke
Instead of
see the documentation [here](
see [edgeR's documentation](
# File bin/lint.rb, line 306 def self.check_bad_link_text(contents) find_matching_texts(contents, /\[\s*(here|link)\s*\]/i) .map do |idx, _text, selected| ReviewDogEmitter.error( path: @path, idx: idx, match_start: selected.begin(0), match_end: selected.end(0) + 1, replacement: '[Something better here]', message: "Please do not use 'here' as your link title, it is " \ '[bad for accessibility]( ' \ 'Instead try restructuring your sentence to have useful descriptive text in the link.', code: 'GTN:005', fn: __method__.to_s, ) end end
GTN:021 - We are not sure this tag is correct, there is a very limited set of Jekyll/liquid tags that are used in GTN tutorials, and this checks for surprises.
# File bin/lint.rb, line 832 def self.check_bad_tag(contents) find_matching_texts(contents, /{%\s*(?<tag>[a-z]+)/) .reject { |_idx, _text, selected| @KNOWN_TAGS.include? selected[:tag] } .map do |idx, _text, selected| ReviewDogEmitter.warning( path: @path, idx: idx, match_start: selected.begin(1), match_end: selected.end(1) + 1, replacement: nil, message: "We're not sure this tag is correct (#{selected[:tag]}), it isn't one of the known tags.", code: 'GTN:021', fn: __method__.to_s, ) end end
GTN:036 - You have used the TRS snippet to link to a TRS ID but the link does not seem to be correct.
# File bin/lint.rb, line 767 def self.check_bad_trs_link(contents) find_matching_texts(contents, %r{snippet faqs/galaxy/ path="([^"]*)"}i) .map do |idx, _text, selected| path = selected[1].to_s.strip if !File.exist?(path) ReviewDogEmitter.error( path: @path, idx: idx, match_start: selected.begin(0), match_end: selected.end(0), replacement: nil, message: "The linked file (`#{path}`) could not be found.", code: 'GTN:036', fn: __method__.to_s, ) end end end
GTN:029 - Please do not bold headings
# File bin/lint.rb, line 927 def self.check_bolded_heading(contents) find_matching_texts(contents, /^#+ (?<title>\*\*.*\*\*)$/) .map do |idx, _text, selected| ReviewDogEmitter.error( path: @path, idx: idx, match_start: selected.begin(1), match_end: selected.end(1) + 1, replacement: selected[:title][2..-3], message: 'Please do not bold headings, it is unncessary ' \ 'and will potentially cause screen readers to shout them.', code: 'GTN:029', fn: __method__.to_s, ) end end
GTN:004 - Instead of linking directly to a DOI and citing it yourself, consider obtaining the BibTeX formatted citation and adding it to a tutorial.bib (or slides.bib) file. Then we can generate a full set of references for the citations and give proper credit.
Companion function to Gtn::Linter.check_pmids
# File bin/lint.rb, line 254 def self.check_dois(contents) find_matching_texts(contents, %r{(\[[^\]]*\]\(https?://[^)]*\))}) .reject { |_idx, _text, selected| selected[0].match(%r{10.5281/zenodo}) } # Ignoring zenodo .map do |idx, _text, selected| ReviewDogEmitter.warning( path: @path, idx: idx, match_start: selected.begin(0), match_end: selected.end(0) + 2, replacement: '{% cite ... %}', message: 'This looks like a DOI which could be better served by using the built-in Citations mechanism. ' \ 'You can use to convert your DOI into a .bib formatted entry, ' \ 'and add to your', code: 'GTN:004', fn: __method__.to_s, ) end end
GTN:020 - Please do not bold random lines, use a heading properly.
# File bin/lint.rb, line 788 def self.check_looks_like_heading(contents) # TODO: we should remove this someday, but, we need to have a good solution # and we're still a ways from that. # # There's no clear way to say "this subsection of the content has its own hierarchy" return if @path.match(/faq/) find_matching_texts(contents, /^\*\*(.*)\*\*$/) .map do |idx, _text, selected| ReviewDogEmitter.warning( path: @path, idx: idx, match_start: selected.begin(1), match_end: selected.end(1) + 1, replacement: "### #{selected[1]}", message: "This looks like a heading, but isn't. Please use proper semantic headings where possible. " \ 'You should check the heading level of this suggestion, rather than accepting the change as-is.', code: 'GTN:020', fn: __method__.to_s, ) end end
GTN:004 - Instead of linking directly to a PMID URL and citing it yourself, consider obtaining the BibTeX formatted citation and adding it to a tutorial.bib (or slides.bib) file. Then we can generate a full set of references for the citations and give proper credit.
Companion function to Gtn::Linter.check_dois
# File bin/lint.rb, line 277 def self.check_pmids(contents) # find_matching_texts(contents, %r{(\[[^\]]*\]\(https?://[0-9]*\))}).map do |idx, _text, selected| ReviewDogEmitter.warning( path: @path, idx: idx, match_start: selected.begin(0), match_end: selected.end(0) + 2, replacement: '{% cite ... %}', message: 'This looks like a PMID which could be better served by using the built-in Citations mechanism. ' \ 'You can use to convert your PMID/PMCID into a .bib formatted entry, ' \ 'and add to your', code: 'GTN:004', fn: __method__.to_s, ) end end
GTN:009 - See Gtn::Linter.bad_tool_links
# File bin/lint.rb, line 579 def self.check_tool_link(contents) find_matching_texts(contents, /{%\s*tool \[([^\]]*)\]\(([^)]*)\)\s*%}/) .map do |idx, _text, selected| # text = selected[1] link = selected[2] errs = [] if link.match(%r{/}) if link.count('/') < 5 errs.push(ReviewDogEmitter.error( path: @path, idx: idx, match_start: selected.begin(2), match_end: selected.end(2) + 1, replacement: nil, message: "This tool identifier looks incorrect, it doesn't have the right number of segments.", code: 'GTN:009' )) end if link.match(/testtoolshed/) errs.push(ReviewDogEmitter.warning( path: @path, idx: idx, match_start: selected.begin(2), match_end: selected.end(2) + 1, replacement: nil, message: 'The GTN strongly avoids using testtoolshed tools in your tutorials or workflows', code: 'GTN:009' )) end else if link.match(/\+/) errs.push(ReviewDogEmitter.error( path: @path, idx: idx, match_start: selected.begin(2), match_end: selected.end(2) + 1, replacement: nil, message: 'Broken tool link, unnecessary +', code: 'GTN:009' )) end if !acceptable_tool?(link) errs.push(ReviewDogEmitter.error( path: @path, idx: idx, match_start: selected.begin(2), match_end: selected.end(2) + 1, replacement: nil, message: 'Unknown short tool ID. Please use the full tool ID, or check bin/lint.rb ' \ 'if you believe this is correct.', code: 'GTN:009' )) end end errs end end
GTN:022 - Please do not prefix your boxes of a type with the box name.
Do not do:
> <question-title>Question: Some question!</question-title>
> <question-title>Some question!</question-title>
As the Question: prefix will be added automatically when necessary. This goes also for tip/comment/etc.
# File bin/lint.rb, line 876 def self.check_useless_box_prefix(contents) find_matching_texts(contents, /<(?<tag>[a-z_-]+)-title>(?<fw>[a-zA-Z_-]+:?\s*)/) .select do |_idx, _text, selected| @BOX_CLASSES.include?(selected[:tag]) and selected[:tag] == selected[:fw].gsub(/:\s*$/, '').downcase end .map do |idx, _text, selected| ReviewDogEmitter.warning( path: @path, idx: idx, match_start: selected.begin(2), match_end: selected.end(2) + 1, replacement: '', message: "It is no longer necessary to prefix your #{selected[:tag]} box titles with " \ "#{selected[:tag].capitalize}, this is done automatically.", code: 'GTN:022', fn: __method__.to_s, ) end end
# File bin/lint.rb, line 396 def self.citation_library if @CITATION_LIBRARY.nil? lib = (enumerate_type(/bib$/) + enumerate_type(/bib$/, root_dir: 'faqs')).each do |path| b = b.each do |x| # Record the bib path. x._path = path lib << x end end @CITATION_LIBRARY = lib end @CITATION_LIBRARY end
# File bin/lint.rb, line 1360 def self.code_limits(codes) @LIMIT_EMITTED_CODES = codes end
GTN:041, GTN:042, GTN:043, GTN:044, GTN:045 - This checks for a myriad variety of CYOA issues. Please see the error message for help resolving them.
# File bin/lint.rb, line 1001 def self.cyoa_branches(contents) joined_contents = contents.join("\n") cyoa_branches = joined_contents.scan(/_includes\/cyoa-choices[^%]*%}/m) .map{|cyoa_line| cyoa_line.gsub(/\n/, ' ') # Remove newlines, want it all one one line. .gsub(/\s+/, ' ') # Collapse multiple whitespace for simplicity .gsub(/_includes\/cyoa-choices.html/, '').gsub(/%}$/, '') # Strip start/end .strip .split('" ') # Split on the end of an option to get the individual option groups .map{|p| p.gsub(/="/, '=').split('=')}.to_h} # convert it into a convenient hash # NOTE: Errors on this line usually mean that folks have used ' instead of " in their CYOA. # cyoa_branches = # [{"option1"=>"Quick one tool method", # "option2"=>"Convert to AnnData object compatible with Filter, Plot, Explore workflow", # "default"=>"Quick one tool method", # "text"=>"Choose below if you just want to convert your object quickly or see how it all happens behind the scenes!", # "disambiguation"=>"seurat2anndata\""}, # We use slugify_unsafe to convert it to a slug, now we should check: # 1. Is it unique in the file? No duplicate options? # 2. Is every branch used? # Uniqueness: options ={|o|{|k, v| k =~ /option/}.values}.flatten slugified ={|o| [o, unsafe_slugify(o)]} slugified_grouped = slugified.group_by{|before, after| after} .map{|k, pairs| [k,{|p| p[0]}]}.to_h errors = [] if slugified_grouped.values.any?{|v| v.length > 1} dupes ={|k, v| v.length > 1} msg = "We identified the following duplicate options in your CYOA: " msg += do |slug, options| "Options #{options.join(', ')} became the key: #{slug}" end.join("; ") errors << ReviewDogEmitter.error( path: @path, idx: 0, match_start: 0, match_end: 1, replacement: nil, message: 'You have non-unique options in your Choose Your Own Adventure. Please ensure that each option is unique in its text. Unfortunately we do not currently support re-using the same option text across differently disambiguated CYOA branches, so, please inform us if this is a requirement for you.' + msg, code: 'GTN:041', fn: __method__.to_s, ) end # Missing default cyoa_branches.each do |branch| if branch['default'].nil? errors << ReviewDogEmitter.error( path: @path, idx: 0, match_start: 0, match_end: 1, replacement: nil, message: 'We recommend specifying a default for every branch', code: 'GTN:042', fn: __method__.to_s, ) end # Checking default/options correspondence. options ={|k, v| k =~ /option/}.values if branch.key?("default") && ! options.include?(branch['default']) if options.any?{|o| unsafe_slugify(o) == unsafe_slugify(branch['default'])} errors << ReviewDogEmitter.warning( path: @path, idx: 0, match_start: 0, match_end: 1, replacement: nil, message: "We did not see a corresponding option# for the default: «#{branch['default']}», but this could have been written before we automatically slugified the options. If you like, please consider making your default option match the option text exactly.", code: 'GTN:043', fn: __method__.to_s, ) else errors << ReviewDogEmitter.warning( path: @path, idx: 0, match_start: 0, match_end: 1, replacement: nil, message: "We did not see a corresponding option# for the default: «#{branch['default']}», please ensure the text matches one of the branches.", code: 'GTN:044', fn: __method__.to_s, ) end end end # Branch testing. cyoa_branches.each do |branch| options = branch .select{|k, v| k =~ /option/} .values # Check for matching lines in the file. options.each do |option| slug_option = unsafe_slugify(option) if !joined_contents.match(/#{slug_option}/) errors << ReviewDogEmitter.warning( path: @path, idx: 0, match_start: 0, match_end: 1, replacement: nil, message: "We did not see a branch for #{option} (#{slug_option}) in the file. Please consider ensuring that all options are used.", code: 'GTN:045', fn: __method__.to_s, ) end end end # find_matching_texts(contents, />\s*(\*\*\s*[Ss]tep)/) .map do |idx, _text, selected| # ReviewDogEmitter.error( # path: @path, # idx: idx, # match_start: selected.begin(1), # match_end: selected.end(1) + 1, # replacement: nil, # message: 'This is a non-semantic list which is bad for accessibility and bad for screenreaders. ' \ # 'It results in poorly structured HTML and as a result is not allowed.', # code: 'GTN:035' # ) # end errors end
# File bin/lint.rb, line 1426 def self.emit_results(results) return unless !results.nil? && results.length.positive? results.compact.flatten .select{|r| r.is_a? Hash } .each { |r| format_reviewdog_output(r) } end
GTN:034 - Alternative text or alt-text is mandatory for every image in the GTN.
# File bin/lint.rb, line 706 def self.empty_alt_text(contents) find_matching_texts(contents, /!\[\]\(/i) .map do |idx, _text, selected| path = selected[1].to_s.strip if !File.exist?(path.gsub(%r{^/}, '')) ReviewDogEmitter.error( path: @path, idx: idx, match_start: selected.begin(0), match_end: selected.end(0), replacement: nil, message: 'The alt text for this image seems to be empty', code: 'GTN:034', fn: __method__.to_s, ) end end end
# File bin/lint.rb, line 1365 def self.enable_auto_fix @AUTO_APPLY_FIXES = true end
# File bin/lint.rb, line 1593 def self.enumerate_all enumerate_type(/.*/) end
# File bin/lint.rb, line 1587 def self.enumerate_lintable enumerate_type(/bib$/) + enumerate_type(/md$/) + enumerate_type(/md$/, root_dir: 'faqs') + enumerate_type(/md$/, root_dir: 'news') end
# File bin/lint.rb, line 1572 def self.enumerate_symlinks paths = [] Find.find('./topics') do |path| if next unless File.basename(path).start_with?('.') Find.prune # Don't look any further into this directory. elsif File.symlink?(path) paths.push(path) end end paths end
# File bin/lint.rb, line 1557 def self.enumerate_type(filter, root_dir: 'topics') paths = [] Find.find("./#{root_dir}") do |path| if next unless File.basename(path).start_with?('.') Find.prune # Don't look any further into this directory. elsif path.match(filter) paths.push(path) end end paths end
# File bin/lint.rb, line 1438 def self.filter_results(results, ignores) if !results.nil? # Remove any empty lists results = { |x| !x.nil? && x.length.positive? }.flatten # Before ignoring anything matching GTN:IGNORE:### return results if ignores.nil? or ignores.empty? results = { |x| ignores.index(x['code']['value']).nil? } if results.length.positive? return results end nil end
# File bin/lint.rb, line 126 def self.find_matching_texts(contents, query) do |text, idx| [idx, text, text.match(query)] { |_idx, _text, selected| selected } end
GTN:012 - Your bibliography is missing mandatory fields (either a URL or DOI). GTN:031 - Your bibliography unnecessarily fills the DOI field with, you can just directly specify the DOI.
# File bin/lint.rb, line 1309 def self.fix_bib(contents, bib) bad_keys = bib_missing_mandatory_fields(bib) results = [] bad_keys.each do |key, reason| results += find_matching_texts(contents, /^\s*@.*{#{key},/) .map do |idx, text, _selected| ReviewDogEmitter.error( path: @path, idx: idx, match_start: 0, match_end: text.length, replacement: nil, message: reason, code: 'GTN:012', fn: __method__.to_s, ) end end # 13: doi = {}, results += find_matching_texts(contents, %r{doi\s*=\s*\{(https?://}) .map do |idx, _text, selected| ReviewDogEmitter.warning( path: @path, idx: idx, match_start: selected.begin(1), match_end: selected.end(1) + 1, replacement: '', message: 'Unnecessary use of URL in DOI-only field, please just use the doi component itself', code: 'GTN:031' ) end results end
# File bin/lint.rb, line 1451 def self.fix_file(path) @path = path if path.match(/\s/) emit_results([ReviewDogEmitter.file_error(path: path, message: 'There are spaces in this filename, that is forbidden.', code: 'GTN:014')]) end if path.match(/\?/) emit_results([ReviewDogEmitter.file_error(path: path, message: 'There ?s in this filename, that is forbidden.', code: 'GTN:014')]) end case path when /md$/ handle =, 'r') contents ="\n") ignores = should_ignore(contents) results = fix_md(contents) results = filter_results(results, ignores) emit_results(results) when /.bib$/ handle =, 'r') contents ="\n") bib = results = fix_bib(contents, bib) results = filter_results(results, ignores) emit_results(results) when /.ga$/ handle =, 'r') begin contents = data = JSON.parse(contents) rescue StandardError => e warn "Error parsing #{path}: #{e}" emit_results([ReviewDogEmitter.file_error(path: path, message: 'Unparseable JSON in this workflow file.', code: 'GTN:019')]) end results = [] # Check if there's a missing workflow test folder = File.dirname(path) basename = File.basename(path).gsub(/.ga$/, '') possible_tests = Dir.glob("#{folder}/#{Regexp.escape(basename)}*ym*") possible_tests = possible_tests.grep(/#{Regexp.escape(basename)}[_-]tests?.ya?ml/) contains_interactive_tool = contents.match(/interactive_tool_/) if possible_tests.empty? if !contains_interactive_tool results += [ ReviewDogEmitter.file_error(path: path, message: 'This workflow is missing a test, which is now mandatory. Please ' \ 'see [the FAQ on how to add tests to your workflows](' \ '' \ 'gtn/gtn_workflow_testing.html).', code: 'GTN:027') ] end else # Load tests and run some quick checks: possible_tests.each do |test_file| if !test_file.match(/-tests.yml/) results += [ ReviewDogEmitter.file_error(path: path, message: 'Please use the extension -tests.yml ' \ 'for this test file.', code: 'GTN:032') ] end test = YAML.safe_load( test_plain = # check that for each test, the outputs is non-empty unless test.is_a?(Array) next end test.each do |test_job| if (test_job['outputs'].nil? || test_job['outputs'].empty?) && !test_plain.match(/GTN_RUN_SKIP_REASON/) results += [ ReviewDogEmitter.file_error(path: path, message: 'This workflow test does not test the contents of outputs, ' \ 'which is now mandatory. Please see [the FAQ on how to add ' \ 'tests to your workflows](' \ '' \ 'gtn/gtn_workflow_testing.html).', code: 'GTN:030') ] end end end end results += fix_ga_wf(data) results = filter_results(results, ignores) emit_results(results) end end
GTN:015, GTN:016, GTN:025, GTN:026, others. These error messages indicate something is amiss with your workflow. Please consult the error message to correct it.
# File bin/lint.rb, line 1224 def self.fix_ga_wf(contents) results = [] if !contents.key?('tags') or contents['tags'].empty? path_parts = @path.split('/') topic = path_parts[path_parts.index('topics') + 1] results.push(ReviewDogEmitter.file_error( path: @path, message: "This workflow is missing required tags. Please add `\"tags\": [\"#{topic}\"]`", code: 'GTN:015' )) end if !contents.key?('annotation') results.push(ReviewDogEmitter.file_error( path: @path, message: 'This workflow is missing an annotation. Please add `"annotation": "title of tutorial"`', code: 'GTN:016' )) end if !contents.key?('license') results.push(ReviewDogEmitter.file_error( path: @path, message: 'This workflow is missing a license. Please select a valid OSI license. ' \ 'You can correct this in the Galaxy workflow editor.', code: 'GTN:026' )) end tool_ids = tool_id_extractor(contents) # Check if they use TS tools, we do this here because it's easier to look at the plain text. tool_ids.each do |step_id, id| if ! acceptable_tool?(id) results += [ ReviewDogEmitter.error( path: @path, idx: 0, match_start: 0, match_end: 0, replacement: nil, message: "A step in your workflow (#{step_id}) uses an invalid tool ID (#{id}) or a tool ID from the testtoolshed. These are not permitted in GTN tutorials. If this is in error, you can add it to the top of _plugins/utils.rb", code: 'GTN:017' ) ] end end if contents.key?('creator') contents['creator'] .select { |c| c['class'] == 'Person' } .each do |p| if !p.key?('identifier') || (p['identifier'] == '') results.push(ReviewDogEmitter.file_error( path: @path, message: 'This workflow has a creator but is missing an identifier for them. ' \ 'Please ensure all creators have valid ORCIDs.', code: 'GTN:025' )) end if !p.key?('name') || (p['name'] == '') results.push(ReviewDogEmitter.file_error( path: @path, message: 'This workflow has a creator but is a name, please add it.', code: 'GTN:025' )) end end else results.push(ReviewDogEmitter.file_error( path: @path, message: 'This workflow is missing a Creator. Please edit this workflow in ' \ 'Galaxy to add the correct creator entities', code: 'GTN:024' )) end results end
# File bin/lint.rb, line 1153 def self.fix_md(contents) [ *fix_notoc(contents), *youtube_bad(contents), *link_gtn_slides_external(contents), *link_gtn_tutorial_external(contents), *check_dois(contents), *check_pmids(contents), *check_bad_link_text(contents), *incorrect_calls(contents), *check_bad_cite(contents), *non_existent_snippet(contents), *bad_tool_links(contents), *check_tool_link(contents), *new_more_accessible_boxes(contents), *new_more_accessible_boxes_agenda(contents), *no_target_blank(contents), *check_bad_link(contents), *check_bad_icon(contents), *check_looks_like_heading(contents), *check_bad_tag(contents), *check_useless_box_prefix(contents), *check_bad_heading_order(contents), *check_bolded_heading(contents), *snippets_too_close_together(contents), *bad_zenodo_links(contents), *zenodo_api(contents), *empty_alt_text(contents), *check_bad_trs_link(contents), *nonsemantic_list(contents), *cyoa_branches(contents), *useless_intro(contents) ] end
GTN:001 - Setting no_toc is discouraged as headers are useful for learners to link to and to jump to. Setting no_toc removes it from the table of contents which is generally inadvisable.
Remediation: remove {: .no_toc}
# File bin/lint.rb, line 136 def self.fix_notoc(contents) find_matching_texts(contents, /{:\s*.no_toc\s*}/) .map do |idx, text, _selected| ReviewDogEmitter.delete_text( path: @path, idx: idx, text: text, message: 'Setting no_toc is discouraged, these headings provide useful places for readers to jump to.', code: 'GTN:001', full_line: text, fn: __method__.to_s, ) end end
# File bin/lint.rb, line 1369 def self.format_reviewdog_output(message) return if message.nil? || message.empty? return if !@LIMIT_EMITTED_CODES.nil? && !@LIMIT_EMITTED_CODES.include?(message['code']['value']) if !message.nil? && (message != []) && message.is_a?(Hash) path = message['location']['path'] if @SHORT_PATH && path.include?(GTN_HOME + '/') path = path.gsub(GTN_HOME + '/', '') end if @PLAIN_OUTPUT # $stdout.tty? or parts = [ path, message['location']['range']['start']['line'], message['location']['range']['start']['column'], message['location']['range']['end']['line'], message['location']['range']['end']['column'], "#{message['code']['value'].gsub(/:/, '')} #{message['message'].split("\n")[0]}" ] puts parts.join(':') else puts JSON.generate(message) end end return unless @AUTO_APPLY_FIXES && message['suggestions'].length.positive? start_line = message['location']['range']['start']['line'] start_coln = message['location']['range']['start']['column'] end_line = message['location']['range']['end']['line'] end_coln = message['location']['range']['end']['column'] if start_line == end_line # We only really support single-line changes. This will probs fuck up lines =['location']['path']).split("\n") original = lines[start_line - 1].dup repl = message['suggestions'][0]['text'] # puts "orig #{original}" # puts "before #{original[0..start_coln - 2]}" # puts "selected '#{original[start_coln-1..end_coln-2]}'" # puts "after #{original[end_coln-2..-1]}" # puts "replace: #{repl}" # puts "#{original[0..start_coln - 2]} + #{repl} + #{original[end_coln-1..-1]}" fixed = original[0..start_coln - 2] + repl + original[end_coln - 1..] warn "DIFF\n-#{original}\n+#{fixed}" lines[start_line - 1] = fixed # Save our changes File.write(message['location']['path'], (lines + ['']).join("\n")) else warn 'Cannot apply this suggestion sorry' end end
GTN:006 - This is a potentially incorrect Jekyll/Liquid template function/variable access.
Variables can be placed into your template like so:
{{ page.title }}
And functions can be called like so:
{% if page.title %}
So please be sure {{ }} and {% %} are matching.
# File bin/lint.rb, line 336 def self.incorrect_calls(contents) a = find_matching_texts(contents, /([^{]|^)(%\s*[^%]*%})/i) .map do |idx, _text, selected| ReviewDogEmitter.error( path: @path, idx: idx, match_start: selected.begin(2), match_end: selected.end(2) + 1, replacement: "{#{selected[2]}", message: 'It looks like you might be missing the opening { of a jekyll function', code: 'GTN:006', fn: __method__.to_s, ) end b = find_matching_texts(contents, /{([^%]\s*[^%]* %})/i) .map do |idx, _text, selected| ReviewDogEmitter.error( path: @path, idx: idx, match_start: selected.begin(1), match_end: selected.end(1) + 1, replacement: "%#{selected[1]}", message: 'It looks like you might be missing the opening % of a jekyll function', code: 'GTN:006', fn: __method__.to_s, ) end c = find_matching_texts(contents, /({%\s*[^%]*%)([^}]|$)/i) .map do |idx, _text, selected| ReviewDogEmitter.error( path: @path, idx: idx, match_start: selected.begin(1), match_end: selected.end(1) + 2, replacement: "#{selected[1]}}#{selected[2]}", message: 'It looks like you might be missing the closing } of a jekyll function', code: 'GTN:006', fn: __method__.to_s, ) end d = find_matching_texts(contents, /({%\s*[^}]*[^%])}/i) .map do |idx, _text, selected| ReviewDogEmitter.error( path: @path, idx: idx, match_start: selected.begin(1), match_end: selected.end(1) + 1, replacement: "#{selected[1]}%", message: 'It looks like you might be missing the closing % of a jekyll function', code: 'GTN:006', fn: __method__.to_s, ) end a + b + c + d end
# File bin/lint.rb, line 415 def self.jekyll_config if @JEKYLL_CONFIG.nil? # Load @JEKYLL_CONFIG = YAML.load_file('_config.yml') end @JEKYLL_CONFIG end
GTN:003 - We discourage linking to or as those are “external” links, which are slower for us to validate. Every build we run tests to be sure that every link is valid, but we cannot do that for every external site to avoid putting unnecessary pressure on them.
Instead of
[see this other tutorial(
[see this other tutorial({% link topics/admin/tutorials/ansible/slides.html %})
# File bin/lint.rb, line 230 def self.link_gtn_slides_external(contents) find_matching_texts( contents, %r{\((https?://(|*slides.html))\)} ) .map do |idx, _text, selected| ReviewDogEmitter.error( path: @path, idx: idx, match_start: selected.begin(1), match_end: selected.end(1) + 1, replacement: "{% link #{selected[3]} %}", message: 'Please use the link function to link to other pages within the GTN. ' \ 'It helps us ensure that all links are correct', code: 'GTN:003', fn: __method__.to_s, ) end end
GTN:003 - We discourage linking to or as those are “external” links, which are slower for us to validate. Every build we run tests to be sure that every link is valid, but we cannot do that for every external site to avoid putting unnecessary pressure on them.
Instead of
[see this other tutorial(
[see this other tutorial({% link topics/admin/tutorials/ansible/ %})
# File bin/lint.rb, line 193 def self.link_gtn_tutorial_external(contents) find_matching_texts( contents, %r{\(https?://(|[^)]*)\)} ) .map do |idx, _text, selected| # puts "#{idx} 0 #{selected[0]} 1 #{selected[1]} 2 #{selected[2]} 3 #{selected[3]}" ReviewDogEmitter.error( path: @path, idx: idx, # We wrap the entire URL (inside the explicit () in a matching group to make it easy to select/replace) match_start: selected.begin(0) + 1, match_end: selected.end(0), replacement: "{% link #{selected[2].gsub('.html', '.md')} %}", message: 'Please use the link function to link to other pages within the GTN. ' \ 'It helps us ensure that all links are correct', code: 'GTN:003', fn: __method__.to_s, ) end end
GTN:010 - We have a new, more accessible syntax for box titles. Please use this instead:
> <box-title>Some Title</box-title> > ... {: .box}
# File bin/lint.rb, line 648 def self.new_more_accessible_boxes(contents) # \#\#\# find_matching_texts(contents, /> (### {%\s*icon ([^%]*)\s*%}[^:]*:?(.*))/) .map do |idx, _text, selected| key = selected[2].strip.gsub(/_/, '-') ReviewDogEmitter.error( path: @path, idx: idx, match_start: selected.begin(1), match_end: selected.end(1) + 1, replacement: "<#{key}-title>#{selected[3].strip}</#{key}-title>", message: 'We have developed a new syntax for box titles, please consider using this instead.', code: 'GTN:010', fn: __method__.to_s, ) end end
GTN:010 - See Gtn::Linter.new_more_accessible_boxes_agenda
# File bin/lint.rb, line 668 def self.new_more_accessible_boxes_agenda(contents) # \#\#\# find_matching_texts(contents, /> (###\s+Agenda\s*)/) .map do |idx, _text, selected| ReviewDogEmitter.error( path: @path, idx: idx, match_start: selected.begin(1), match_end: selected.end(1) + 1, replacement: '<agenda-title></agenda-title>', message: 'We have developed a new syntax for box titles, please consider using this instead.', code: 'GTN:010', fn: __method__.to_s, ) end end
GTN:011 - Do not use target=“_blank” it is bad for accessibility.
# File bin/lint.rb, line 687 def self.no_target_blank(contents) find_matching_texts(contents, /target=("_blank"|'_blank')/) .map do |idx, _text, selected| ReviewDogEmitter.warning( path: @path, idx: idx, match_start: selected.begin(0), match_end: selected.end(0), replacement: nil, message: 'Please do not use `target="_blank"`, [it is bad for accessibility.]' \ '(', code: 'GTN:011', fn: __method__.to_s, ) end end
GTN:008 - This snippet is not known to us, please check that it exists somewhere in the snippets/ folder.
# File bin/lint.rb, line 467 def self.non_existent_snippet(contents) find_matching_texts(contents, /{%\s*snippet\s+([^ ]*)/i) .reject do |_idx, _text, selected| File.exist?(selected[1]) end .map do |idx, _text, selected| ReviewDogEmitter.error( path: @path, idx: idx, match_start: selected.begin(0), match_end: selected.end(0), replacement: nil, message: "This snippet (`#{selected[1]}`) does not seem to exist", code: 'GTN:008', fn: __method__.to_s, ) end end
GTN:035 - This is a non-semantic list which is bad for accessibility and screenreaders.
Do not do:
* Step 1. Some text * Step 2. some other thing
Do not do:
Step 1. Some text Step 2. some other thing
1. some text 2. some other
That is a proper semantic list.
# File bin/lint.rb, line 982 def self.nonsemantic_list(contents) find_matching_texts(contents, />\s*(\*\*\s*[Ss]tep)/) .map do |idx, _text, selected| ReviewDogEmitter.error( path: @path, idx: idx, match_start: selected.begin(1), match_end: selected.end(1) + 1, replacement: nil, message: 'This is a non-semantic list which is bad for accessibility and bad for screenreaders. ' \ 'It results in poorly structured HTML and as a result is not allowed.', code: 'GTN:035', fn: __method__.to_s, ) end end
GTN:014 - please do not use : colon in your filename. GTN:013 - Please fix this symlink GTN:023 - data libraries must be named data-library.yaml
# File bin/lint.rb, line 1601 def self.run_linter_global enumerate_type(/:/).each do |path| format_reviewdog_output( ReviewDogEmitter.file_error(path: path, message: 'There are colons in this filename, that is forbidden.', code: 'GTN:014') ) end enumerate_symlinks.each do |path| if !File.exist?( format_reviewdog_output( ReviewDogEmitter.file_error(path: path, message: 'This is a BAD symlink', code: 'GTN:013') ) end rescue StandardError format_reviewdog_output( ReviewDogEmitter.file_error(path: path, message: 'This is a BAD symlink', code: 'GTN:013') ) end enumerate_type(/data[_-]library.ya?ml/).each do |path| if path.split('/')[-1] != 'data-library.yaml' format_reviewdog_output( ReviewDogEmitter.file_error(path: path, message: 'This file must be named data-library.yaml. Please rename it.', code: 'GTN:023') ) end end enumerate_type(/\.ga$/).each do |path| fix_file(path) end enumerate_lintable.each do |path| fix_file(path) end end
# File bin/lint.rb, line 1346 def self.set_plain_output @PLAIN_OUTPUT = true end
# File bin/lint.rb, line 1350 def self.set_rdjson_output @PLAIN_OUTPUT = false end
# File bin/lint.rb, line 1355 def self.set_short_path @SHORT_PATH = true end
# File bin/lint.rb, line 1434 def self.should_ignore(contents) { |x| x.match(/GTN:IGNORE:(\d\d\d)/) }.map { |x| "GTN:#{x.match(/GTN:IGNORE:(\d\d\d)/)[1]}" }.uniq end
GTN:032 - Snippets are too close together which sometimes breaks snippet rendering. Please ensure snippets are separated by one line.
# File bin/lint.rb, line 555 def self.snippets_too_close_together(contents) prev_line = -2 res = [] find_matching_texts(contents, /^[> ]*{% snippet/) .each do |idx, _text, selected| if idx == prev_line + 1 res.push(ReviewDogEmitter.error( path: @path, idx: idx, match_start: selected.begin(0), match_end: selected.end(0) + 1, replacement: nil, message: 'Snippets too close together', code: 'GTN:032', fn: __method__.to_s, )) end prev_line = idx end res end
GTN:046 - Please do not add an # Introduction section, as it is unnecessary, please start directly into an abstract or hook for your tutorial that will get the learner interested in the material.
# File bin/lint.rb, line 1136 def self.useless_intro(contents) joined_contents = contents.join("\n") joined_contents.scan(/\n---\n+# Introduction/m) .map do |line| ReviewDogEmitter.error( path: @path, idx: 0, match_start: 0, match_end: 0, replacement: '', message: 'Please do not include an # Introduction section, it is unnecessary here, just start directly into your text. The first paragraph that is seen by our infrastructure will automatically be shown in a few places as an abstract.', code: 'GTN:046', fn: __method__.to_s, ) end end
GTN:002 - YouTube links are discouraged. Please consider using our include for it:
E.g, instead of
<iframe ... youtube.../>
{% include _includes/youtube.html id="e0vj-0imOLw" title="Difference between climate and weather" %}
# File bin/lint.rb, line 161 def self.youtube_bad(contents) find_matching_texts(contents, %r{<iframe.*youtu.?be.*</iframe>}) .map do |idx, _text, selected| ReviewDogEmitter.warning( path: @path, idx: idx, match_start: selected.begin(0), match_end: selected.end(0) + 1, replacement: '', message: 'Instead of embedding IFrames to YouTube contents, consider adding this video to the ' \ 'GTN tutorial "recordings" metadata where it will ' \ 'be more visible for others.', code: 'GTN:002', fn: __method__.to_s, ) end end
GTN:032 - links are invalid in the GTN, please use the<filename> format instead. This ensures that when users download files from zenodo into Galaxy, they appear correctly, with a useful filename.
Seems to be a duplicate of Gtn::Linter.bad_zenodo_links
# File bin/lint.rb, line 948 def self.zenodo_api(contents) find_matching_texts(contents, %r{(zenodo\.org/api/files/)}) .map do |idx, _text, selected| ReviewDogEmitter.error( path: @path, idx: idx, match_start: selected.begin(1), match_end: selected.end(1) + 1, replacement: nil, message: 'The URLs are not stable, you must use a URL of the format', code: 'GTN:032' ) end end