class Jekyll::Tags::IconTag
Our {% icon X %} tag
Public Class Methods
Calls superclass method
# File _plugins/jekyll-icon-tag.rb, line 8 def initialize(tag_name, text, tokens) super parts = text.strip.split @text = parts[0] @aria = true return unless parts[1] == 'aria=false' @aria = false end
Public Instance Methods
# File _plugins/jekyll-icon-tag.rb, line 69 def get_config(context) context.registers[:site].config['icon-tag'] end
icon - Include an icon from our _config.yml into your tutorial
{% icon email %} {% icon galaxy-history %}
# File _plugins/jekyll-icon-tag.rb, line 63 def render(context) cfg = get_config(context) icon = cfg[@text] || '' render_for_text(icon) end
This function renders the icon tag Params:
The icon to render
- +@area+
Whether to add aria-hidden
- +@text+
The text to add to the icon
Returns: The HTML for the icon Note: The icon text label is wrapped in a span with class
"visually-hidden" to make it accessible to screen readers.
{% icon fa fa-github %} => <i class="fa fa-github" aria-hidden="true"></i> {% icon fa fa-github aria=false %} => <i class="fa fa-github"></i>
# File _plugins/jekyll-icon-tag.rb, line 35 def render_for_text(icon) if icon.empty? raise SyntaxError, "No icon defined for: '#{@text}'. Please define it in `_config.yml` (under `icon-tag:`)." end if icon.start_with?('fa') if @aria %(<i class="#{icon}" aria-hidden="true"></i><span class="visually-hidden">#{@text}</span>) else %(<i class="#{icon}" aria-hidden="true"></i>) end elsif icon.start_with?('ai') if @aria %(<i class="ai #{icon}" aria-hidden="true"></i><span class="visually-hidden">#{@text}</span>) else %(<i class="ai #{icon}" aria-hidden="true"></i>) end end end