module Gtn::Shortlinks
This module is responsible for generating shortlinks for tutorials and FAQs and any other pages we add.
Every category gets its own prefix letter.
Public Class Methods
Fix missing symlinks (usually exist because the target file has been renamed and doesn’t exist anymore.) However, a redirect will be present for the original filename so we just fix the missing symlink.
site object
# File _plugins/gtn/shortlinks.rb, line 48 def self.fix_missing_redirs(site) missing_redirs =['shortlinks']['id'].select do |id, target| short_link = "short/#{id}.html" ! File.exist?(site.in_dest_dir(short_link)) end missing_redirs.each do |id, target| short_link = "short/#{id}.html" Jekyll.logger.warn "[GTN/Shortlink]" "Shortlink target #{target} does not exist for shortlink #{short_link}, fixing." File.write(site.in_dest_dir(short_link), Gtn::Shortlinks.html_redirect(target)) end end
Duplicate of the jekyll-redirect-from plugin template. We can’t use that for, reasons.
# File _plugins/gtn/shortlinks.rb, line 37 def self.html_redirect(target) REDIRECT_TEMPLATE.gsub('REDIRECT_URL', target) end
# File _plugins/gtn/shortlinks.rb, line 30 def self.mapped?(tutorial, current_mapping) current_mapping['id'].values.include? tutorial end
# File _plugins/gtn/shortlinks.rb, line 61 def self.update(current_mapping) current_mapping['id'] = {} if !current_mapping.key? 'id' current_mapping['name'] = {} if !current_mapping.key? 'name' # Discover tutorials Dir.glob('topics/*/tutorials/*/').each do |tutorial| html_path = "/#{tutorial.gsub(/md$/, 'html')}" # If it's not already mapped by a key, add it. if !mapped?(html_path, current_mapping) # Generate a short code short_code_number = current_mapping['id'].select { |x| x[0] == CATEGORY_TUTORIAL }.length.to_s.rjust(5, '0') short_code = CATEGORY_TUTORIAL + short_code_number puts "Discovered tutorial #{short_code}" # If the target of this flavour of short code isn't already in here, then add it current_mapping['id'][short_code] = html_path end # Also generate one from topic/tutorial name # These are idempotent and safe short_code2 = tutorial.split('/')[1..3].join('/').gsub(%r{/tutorials}, '') current_mapping['name'][short_code2] = "/#{tutorial.gsub(/md$/, 'html')}" end # Discover slides Dir.glob('topics/*/tutorials/*/slides.html').each do |tutorial| html_path = "/#{tutorial}" # If it's not already mapped by a key, add it. if !mapped?(html_path, current_mapping) # Generate a short code short_code_number = current_mapping['id'].select { |x| x[0] == CATEGORY_SLIDES }.length.to_s.rjust(5, '0') short_code = CATEGORY_SLIDES + short_code_number puts "Discovered slides #{short_code}" # If the target of this flavour of short code isn't already in here, then add it current_mapping['id'][short_code] = html_path end # Also generate one from topic/tutorial name # These are idempotent and safe short_code2 = "#{tutorial.split('/')[1..3].join('/').gsub(%r{/tutorials}, '')}/slides" current_mapping['name'][short_code2] = "/#{tutorial.gsub(/md$/, 'html')}" end # Discover FAQs all_faqs = Dir.glob('faqs/**/*.md') + Dir.glob('topics/*/faqs/**/*.md') + \ Dir.glob('topics/*/tutorials/*/faqs/*.md') # Remove symlinked files all_faqs = all_faqs.reject { |x| File.symlink?(x) } # Reject indexes, readme, etc. all_faqs = all_faqs.grep_v(/$/) all_faqs = all_faqs.grep_v(/$/) all_faqs.each do |tutorial| html_path = "/#{tutorial.gsub(/md$/, 'html')}" # If it's not already mapped by a key, add it. if !mapped?(html_path, current_mapping) # Generate a short code short_code_number = current_mapping['id'].select { |x| x[0] == CATEGORY_FAQ }.length.to_s.rjust(5, '0') short_code = CATEGORY_FAQ + short_code_number puts "Discovered FAQ #{short_code}" # If the target of this flavour of short code isn't already in here, then add it current_mapping['id'][short_code] = html_path end end # Discover news Dir.glob('news/_posts/*.md').each do |material| m = material.match(%r{news/_posts/(?<year>\d\d\d\d)-(?<month>\d\d)-(?<day>\d\d)-(?<title>.*)\.md}) html_path = "/news/#{m[:year]}/#{m[:month]}/#{m[:day]}/#{m[:title]}.html" # If it's not already mapped by a key, add it. if !mapped?(html_path, current_mapping) # Generate a short code short_code_number = current_mapping['id'].select { |x| x[0] == CATEGORY_NEWS }.length.to_s.rjust(5, '0') short_code = CATEGORY_NEWS + short_code_number puts "Discovered news #{short_code}" # If the target of this flavour of short code isn't already in here, then add it current_mapping['id'][short_code] = html_path end end # Discover learning pathways lps = Dir.glob('learning-pathways/*.md') lps.reject! { |t| t =~ / } lps.reject! { |t| t =~ / } lps.each do |tutorial| html_path = "/#{tutorial.gsub(/md$/, 'html')}" # If it's not already mapped by a key, add it. if !mapped?(html_path, current_mapping) # Generate a short code short_code_number = current_mapping['id'].select { |x| x[0] == CATEGORY_PATHWAYS }.length.to_s.rjust(5, '0') short_code = CATEGORY_PATHWAYS + short_code_number puts "Discovered learning pathway #{short_code}" # If the target of this flavour of short code isn't already in here, then add it current_mapping['id'][short_code] = html_path end end # Discover events events = Dir.glob('events/*.md') events.reject! { |t| t =~ / } events.reject! { |t| t =~ / } events.each do |event| html_path = "/#{event.gsub(/md$/, 'html')}" # If it's not already mapped by a key, add it. if !mapped?(html_path, current_mapping) # Generate a short code short_code_number = current_mapping['id'].select { |x| x[0] == CATEGORY_EVENTS }.length.to_s.rjust(5, '0') short_code = CATEGORY_EVENTS + short_code_number puts "Discovered event #{short_code}" # If the target of this flavour of short code isn't already in here, then add it current_mapping['id'][short_code] = html_path end end # Discover workflows workflows = Dir.glob('topics/**/workflows/*.ga') workflows.each do |workflow| html_path = "/#{workflow.gsub(/ga$/, 'html')}" # If it's not already mapped by a key, add it. if !mapped?(html_path, current_mapping) # Generate a short code short_code_number = current_mapping['id'].select { |x| x[0] == CATEGORY_WORKFLOW }.length.to_s.rjust(5, '0') short_code = CATEGORY_WORKFLOW + short_code_number puts "Discovered workflow #{short_code}" # If the target of this flavour of short code isn't already in here, then add it current_mapping['id'][short_code] = html_path end end current_mapping end