class Object
This module specifically avoids having any dependencies. If you have a method that needs to be used in many places, even those without initialisation, it should go here.
Full Contributors Data
Any error messages
The fastimage gem may not be installed, and that is OK, we will fall back to another method
modifiedfiles = ‘git diff –cached –name-only –ignore-all-space –diff-filter=M #{options}`.split(“n”)
two directories up
Public Class Methods
We have the problem of renamed FAQs, these will be stored somewhere other than the auto-generated name.
We need to eliminate that duplication and ensure we don’t overwrite an existing one.
So we need to discover all existing FAQs and their google form IDs.
# File bin/google-form-faq.rb, line 21 def self.discover_faqs paths = [] paths += Dir.glob('faqs/**/*.md') paths += Dir.glob('topics/**/faqs/*.md') paths += Dir.glob('topics/**/faqs/*.md') # Reject symlinks paths.reject { |path| File.symlink?(path) } end
Public Instance Methods
# File _plugins/util.rb, line 107 def acceptable_tool?(tool_id) if ! tool_id.is_a?(String) return false end # Public TS links are fine if tool_id.start_with?('') return true end # These are always allowed (mostly built-ins) if ALLOWED_LOWER_SHORT_IDS.include?(tool_id.downcase) || tool_id =~ /^__.*__$/ return true end if tool_id.start_with?('interactive_tool_') return true end if tool_id.start_with?('CONVERTER_') return true end # Templated tool IDs are hopefully fine! if tool_id.start_with?('{{') return true end # Just the tutorial if tool_id.start_with?('Toolshed ID') return true end # Unacceptable return false end
# File bin/gtn.rb, line 7 def automagic_loading(f) # Remove our documentation f.reject! { |k, v| k == 'description' and v.is_a?(String) } f.reject! { |k| k == '_examples' } # Auto-replace CONTRIBUTORS in enums. f.each do |k, v| if v.is_a?(Hash) automagic_loading(v) elsif v.is_a?(Array) if k == 'enum' repl = [] # If one of the elements in this array is CONTRIBUTORS, replace it with the same named variable repl << CONTRIBUTORS.keys if v.find { |x| x == 'CONTRIBUTORS' } repl << GRANTS.keys if v.find { |x| x == 'GRANTS' } repl << ORGANISATIONS.keys if v.find { |x| x == 'ORGANISATIONS' } v.replace repl.flatten if repl.length.positive? end v.flatten.each { |x| automagic_loading(x) if x.is_a?(Hash) } end end f end
# File bin/news.rb, line 187 def build_news(data, filter: nil, updates: true, only_news: false) infix = filter.nil? ? '' : titleize(filter) output = "# GTN #{infix} News for #{NOW.strftime('%b %d')}" newsworthy = false if filter.nil? output += format_news(data[:added][:news]) newsworthy |= format_news(data[:added][:news]).length.positive? end if only_news return [output, newsworthy] end o = format_events( data[:added][:events].select { |n| filter.nil? || safe_load_yaml(n[:path]).fetch('tags', []).include?(filter) } ) output += o newsworthy |= o.length.positive? o = format_tutorials( data[:added][:tutorials].select { |n| filter.nil? || n[:path] =~ %r{topics/#{filter}} }, data[:modified][:tutorials].select { |n| filter.nil? || n[:path] =~ %r{topics/#{filter}} }, updates: updates ) output += o newsworthy |= o.length.positive? o = format_tutorials( data[:added][:slides].select { |n| filter.nil? || n[:path] =~ %r{topics/#{filter}} }, data[:modified][:slides].select { |n| filter.nil? || n[:path] =~ %r{topics/#{filter}} }, kind: 'slides', updates: updates ) output += o newsworthy |= o.length.positive? if filter.nil? && data[:contributors].length.positive? newsworthy = true output += "\n\n## #{data[:contributors].length} new contributors!\n\n" output += data[:contributors].map { |c| linkify("@#{c}", "hall-of-fame/#{c}") }.join("\n").gsub(/^/, '- ') end if filter.nil? && data[:organisations].length.positive? newsworthy = true output += "\n\n## #{data[:organisations].length} new organisations!\n\n" output += data[:organisations].map { |c| linkify("@#{c}", "hall-of-fame/#{c}") }.join("\n").gsub(/^/, '- ') end if filter.nil? && data[:grants].length.positive? newsworthy = true output += "\n\n## #{data[:grants].length} new grants!\n\n" output += data[:grants].map { |c| linkify("@#{c}", "hall-of-fame/#{c}") }.join("\n").gsub(/^/, '- ') end [output, newsworthy] end
# File bin/ari-synthesize.rb, line 60 def call_engine(engine, line, mp3, voice, lang, neural) if engine == 'aws' awseng = if neural 'neural' else 'standard' end # Synthesize args = ['aws', 'polly', 'synthesize-speech', '--engine', awseng, '--language-code', lang, '--voice-id', voice, '--output-format', 'mp3', '--text', line, mp3] _, stderr, err = Open3.capture3(*args) if err.exited? && err.exitstatus.positive? puts "ERROR: #{stderr}" puts "ERROR: #{err}" exit 1 end elsif engine == 'mozilla' raw ='synth-raw') _, stderr, err = Open3.capture3('curl', '--silent', '-G', '--output', raw.path, "http://localhost:5002/api/tts?text=#{CGI.escape(line)}") if err.exited? && err.exitstatus.positive? puts "ERROR: #{stderr}" exit 1 end _, stderr, err = Open3.capture3('ffmpeg', '-loglevel', 'error', '-i', raw.path, '-y', mp3) if err.exited? && err.exitstatus.positive? puts "ERROR: #{stderr}" exit 1 end end end
# File bin/check-indent.rb, line 5 def check_indent(file) doc = Nokogiri::HTML( # Find all <pre> tags # <div class="language-plaintext highlighter-rouge"><div class="highlight"><pre class="highlight"><code> ec = false doc.css('div.language-plaintext.highlighter-rouge div.highlight pre.highlight code').each do |pre| # Get the text content of the <pre> tag content = pre.text # Split the content by newlines lines = content.split("\n") # If all lines look like URLs: if lines.all? { |line| line =~ %r{://} } # If any are space indented lines.each do |line| if line =~ /^\s+/ puts "#{file}: Indentation error: #{line}" ec = true end end end end ec end
# File _plugins/util.rb, line 45 def collapse_event_date_pretty(event) s = event['date_start'] e = if event['date_end'].nil? s else event['date_end'] end # want dates like "Mar 22-25, 2024" or "Mar 22-May 1, 2024" dash = ' – ' # thin space, en dash, thin space if s.year == e.year if s.month == e.month if == "#{s.strftime('%B')} #{}, #{s.year}" else "#{s.strftime('%B')} #{}#{dash}#{}, #{s.year}" end else "#{s.strftime('%B')} #{}#{dash}#{e.strftime('%B')} #{}, #{s.year}" end else "#{s.strftime('%B')} #{}, #{s.year}#{dash}#{e.strftime('%B')} #{}, #{e.year}" end end
# File bin/ari-synthesize.rb, line 48 def correct(uncorrected_line) # First we try and catch the things we can directly replace (esp usegalaxy.*) line = do |w| translate(w) end.join(' ') # Now we do more fancy replacements line.strip.split(/([ ‘’,'".:;!`()])/).reject(&:empty?) do |w| translate(w) end.join end
# File bin/update-data-library, line 139 def data_library_for_tutorial(path) File.join(File.dirname(path), 'data-library.yaml') end
Get the list of toolcats
# File bin/fetch-categories.rb, line 8 def fetch_toolcats(server) uri = URI.parse(server.to_s) request = req_options = { use_ssl: uri.scheme == 'https', } response = Net::HTTP.start(uri.hostname, uri.port, req_options) do |http| http.request(request) end begin JSON.parse(response.body) do |w| w end rescue StandardError {} end end
# File bin/workflows-fetch.rb, line 40 def fetch_workflowhub begin projects = JSON.parse(request('').body) response = request('[workflow_type]=galaxy') data = JSON.parse(response.body) rescue StandardError puts "ERROR: cannot fetch from WorkflowHub" return [] end project_mapping = projects['data'].to_h { |p| [p['id'], p['attributes']['title']] } if !data['links']['next'].nil? puts 'ERROR: Cannot yet handle multiple pages' exit 42 end puts "INFO: Fetching #{data['data'].length} workflows from WorkflowHub" data['data'].map.with_index do |w, _i| # {"id"=>"14", "type"=>"workflows", "attributes"=>{"title"=>"Cheminformatics - Docking"}, "links"=>{"self"=>"/workflows/14"}} begin wf_info = JSON.parse(request("{w['links']['self']}").body) rescue StandardError puts "ERROR: cannont fetch from WorkflowHub" return [] end creator_list = [] creator0 = wf_info['data']['attributes']['creators'][0] if creator0.nil? # Other creators other = wf_info['data']['attributes']['other_creators'] if !other.nil? && other.length.positive? creator_list.push(wf_info['data']['attributes']['other_creators'].split(',').map(&:strip)) end else # Primary creator_list.push("#{creator0['given_name']} #{creator0['family_name']}") end # Projects wf_info['data']['relationships']['projects']['data'].each do |p| creator_list.push(project_mapping[p['id']]) end creator_list = creator_list.flatten.compact.uniq begin r = { 'name' => wf_info['data']['attributes']['title'], 'owner' => creator_list.join(', '), 'number_of_steps' => wf_info['data']['attributes']['internals']['steps'].length, 'server' => '', 'id' => wf_info['data']['id'], 'tags' => wf_info['data']['attributes']['tags'].map { |t| t.gsub(/^name:/, '') }, 'update_time' => wf_info['data']['attributes']['updated_at'], } rescue StandardError r = nil end r end.compact end
Get the list of workflows
# File bin/workflows-fetch.rb, line 22 def fetch_workflows(server) begin response = request("#{server}/api/workflows/") rescue StandardError puts "ERROR: Failed to fetch workflows from #{server}" return [] end begin JSON.parse(response.body).map do |w| w['server'] = server w end rescue StandardError [] end end
# File bin/news.rb, line 66 def filterSlides(x) x =~ %r{topics/.*/tutorials/.*/slides.*\.html} end
new news new slidevideos new contributors Done new tutorials Done new slides Done
# File bin/news.rb, line 62 def filterTutorials(x) x =~ %r{topics/.*/tutorials/.*/tutorial.*\.md} end
# File bin/ari-synthesize.rb, line 94 def find_duration(mp3) stdout, = Open3.capture2('ffprobe', '-loglevel', 'error', '-show_format', '-show_streams', '-print_format', 'json', '-i', mp3) data = JSON.parse(stdout) data['format']['duration'].to_f end
# File bin/news.rb, line 96 def fixEvents(n) # news/_posts/2021-11-10-api.html => news/2021/11/10/api.html meta = safe_load_yaml(n[:path]) n[:md] += " (#{collapse_event_date_pretty(meta)})" n end
# File bin/news.rb, line 91 def fixNews(n) # news/_posts/2021-11-10-api.html => news/2021/11/10/api.html n[:md].gsub(%r{news/_posts/(....)-(..)-(..)-(.*.html)}, 'news/\1/\2/\3/\4') end
# File _plugins/util.rb, line 96 def fix_version(version) version .gsub('_beta+galaxy', '+galaxy') .gsub(/^([0-9]+)_([0-9]+)_([0-9]+)\+galaxy(.+)/, '\1.\2.\3galaxy\4') .gsub(/^([0-9]+)\+galaxy(.+)/, '\1.0.0galaxy\2') .gsub(/^([0-9.]+)_([0-9]+)/, '\1galaxy\2') .gsub(/_rc(.*)galaxy/, 'rc\1galaxy') .gsub('+', '') .gsub(/^v/, '') end
# File _plugins/feeds.rb, line 230 def format_contents(xml, site, parts, title, group_by: 'day') # output += '<div xmlns="">' end
# File bin/news.rb, line 160 def format_events(events) output = '' if events.length.positive? output += "\n\n## 📆 New Events!\n\n" output += events.join("\n").gsub(/^/, '- ') end output end
# File bin/news.rb, line 151 def format_news(news) output = '' if news.length.positive? output += "\n\n## Big News!\n\n" output += news.join("\n").gsub(/^/, '- ') end output end
# File bin/news.rb, line 169 def format_tutorials(added, modified, kind: 'tutorials', updates: true) output = '' count = added.length count += modified.length if updates output += "\n\n## #{count} #{kind}!" if count.positive? if added.length.positive? output += "\n\nNew #{kind}:\n\n" output += { |n| n[:md] }.join("\n").gsub(/^/, '- ') end if updates && modified.length.positive? output += "\n\nUpdated #{kind}:\n\n" output += { |n| n[:md] }.join("\n").gsub(/^/, '- ') end output end
# File _plugins/feeds.rb, line 498 def generate_event_feeds(site) events = { |x| x['layout'] == 'event' || x['layout'] == 'event-external' } feed_path = File.join(site.dest, 'events', 'feed.xml') '[GTN/Feeds] Generating event feed' # Pre-filering. updated = { |x| Gtn::PublicationTimes.obtain_time(x.path) }.max events = events .reject { |x|'draft', '').to_s == 'true' } .reject { |x|['event_over'] == true } # Remove past events, prunes our feed nicely. .sort_by { |page| Gtn::PublicationTimes.obtain_time(page.path) } .reverse if !events.empty? Jekyll.logger.debug "Found #{events.length} events" end builder = 'UTF-8') do |xml| # Set stylesheet xml.feed(xmlns: '') do # Set generator also needs a URI attribute xml.generator('Jekyll', uri: '') "#{site.config['url']}#{site.baseurl}/events/feed.xml", rel: 'self') "#{site.config['url']}#{site.baseurl}/events/", rel: 'alternate') xml.updated(updated.to_datetime.rfc3339)"#{site.config['url']}#{site.baseurl}/events/feed.xml") xml.title('Events') xml.subtitle('Events in the Inter-Galactic Network') xml.logo("#{site.config['url']}#{site.baseurl}/assets/images/GTN-60px.png") events.each do |page| xml.entry do pdate = collapse_event_date_pretty( xml.title("[#{pdate}] #{['title']}") link = "#{site.config['url']}#{site.baseurl}#{page.url}" link) # Our links are stable # This is a feed of only NEW tutorials, so we only include publication times. # xml.published(Gtn::PublicationTimes.obtain_time(page.path).to_datetime.rfc3339) xml.published(Gtn::PublicationTimes.obtain_time(page.path).to_datetime.rfc3339) xml.updated(Gtn::PublicationTimes.obtain_time(page.path).to_datetime.rfc3339) # TODO: find a better solution maybe with namespaces? xml.category(term: "starts:#{['date_start'].to_datetime.rfc3339}") xml.category(term: "ends:#{(['date_end'] ||['date_start']).to_datetime.rfc3339}") xml.category(term: "days:#{['duration']}") # xml.path(page.path) xml.category(term: "new #{page['layout']}") # xml.content(page.content, type: "html") xml.summary(['description']) if['location'] &&['location']['geo'] lat =['location']['geo']['lat'] lon =['location']['geo']['lon'] xml.georss('point', "#{lat} #{lon}") end Gtn::Contributors.get_organisers( do |c| do, c, warn:false)) xml.uri("#{site.config['url']}#{site.baseurl}/hall-of-fame/#{c}/") if['contact_email']['contact_email']) end end end Gtn::Contributors.get_instructors( do |c| xml.contributor do, c, warn:false)) xml.uri("#{site.config['url']}#{site.baseurl}/hall-of-fame/#{c}/") end end end end end end serialise(site, feed_path, builder) end
Our old style matrix bot postsx
# File _plugins/feeds.rb, line 376 def generate_matrix_feed(site, mats, group_by: 'day', filter_by: nil) # new materials (tut + sli) # new grants/contributors/orgs # new news posts(?) filter_title = nil if !filter_by.nil? mats = { |x| x[3].include?(filter_by) } filter_title = filter_by.gsub('-', ' ').capitalize end case group_by when 'day' # Reject anything that is today mats = mats.reject { |x| x[0].strftime('%Y-%m-%d') =='%Y-%m-%d') } when 'week' mats = mats.reject { |x| x[0].strftime('%Y-%W') =='%Y-%W') } when 'month' mats = mats.reject { |x| x[0].strftime('%Y-%m') =='%Y-%m') } end bucket = group_bucket_by(mats, group_by: group_by) lookup = { 'day' => 'Daily', 'week' => 'Weekly', 'month' => 'Monthly' } parts = [filter_by || 'matrix', group_by || 'all'] path = "feeds/#{parts.join('-')}.xml" feed_path = File.join(site.dest, path) '[GTN/Feeds] Generating matrix feed' dir = File.dirname(feed_path) FileUtils.mkdir_p(dir) unless # Group by days builder = 'UTF-8') do |xml| # Set stylesheet xml.feed(xmlns: '') do # Set generator also needs a URI attribute xml.generator('Jekyll', uri: '') "#{site.config['url']}#{site.baseurl}/#{path}", rel: 'self') "#{site.config['url']}#{site.baseurl}/", rel: 'alternate') # convert '2024-01-01' to date xml.updated("#{site.config['url']}#{site.baseurl}/#{path}") title_parts = [filter_title, "#{lookup[group_by]} Updates"].compact xml.title(title_parts.join(' — ')) xml.subtitle('The latest events, tutorials, slides, blog posts, FAQs, workflows, learning paths, recordings, and contributors in the GTN.') xml.logo("#{site.config['url']}#{site.baseurl}/assets/images/GTN-60px.png") bucket.each do |date, parts| xml.entry do case group_by when 'day' title = "#{date.strftime('%B %d, %Y')}" when 'week' title = "#{date.strftime('W%W, %Y')}" when 'month' title = "#{date.strftime('%B %Y')}" end xml.title(title) # Our IDs should be stable"#{site.config['url']}#{site.baseurl}/#{group_by}/#{date.strftime('%Y-%m-%d')}") # This is a feed of only NEW tutorials, so we only include publication times. xml.published( { |x| x[0] }.min.to_datetime.rfc3339) xml.updated( { |x| x[0] }.max.to_datetime.rfc3339) # xml.category(term: "new #{type}") xml.content(type: 'xhtml') do xml.div(xmlns: '') do # xml.h4 title parts.group_by { |x| x[1] }.sort_by { |x| PRIO[x[0]] }.each do |type, items| xml.h4 "#{ICON_FOR[type]} #{type.gsub(/-/, ' ').capitalize}" if items.length.positive? xml.ul do items.each do |date, _type, page, _tags| do if page.is_a?(String) href = track("#{site.config['url']}#{site.config['baseurl']}/hall-of-fame/#{page}/") text = "@#{page}" else text =['title'] href = track("#{site.config['url']}#{site.config['baseurl']}#{page.url}") end if group_by != 'day' text += " (#{date.strftime('%B %d, %Y')})" end xml.a(text, href: href) end end end end end if group_by != 'day' xml.small do xml.span 'Powered by ' xml.a('GTN RSS Feeds', href: '') end end end end do'GTN') xml.uri("#{site.config['url']}#{site.baseurl}/hall-of-fame/")'') end end end end end serialise(site, feed_path, builder) end
# File _plugins/feeds.rb, line 236 def generate_matrix_feed_itemized(site, mats, group_by: 'day', filter_by: nil) filter_title = nil if !filter_by.nil? mats = { |x| x[3].include?(filter_by) } filter_title = filter_by.gsub('-', ' ').capitalize end case group_by when 'day' # Reject anything that is today mats = mats.reject { |x| x[0].strftime('%Y-%m-%d') =='%Y-%m-%d') } when 'week' mats = mats.reject { |x| x[0].strftime('%Y-%W') =='%Y-%W') } when 'month' mats = mats.reject { |x| x[0].strftime('%Y-%m') =='%Y-%m') } end bucket = group_bucket_by(mats, group_by: group_by) lookup = { 'day' => 'Daily', 'week' => 'Weekly', 'month' => 'Monthly', nil => 'All' } parts = [filter_by || 'matrix', group_by || 'all'] path = "feeds/#{parts.join('-')}.i.xml" feed_path = File.join(site.dest, path) '[GTN/Feeds] Generating matrix/i feed' dir = File.dirname(feed_path) FileUtils.mkdir_p(dir) unless # Group by days builder = 'UTF-8') do |xml| # Set stylesheet xml.feed(xmlns: '') do # Set generator also needs a URI attribute xml.generator('Jekyll', uri: '') "#{site.config['url']}#{site.baseurl}/#{path}", rel: 'self') "#{site.config['url']}#{site.baseurl}/", rel: 'alternate') # convert '2024-01-01' to date xml.updated("#{site.config['url']}#{site.baseurl}/#{path}") title_parts = ["GTN", filter_title, lookup[group_by], "Updates"].compact # title used for slack's 'bot name', so should be something useful. xml.title(title_parts.join(' ')) xml.subtitle('The latest events, tutorials, slides, blog posts, FAQs, workflows, and contributors in the GTN.') xml.logo("#{site.config['url']}#{site.baseurl}/assets/images/GTN-60px.png") bucket.each do |bucket_date, parts| parts.group_by { |x| x[1] }.sort_by { |x| PRIO[x[0]] }.each do |type, items| if items.length.positive? items.each do |date, type, page, tags| # Entry per-item. xml.entry do # This is a feed of only NEW tutorials, so we only include publication times. if group_by.nil? xml.published(bucket_date.rfc3339) xml.updated(bucket_date.rfc3339) else xml.published(bucket_date.to_euro_lunch.rfc3339) xml.updated(bucket_date.to_euro_lunch.rfc3339) end href = "#{site.config['url']}#{site.config['baseurl']}#{page.url}" track(href)) tags.uniq.each do |tag| xml.category(term: tag) end xml.category(term: "new #{page['layout']}") if'description') xml.summary(['description']) else md = page.content["\n")].strip html = markdownify(site, md) text = Nokogiri::HTML(html).text xml.summary(text) end prefix = type.gsub(/s$/, '').gsub(/-/, ' ').capitalize.gsub(/Faq/, 'FAQ').gsub(/New$/, 'Post') title = "#{ICON_FOR[type]} New #{prefix}: #{['title']}" xml.title(title) had_authors = false Gtn::Contributors.get_authors( do |c| do had_authors = true, c, warn:false)) if c !~ / / xml.uri("#{site.config['url']}#{site.baseurl}/hall-of-fame/#{c}/") end end end if !had_authors do'GTN') xml.uri("#{site.config['url']}#{site.baseurl}/hall-of-fame/")'') end end Gtn::Contributors.get_non_authors( do |c| xml.contributor do, c, warn:false)) if c !~ / / xml.uri("#{site.config['url']}#{site.baseurl}/hall-of-fame/#{c}/") end end end end end end end end do'GTN') xml.uri("#{site.config['url']}#{site.baseurl}/hall-of-fame/")'') end end end serialise(site, feed_path, builder) end
# File _plugins/feeds.rb, line 97 def generate_opml(site, groups) builder = 'UTF-8') do |xml| # Set stylesheet xml.opml(version: '2.0') do xml.head do xml.title('Galaxy Training Network') xml.dateCreated( xml.dateModified( xml.ownerEmail('') end xml.body do groups.each do |group, items| xml.outline(text: group) do items.each do |item| xml.outline(text: item[:title], type: 'rss', version: 'RSS', xmlUrl: item[:url], htmlUrl: item[:url]) end end end end end end opml_path = File.join(site.dest, 'feeds', 'gtn.opml') finalised = Nokogiri::XML builder.to_xml File.write(opml_path, finalised.to_xml) end
# File _plugins/feeds.rb, line 193 def generate_tag_topic_feeds(_site) # Any new materials in a topic with the equivalent tag # Any new materials tagged with that tag # Any news by tag '' end
# File _plugins/feeds.rb, line 124 def generate_topic_feeds(site, topic, bucket) mats = { |x| x[3].include?(topic) } feed_path = File.join(site.dest, 'topics', topic, 'feed.xml') "[GTN/Feeds] Generating feed for #{topic} (#{mats.length} items)" builder = 'UTF-8') do |xml| # Set stylesheet xml.feed(xmlns: '') do # Set generator also needs a URI attribute xml.generator('Jekyll', uri: '') "#{site.config['url']}#{site.baseurl}/topics/#{topic}/feed.xml", rel: 'self') 'alternate', href: "#{site.config['url']}#{site.baseurl}/topics/#{topic}/") xml.updated(mats.first[0].rfc3339)"#{site.config['url']}#{site.baseurl}/topics/#{topic}/feed.xml") topic_title =[topic]['title'] xml.title("#{topic_title}") xml.subtitle("Recently added tutorials, slides, FAQs, and events in the #{topic} topic") xml.logo("#{site.config['url']}#{site.baseurl}/assets/images/GTN-60px.png") mats.each do |time, group, page, tags| xml.entry do xml.title(ICON_FOR[group] + " " +['title']) link = "#{site.config['url']}#{site.baseurl}#{page.url}" link) # Our links are (mostly) stable # This is a feed of only NEW tutorials, so we only include publication times. # xml.published(Gtn::PublicationTimes.obtain_time(page.path).to_datetime.rfc3339) xml.updated(time.rfc3339) tags.uniq.each do |tag| xml.category(term: tag) end if 'description' xml.summary(['description']) else md = page.content["\n")].strip html = markdownify(site, md) text = Nokogiri::HTML(html).text xml.summary(text) end Gtn::Contributors.get_authors( do |c| do, c, warn:false)) if c !~ / / xml.uri("#{site.config['url']}#{site.baseurl}/hall-of-fame/#{c}/") end end end Gtn::Contributors.get_non_authors( do |c| xml.contributor do, c, warn:false)) if c !~ / / xml.uri("#{site.config['url']}#{site.baseurl}/hall-of-fame/#{c}/") end end end end end end end serialise(site, feed_path, builder) end
# File bin/collect-gh.rb, line 15 def gh_cli_pr_info(num, fields) JSON.parse(`gh pr view #{num} --json #{fields.join(',')}`) end
# File bin/collect-gh.rb, line 10 def gh_cli_pr_list(count: 3) d = JSON.parse(`gh pr list --search 'sort:updated-desc is:merged' --limit #{count} --json number`) { |pr| pr['number'] } end
# File _plugins/feeds.rb, line 200 def group_bucket_by(bucket, group_by: 'day') case group_by when 'day' bucket .group_by { |x| x[0].strftime('%Y-%m-%d') } .to_h { |_k, v| [ { |x| x[0] }.min, v] } when 'week' bucket .group_by { |x| x[0].strftime('%Y-%W') } .to_h { |_k, v| [ { |x| x[0] }.min, v] } when 'month' bucket .group_by { |x| x[0].strftime('%Y-%m') } .to_h { |_k, v| [ { |x| x[0] }.min, v] } else # Pretend this is an h # bucket # .map { |x| [x[0], x] } # .to_h bucket .map.with_index { |x, i| [x[0] + i / 100000000.0, [x]] } .to_h # We add an artificial separator in the range of miliseconds to each file, # should never grow more than 1s, likely, to ensure each of these are # individual items. This is kludge-y, yeah, but downstream processing wants # to group_by in places, and we don't want to trigger it collapsing there # too. end end
# File bin/news.rb, line 103 def isDraft(n) meta = safe_load_yaml(n) meta.fetch('draft', false) end
# File _plugins/notebook-jupyter.rb, line 6 def json_boxify(h, page) h['cells'].each do |cell| # If it's a list, loop if cell['source'].is_a? Array cell['source'].each do |line| # rubocop:disable Layout/LineLength line.gsub!(%r{<(?<boxclass>#{Gtn::Boxify.box_classes})-title( ?(?<noprefix>noprefix))>(?<title>.*?)</\s*\k<boxclass>-title\s*>}) do # rubocop:enable Layout/LineLength m = Regexp.last_match box_type = m[:boxclass] title = m[:title] noprefix = m[:noprefix] _, box = Gtn::Boxify.generate_title(box_type, title, lang, page.path, noprefix: noprefix) box end end else # rubocop:disable Layout/LineLength cell['source'].gsub!(%r{<(?<boxclass>#{Gtn::Boxify.box_classes})-title(?<noprefix>\s+noprefix)?>(?<title>.*?)</\s*\k<boxclass>-title\s*>}) do # rubocop:enable Layout/LineLength m = Regexp.last_match box_type = m[:boxclass] title = m[:title] noprefix = m[:noprefix] _, box = Gtn::Boxify.generate_title(box_type, title, 'en', page.path, noprefix: noprefix) box end end end h end
# File _plugins/notebook-jupyter.rb, line 120 def jupyter_post_write(site) site.config['__rendered_notebook_cache'].each do |_path, info| # Create if missing FileUtils.mkdir_p(info['dir']) # Write it out! File.write(info['path1'], info['content1']) File.write(info['path2'], info['content2']) end end
# File _plugins/notebook-jupyter.rb, line 38 def jupyter_pre_render(site) '[GTN/Notebooks] Rendering' site.config['__rendered_notebook_cache'] = {} # For every tutorial with the 'notebook' key in the page data { |page| Gtn::Notebooks.notebook_filter( }.each do |page| # We get the path to the tutorial source dir = File.dirname(File.join('.', page.url)) fn = File.join('.', page.url).sub(/html$/, 'md') notebook_language =['notebook'].fetch('language', 'python') # Tag our source page['tags'] =['tags'] || []['tags'].push('jupyter-notebook') "[GTN/Notebooks] Rendering #{notebook_language} #{fn}" last_modified = Gtn::ModificationTimes.obtain_time(page.path) notebook = Gtn::Notebooks.render_jupyter_notebook(, page.content, page.url, last_modified, notebook_language, site, dir) topic_id = dir.split('/')[-3] tutorial_id = dir.split('/')[-1] with_solutions = notebook.clone with_solutions['cells'] = with_solutions['cells'].map do |cell| if cell.fetch('cell_type') == 'markdown' && (cell['source'].is_a? String) m = cell['source'].match(/<blockquote class="solution"[^>]*>/) if m cell['source'].gsub!(/<blockquote class="solution"[^>]*>/, '<br/><details style="border: 2px solid #B8C3EA; margin: 1em 0.2em;' \ 'padding: 0.5em; cursor: pointer;"><summary>👁 View solution</summary>') idx = m.begin(0) q = cell['source'][0..idx] w = cell['source'][idx + 1..] e = w.index('</blockquote>') r = "#{w[0..e - 1]}</details>#{w[e + 13..]}" cell['source'] = q + r end end cell end # Write it out! ipynb_dir = File.join(site.dest, dir) ipynb_path = File.join(ipynb_dir, "#{topic_id}-#{tutorial_id}.ipynb") # page2 =, '', dir, "#{topic_id}-#{tutorial_id}.ipynb") # page2.content = JSON.pretty_generate(with_solutions) #['layout'] = nil #['citation_target'] = 'jupyter' # site.pages << page2 # Create a no-solutions version: no_solutions = notebook.clone no_solutions['cells'] = no_solutions['cells'].map do |cell| if cell.fetch('cell_type') == 'markdown' && (cell['source'].is_a? String) cell['source'].gsub!(/<blockquote class="solution"[^>]*>/, '<blockquote class="solution" style="display:none">') end cell end ipynb_path2 = File.join(ipynb_dir, "#{topic_id}-#{tutorial_id}-course.ipynb") # page2 =, '', dir, "#{topic_id}-#{tutorial_id}-course.ipynb") # page2.content = JSON.pretty_generate(no_solutions) #['layout'] = nil #['citation_target'] = 'jupyter' # site.pages << page2 site.config['__rendered_notebook_cache'][page.path] = { 'dir' => ipynb_dir, 'path1' => ipynb_path, 'content1' => JSON.pretty_generate(json_boxify(with_solutions, page)), 'path2' => ipynb_path2, 'content2' => JSON.pretty_generate(json_boxify(no_solutions, page)), } end end
# File bin/news.rb, line 81 def linkify(text, path) "[#{text.gsub('|', '-')}]({path}?utm_source=matrix&utm_medium=newsbot&utm_campaign=matrix-news)" end
# File bin/prepare_feedback.rb, line 55 def lookup_topic(topic_id) @cache ||= {} @cache.fetch(topic_id) do |key| file = "metadata/#{topic_id}.yaml" return nil unless File.exist? file data = safe_load_yaml(file) @cache[key] = data['title'] end end
# File bin/prepare_feedback.rb, line 34 def lookup_tuto(topic_id, tuto_id) @cache ||= {} @cache.fetch("#{topic_id}/#{tuto_id}") do |key| @cache[key] = nil file = "topics/#{topic_id}/tutorials/#{tuto_id}/" if File.exist? file data = safe_load_yaml(file) @cache[key] = data['title'] else file = "topics/#{topic_id}/tutorials/#{tuto_id}/slides.html" if File.exist? file data = safe_load_yaml(file) @cache[key] = data['title'] else puts "No file for #{topic_id}/#{tuto_id}" end end end end
Map a contributor ID to a JSON object which includes links to their profile page and API endpoint Params:
object c
of contributor ID
Returns: Hash
of contributor information
# File _plugins/api.rb, line 55 def mapContributor(site, c) contrib_type, contrib = Gtn::Contributors.fetch(site, c) x = contrib .merge({ 'id' => c, 'url' => site.config['url'] + site.config['baseurl'] + "/api/#{contrib_type}s/#{c}.json", 'page' => site.config['url'] + site.config['baseurl'] + "/hall-of-fame/#{c}/", }) visitAndMarkdownify(site, x) end
Use Jekyll’s Markdown converter to convert text to HTML Params:
object text
of text to convert
Returns: String
of markdown text
# File _plugins/api.rb, line 21 def markdownify(site, text) site.find_converter_instance( Jekyll::Converters::Markdown ).convert(text.to_s) end
# File _plugins/util.rb, line 157 def objectify(attrs, url, path) obj = attrs.clone obj['__path'] = path obj['__url'] = url def self end def obj.path self['__path'] end def obj.url self['__url'] end def obj.content self.fetch('content', 'NO CONTENT AVAILABLE') end def obj.title self['title'] end obj end
# File bin/news.rb, line 70 def onlyEnabled(x) tutorial_meta = safe_load_yaml(x) tutorial_enabled = tutorial_meta.fetch('enable', true) topic = x.split('/')[1] topic_meta = safe_load_yaml("metadata/#{topic}.yaml") topic_enabled = topic_meta.fetch('enable', true) tutorial_enabled and topic_enabled end
# File bin/ari-synthesize.rb, line 157 def parseOptions options = {} do |opts| opts.banner = 'Usage: ari-synthesize.rb [options]' options[:neural] = true options[:voice] = 'Amy' options[:lang] = 'en-GB' opts.on('--aws', 'Use AWS Polly') do |v| options[:aws] = v end opts.on('--mozilla', 'Use MozillaTTS') do |v| options[:mozilla] = v end opts.on('--non-neural', '[AWS] Non-neural voice') do |_v| options[:neural] = false end opts.on('--voice=VOICE', '[AWS] Voice ID') do |n| options[:voice] = n end opts.on('--lang=LANG', '[AWS] Language code') do |n| options[:lang] = n end opts.on('-fFILE', '--file=FILE', 'File containing line of text to speak') do |n| options[:file] = n end opts.on('-oFILE', '--output=FILE', 'Location to save the file in (defaults to auto-generated location)') do |n| options[:output] = n end opts.on('-v', '--[no-]verbose', 'Run verbosely') do |v| options[:verbose] = v end end.parse! if !(options[:aws] || options[:mozilla]) puts 'ERROR: You must use aws or mozilla' exit 1 end if !(options[:file]) puts 'ERROR: You must provide a file with a single sentence to speak' exit 1 end sentence =[:file]).chomp if options[:aws] engine = 'aws' elsif options[:mozilla] engine = 'mozilla' end [sentence, engine, options] end
# File bin/update-data-library, line 149 def parse_metadata(path) parts = path.to_s.split('/') topic_id = parts[1] topic_metadata = YAML.load_file(File.join('metadata', "#{topic_id}.yaml")) tutorial_metadata = YAML.load_file(path) topic = { 'name' => topic_metadata['title'], 'description' => topic_metadata['summary'] } tutorial = { 'name' => tutorial_metadata['title'] } [topic, tutorial] end
# File bin/update-data-library, line 143 def parse_tutorial_for_zenodo_link(path) parse_zenodo_id_formats(YAML.load_file(path)['zenodo_link']) rescue StandardError nil end
# File bin/update-data-library, line 30 def parse_zenodo_id_formats(link) # # # doi:10.5281/zenodo.1234567 # doi:10.5281/zenodo.1234567#.X0X0X0X0X0X # 10.5281/zenodo.1234567 # 10.5281/zenodo.1234567#.X0X0X0X0X0X # # # link = link.split('#')[0] if link.match(/doi:/) || link.match(/^10.5281/) || link.match(/ link.split('.')[-1] else link.split('/')[-1] end end
# File bin/news.rb, line 85 def printableMaterial(path) d = safe_load_yaml(path) { md: linkify(d['title'], path.gsub(/.md/, '.html')), path: path } end
# File bin/geocode.rb, line 8 def request(url) uri = URI.parse(url) request = request['Accept'] = 'application/json' request['User-Agent'] = 'GTN-geocode/1.0 (+' req_options = { use_ssl: uri.scheme == 'https', } Net::HTTP.start(uri.hostname, uri.port, req_options) do |http| http.request(request) end end
# File _plugins/util.rb, line 39 def safe_load_yaml(file) YAML.load_file(file) rescue StandardError YAML.load_file(file, permitted_classes: [Date]) end
# File _plugins/util.rb, line 69 def safe_site_config(site, key, default) if !site.config.nil? && site.config.key?(key) site.config[key] else default end end
# File bin/news.rb, line 246 def send_news(output, options, channel: 'default') if options[:postToMatrix] # rubocop:disable Style/GlobalVars homeserver = $rooms[channel] # rubocop:enable Style/GlobalVars pp homeserver data = { 'msgtype' => 'm.notice', 'body' => output, 'format' => 'org.matrix.custom.html', 'formatted_body' =>, } headers = { 'Authorization' => "Bearer #{ENV.fetch('MATRIX_ACCESS_TOKEN', nil)}", 'Content-type' => 'application/json', } uri_send_message = URI("#{homeserver[:server]}/_matrix/client/r0/rooms/#{homeserver[:room]}/send/") req =, JSON.generate(data), headers) # Parse response resp = JSON.parse(req.body) puts resp if resp['errcode'] == 'M_FORBIDDEN' && (resp['error'] =~ /not in room/) puts 'Not in room, attempting to join' # Join room # POST /_matrix/client/v3/join/{roomIdOrAlias} uri_join = URI("#{homeserver[:server]}/_matrix/client/v3/join/#{homeserver[:room]}") req =, JSON.generate({}), headers) # Parse response resp = JSON.parse(req.body) # Now we're safe to re-try if resp.key?('room_id') req =, JSON.generate(data), headers) # Parse response resp = JSON.parse(req.body) puts resp end end else puts '===== NEWS START =====' puts output puts '===== NEWS END =====' end end
# File _plugins/feeds.rb, line 48 def serialise(site, feed_path, builder) # The builder won't let you add a processing instruction, so we have to # serialise it to a string and then parse it again. Ridiculous. if ! Dir.exist?(File.dirname(feed_path)) FileUtils.mkdir_p(File.dirname(feed_path)) end # First the 'default' with explanatory portion finalised = Nokogiri::XML builder.to_xml pi = finalised, 'xml-stylesheet', %(type="text/xml" href="#{site.config['url']}#{site.baseurl}/feed.xslt.xml") ) finalised.root.add_previous_sibling pi File.write(feed_path, finalised.to_xml) # Then the widget-compatible version with a more minimal representation: finalised = Nokogiri::XML builder.to_xml pi = finalised, 'xml-stylesheet', %(type="text/xml" href="#{site.config['url']}#{site.baseurl}/feed-widget.xslt.xml") ) finalised.root.add_previous_sibling pi File.write(feed_path.gsub(/\.xml$/, '.w.xml'), finalised.to_xml) # Write out HTML version since Safari doesn't support XSLT on XML. Rip. File.write(feed_path.gsub(/\.xml$/, '.w.html'), FEED_WIDGET_XSLT.transform(finalised)) end
# File _plugins/gtn/supported.rb, line 215 def short_id(tool_id) if tool_id.count('/') > 4 tool_id.split('/')[0..-2].join('/') else tool_id end end
# File bin/validate-contributors.rb, line 29 def show_errors(file, errs) # If we had no errors, validated successfully if errs.empty? puts "\e[38;5;40m#{file} validated succesfully\e[m" 0 else # Otherwise, print errors and exit non-zero puts "\e[48;5;09m#{file} has errors\e[m" errs.each { |x| puts " #{x}" } 1 end end
# File bin/ari-prep-script.rb, line 56 def split_sentence(sentence, timing) res = sentence.split chunk_size = (res.length.to_f / (res.length.to_f / 20).ceil).ceil chunks = res.each_slice(chunk_size).to_a.length res.each_slice(chunk_size) do |chunk, idx| t0 = timing * (idx / chunks.to_f) tf = timing * ((1 + idx) / chunks.to_f) [chunk, t0, tf] end end
# File bin/ari-synthesize.rb, line 101 def synthesize(uncorrected_line, engine, voice: 'Amy', lang: 'en-GB', neural: true, output: nil) line = correct(uncorrected_line) digest = Digest::MD5.hexdigest line if output.nil? mp3 = File.join(GTN_CACHE, "#{engine}-#{digest}-#{voice}.mp3") json = File.join(GTN_CACHE, "#{engine}-#{digest}-#{voice}.json") if File.file?(mp3) duration = JSON.parse(['end'] return mp3, json, duration.to_f end else mp3 = output json = "#{output}.json" if File.file?(output) return mp3, json, 0.0 # Todo end end # Call our engine call_engine(engine, line, mp3, voice, lang, neural) duration = find_duration(mp3) if line.length < 200 && duration > 27 # Helena managed to find a specific bad string which, when fed to Mozilla's # TTS would generate # # In: Some important terms you should know. # Out Some important terms you should know know know know know know know know know know know know know know ... # # So we put in a check that the duration hasn't done something crazy, and # if it is add something to the end which seems to short-circuit that # error. # # I've reported this upstream but the response was not useful, apparently # this is an "expected failure mode". # # # warn 'Strange: line was too long' call_engine(engine, "#{line}.", mp3) duration = find_duration(mp3) end if line.length < 200 && duration > 27 # Or maybe they just wrote a super long sentence. Or maybe we need to update the cutoff time. warn "ERROR: #{duration} of line is bad: #{line}" end # Now collect metadata for JSON json_handle =, 'w') json_handle.write(JSON.generate({ time: 0, type: 'sentence', start: 0, end: duration, value: line })) json_handle.close [mp3, json, duration] end
# File bin/workflow-test.rb, line 16 def test_workflow(workflow_file, galaxy_id) directory = File.dirname(workflow_file) workflow_base = File.basename(workflow_file, '.ga') workflow_output_json = File.join(directory, "#{workflow_base}.#{galaxy_id}.json") galaxy_url = GALAXIES[galaxy_id][:url] galaxy_user_key = GALAXIES[galaxy_id][:key] cmd = [ 'planemo', '--verbose', 'test', '--galaxy_url', galaxy_url, '--galaxy_user_key', galaxy_user_key, '--no_shed_install', '--engine', 'external_galaxy', '--polling_backoff', '1', '--simultaneous_uploads', '--test_output_json', workflow_output_json, workflow_file ] p cmd.join(' ') Open3.popen3(*cmd) do |_stdin, stdout, stderr, wait_thr| exit_status = wait_thr.value # Process::Status object returned File.write("#{directory}/#{workflow_base}.#{galaxy_id}.log", File.write("#{directory}/#{workflow_base}.#{galaxy_id}.err", puts "#{workflow_file} => #{exit_status} (#{stderr})" end end
Intro slides. Fast: editly –json editly.json5 126,23s user 5,62s system 126% cpu 1:44,08 total Slow: editly –json editly.json5 902,71s user 69,27s system 326% cpu 4:57,54 total
# File bin/ari-prep-script.rb, line 39 def timefmt(t, fmt) seconds = t % (24 * 3600) hours = seconds.to_i / 3600 seconds = seconds % 3600 minutes = seconds.to_i / 60 seconds = seconds % 60 (seconds, ms) = seconds.divmod(1) # seconds = seconds ms = 1000 * ms if fmt == 'vtt' format('%<h>02d:%<m>02d:%<s>02d.%<ms>03d', { h: hours, m: minutes, s: seconds, ms: ms }) else format('%<h>02d:%<m>02d:%<s>02d,%<ms>03d', { h: hours, m: minutes, s: seconds, ms: ms }) end end
# File bin/news.rb, line 147 def titleize(t) t.gsub('-', ' ').gsub(/\w+/, &:capitalize) end
# File _plugins/util.rb, line 145 def tool_id_extractor(wf, path: []) res = [] wf['steps'].each do |step_id, step| if step.key?('subworkflow') res += tool_id_extractor(step['subworkflow'], path: path + [step_id]) elsif step.key?('tool_id') && ! step['tool_id'].nil? res.push(["#{path.join('/')}/#{step_id}", step['tool_id']]) end end res end
# File _plugins/feeds.rb, line 36 def track(url) if url =~ /utm_source/ url elsif url.include? '#' url.gsub(/#/, TRACKING + '#') else url + TRACKING end end
# File bin/ari-synthesize.rb, line 24 def translate(word) return word if /^\s+$/.match(word) return word if PUNCTUATION.find_index(word) return WORD_MAP[word] if WORD_MAP.key?(word) m = /([^A-Za-z0-9]*)([A-Za-z0-9]+)([^A-Za-z0-9]*)(.*)/.match(word) if !m puts "Error: #{word}" return word end fixed = if m[2] WORD_MAP.fetch(m[2].downcase, m[2]) else m[2] end # puts "#{m} ⇒ #{m[1] + fixed + m[3]}" m[1] + fixed + m[3] + m[4] end
# File _plugins/util.rb, line 92 def unsafe_slugify(text) text.gsub(%r{["'\\/;:,.!@#$%^&*()]}, '').gsub(/\s/, '-').gsub(/-+/, '-') end
# File bin/update-data-library, line 55 def update_data_library(path, topic, tutorial, zenodo_record) zenodo_id = zenodo_record['id'].to_s zenodo_files = zenodo_record.fetch('files', []).map do |f| official_extension = f['type'] link = f['links']['self'].sub(%r{/content$}, '') unofficial_extension = link.split('.')[-2..].join('.') ext = @SHARED_DATATYPES.fetch(unofficial_extension, nil) || @SHARED_DATATYPES.fetch(official_extension, nil) # Example: # # Needs to be # real_link = f['links']['self'].sub(%r{/content$}, '').sub('/api/records/', '/record/') # puts "Processing file: #{f['type']} #{f['links']['self']} => #{ext}" # puts "#{unofficial_extension} => #{@SHARED_DATATYPES.fetch(unofficial_extension, nil)}" # puts "#{official_extension} => #{@SHARED_DATATYPES.fetch(official_extension, nil)}" warn "Unknown file type: #{f['type']}. Consider adding this to shared/datatypes.yaml" if ext.nil? { 'url' => real_link, 'src' => 'url', 'ext' => ext || f['type'], 'info' => "{zenodo_id}", # 'checksum' => f['checksum'], # 'key' => f['key'], } end library = { 'destination' => { 'type' => 'library', 'name' => 'GTN - Material', 'description' => 'Galaxy Training Network Material', 'synopsis' => 'Galaxy Training Network Material. See', }, 'items' => [ 'name' => topic['name'], 'description' => topic['description'], 'items' => [ 'name' => tutorial['name'], 'items' => [ 'name' => "DOI: 10.5281/zenodo.#{zenodo_id}", 'description' => 'latest', 'items' => zenodo_files ] ] ] } data_library_path = data_library_for_tutorial(path) puts "Writing data library to #{data_library_path}" File.write(data_library_path, library.to_yaml) end
# File bin/update-data-library, line 48 def update_tutorial(path, zenodo_id) # Edit the yaml header of the markdown file to update the ID contents = contents.gsub!(/^zenodo_link:.*/, "zenodo_link: '{zenodo_id}'") File.write(path, contents) end
# File _plugins/util.rb, line 78 def url_prefix(site) if !site.config.nil? && site.config.key?('url') "#{site.config['url']}#{site.config['baseurl']}" else 'http://localhost:4000/training-material/' end end
# File bin/validate-contributors.rb, line 22 def validate_document(document, validator) errors = validator.validate(document) return errors if errors && !errors.empty? [] end
Recursively visit a hash and markdownify all strings inside Params:
object f
to visit
Returns: Hash
with all strings markdownified
# File _plugins/api.rb, line 34 def visitAndMarkdownify(site, f) case f when Array! { |x| visitAndMarkdownify(site, x) } when Hash f = f.transform_values do |v| visitAndMarkdownify(site, v) end when String f = markdownify(site, f).strip.gsub(/<p>/, '').gsub(%r{</p>}, '') end f end
# File bin/update-data-library, line 109 def write_data_library(path, topic, tutorial, tutorial_zenodo_id, force) # Fetch the zenodo record zenodo_record = request("{tutorial_zenodo_id}") new_zenodo_id = zenodo_record['id'].to_s # If it's redirected we'll get a different ID here puts "Discovered zenodo link: #{new_zenodo_id}" # So load the data library, and check what's written there datalibrary_zenodo_id = if File.exist?(data_library_for_tutorial(path)) YAML.load_file(data_library_for_tutorial(path))['zenodo_id'].to_s end # If the ID has changed we should update the tutorial as well: if new_zenodo_id == tutorial_zenodo_id && !force warn 'Tutorial is up to date' else warn "Zenodo ID has changed from #{tutorial_zenodo_id} to #{new_zenodo_id}, updating the tutorial" update_tutorial(path, new_zenodo_id) end # If the new ID doesn't match the data library, then we should update it. if new_zenodo_id == datalibrary_zenodo_id && !force warn 'Data library is up to date' else warn "Zenodo ID has changed from #{datalibrary_zenodo_id} to #{new_zenodo_id}, updating the data library" update_data_library(path, topic, tutorial, zenodo_record) end end