module Jekyll::Filters::DurationFilter
This module contains a filter for converting a duration string into a human readable string.
Public Instance Methods
This function converts a duration string into a human readable string. Params:
The duration string to convert (e.g. 1H30M, RFC 3339 formatted minus the leading P/T)
The human readable string
{{ "T1H30M" | duration_to_human }} => "1 hour 30 minutes"
# File _plugins/jekyll-duration.rb, line 18 def duration_to_human(duration) seconds = parse_rfc3339(duration) if seconds.nil? return duration end return fmt_duration(seconds) end
# File _plugins/jekyll-duration.rb, line 26 def fmt_duration(seconds) d = resolve_hms(seconds) # Otherwise append english terms for the various parts duration_parts = [] hour = 'hour' hours = 'hours' minutes = 'minutes' if @context.registers[:page]&.key?('lang') && (@context.registers[:page]['lang'] != 'en') lang = @context.registers[:page]['lang'] hour = @context.registers[:site].data['lang'][lang]['hour'] hours = @context.registers[:site].data['lang'][lang]['hours'] minutes = @context.registers[:site].data['lang'][lang]['minutes'] end # Hours if d[:hours] > 0 if d[:hours] == 1 duration_parts.push("#{d[:hours]} " + hour) else duration_parts.push("#{d[:hours]} " + hours) end end # Minutes - assuming no one uses `1 minute` duration_parts.push("#{d[:minutes]} " + minutes) if d[:minutes] > 0 # Hopefully no one uses seconds duration_parts.push("#{d[:seconds]} seconds") if d[:seconds] > 0 duration_parts.join(' ') end
Sum the durations correctly for multiple RFC3339 formatted durations. Params:
The RFC3339 formatted duration string
a number of seconds
# File _plugins/jekyll-duration.rb, line 66 def parse_rfc3339(s) if s == 0 return 0 end # Match the different parts of the string, must match entire string or it # will fail. match = /^T?(?:([0-9]*)[Hh])*(?:([0-9]*)[Mm])*(?:([0-9.]*)[Ss])*$/.match(s) # If it doesn't match, pass through unedited so we don't cause unexpected # issues. if match.nil? Jekyll.logger.debug "[GTN/Durations]:", "Could not parse time: #{s}" return nil end return match[1].to_i * 3600 + match[2].to_i * 60 + match[3].to_i end
Turn a count of seconds into hours/minutes/seconds. Params:
A number of seconds
A hash with keys for hours, minutes, and seconds
Example: resolve_hms
> { hours: 1, minutes: 30, seconds: 0 }¶ ↑
# File _plugins/jekyll-duration.rb, line 95 def resolve_hms(seconds) # Normalize the total minutes = seconds / 60 seconds = seconds % 60 hours = minutes / 60 minutes = minutes % 60 { hours: hours, minutes: minutes, seconds: seconds } end
Sum the durations correctly for multiple RFC3339 formatted durations. Params:
The GTN material objects
The human total duration
# File _plugins/jekyll-duration.rb, line 111 def sum_duration(materials) Jekyll.logger.debug "[GTN/Durations]: sum durations with #{materials.length} materials." total = 0 materials.each do |material| if ! material['time_estimation'].nil? Jekyll.logger.debug " [GTN/Durations]: #{material['time_estimation']} #{material['title']} -> #{parse_rfc3339(material['time_estimation'])}" total += parse_rfc3339(material['time_estimation']) end end fmt_duration(total) end