Contributing to the Galaxy Training Network with GitHub

Creative Commons License: CC-BY Questions:
  • How can I contribute to an open-source project with GitHub?

  • What is the GitHub flow?

  • Fork a repository on GitHub

  • Clone a remote repository locally

  • Create a branch

  • Commit changes

  • Push changes to a remote repository

  • Create a pull request

  • Update a pull request

Time estimation: 30 minutes
Supporting Materials:
Published: Jun 12, 2018
Last modification: Mar 14, 2025
License: Tutorial Content is licensed under Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License. The GTN Framework is licensed under MIT
version Revision: 2

Most of the GTN content is written in GitHub Flavored Markdown with some metadata (or variables) found in YAML files. Everything is stored on a GitHub repository:

The process of development of new content is open and transparent, using git and following the GitHub flow, which we will walk you through:

Open source development process. Open image in new tab

Figure 1: Open source development process
  1. Create a fork
  2. Clone your fork of this repository to create a local copy on your computer
  3. Create a new branch in your local copy for each significant change
  4. Commit the changes in that branch
  5. Push that branch to your fork on GitHub
  6. Submit a pull request from that branch to the original repository
  7. If you receive feedback, make changes in your local clone and push them to your branch on GitHub: the pull request will update automatically
  8. Pull requests will be merged by the training team members after at least one other person has reviewed the Pull request and approved it.

In this tutorial, you will learn how to contribute to the GitHub repository:

  1. Create a GitHub account, if you have not already
  2. Create a fork of this repository on GitHub
  3. Clone the GitHub repository on your computer
  4. Create a new branch
  5. Make your changes on this branch
  6. Push your branch on your GitHub repository
  7. Open a pull request
  8. Make any requested changes
    1. 1: A reviewer commits their own changes to your pull request
    2. 2: A reviewer suggests changes
    3. 3: A reviewer posts comments to be addressed
  9. Check the automatic tests
  10. Stay up to date
  11. Finishing the pull request
  12. Conclusion

Create a GitHub account, if you have not already

Hands On: Create a GitHub account
  1. Go to the GitHub website
  2. Create an account & follow the instructions. If anything is unclear, you can check their documentation on account creation.

Create a fork of this repository on GitHub

Hands-on: Choose Your Own Tutorial

This is a "Choose Your Own Tutorial" section, where you can select between multiple paths. Click one of the buttons below to select how you want to follow the tutorial

You can engage with GitHub via either an application on your computer, called GitHub Desktop, or through using the Command-line. If you’re not used to using the Command-line, or you just like a user interface, then use the GitHub Desktop.

Hands On: Download GitHub Desktop
  1. Go to the GitHub Desktop website
  2. Select the Download for (your kind of computer)
  3. Follow any instructions

A fork is a copy of a repository. Forking a repository allows you to freely experiment with changes without affecting the original project:

Explanation of the forking. Open image in new tab

Figure 2: Creation of a fork

Forking a repository is a simple two-step process:

Hands On: Fork the repository
  1. Go on the GitHub repository:
  2. Click on Fork (top-right corner of the page)



When you click the Fork button GitHub will show you a list with your user account and any groups where you can create a fork of this repository (starting with @). If you see yourself only below “You have existing forks of this repository:”, it means you already have a fork and you have nothing to do.

Clone the GitHub repository on your computer

To modify the content of the repository, you need a copy of it on your computer. This step of importing a git repository is called “cloning”:

Explanation of the cloning. Open image in new tab

Figure 3: Cloning a repository
Hands On: Clone the GitHub repository
  1. Get the URL of your fork. You can find this on the main page of your fork under the green button:
    1. Click on Code (right)

      Get fork URL.

    2. Select Open with GitHub Desktop

      Your computer might ask if it’s ok to open the website Select Allow if so.

      Clone a Repository.

    3. If you are happy with the location of the folder, select Clone This may take some time the first time (as the GTN repository is quite large!), but eventually the folder will be in your computer.

Hands On: Clone the GitHub repository
  1. Get the URL of your fork. You can find this on the main page of your fork under the green button:
    1. Click on Code (right)

      Get fork URL.

    2. Copy the URL

      It should be something like< Your GitHub Username >/training-material.git

  2. Open a terminal
  3. Navigate with cd to the folder in which you will clone the repository
  4. Clone the repository with the command:

    $ git clone< Your GitHub Username >/training-material.git
  5. Navigate to the repository

    $ cd training-material

If you already have a local copy of the GitHub repository, you need to update it before doing any changes. To learn how to do that, please follow the last section.

Create a new branch

You have now your repository locally and you want to modify it. For this example tutorial, you will add yourself as contributor of the project to appear on the Hall of Fame.

In GitHub flow, there is a concept: one new feature or change = one branch.

When you’re working on a project, you’re going to have a bunch of different features or ideas in progress at any given time – some of which are ready to go, and others which are not. Branching exists to help you manage this workflow. You should develop different features on different branches to help keep the changes you make simple and easy to review.

Divergence of a branch compared to main. Open image in new tab

Figure 4: When you create a branch in your project, you're creating an environment where you can try out new ideas. Changes you make on a branch don't affect the main branch

Here for this tutorial, you will create a branch called “my_new_branch” in which you will modify the CONTRIBUTORS.yaml file, the file used to generate the Hall of Fame.

Hands On: Create a branch
  1. Go to Current Branch

    Click on Current Branch.

  2. Either select an existing branch by searching, or (as in this case) type a name for a new branch:

    Select a branch option. Type in new branch name.

  3. Select Create New Branch

    Create branch confirmation.

  4. Select Create Branch
Hands On: Create a branch
  1. List the existing branch

    $ git branch
      * main

    The branch on which you are is shown with the *

  2. Create a new branch

    $ git checkout -b my_new_branch
    Switched to a new branch 'my_new_branch'
  3. List the existing branch to check that the branch has been created and you are now on it

This branch is added to your local copy:

Creation of a branch on the local copy of the repository. Open image in new tab

Figure 5: Creation of a branch on the local copy of the repository

Make your changes on this branch

You have created your first branch! Now you want to make the change in the CONTRIBUTING.yaml file. By changing a file in this branch, it will diverge from the main branch. It will contain data that is only on this new branch:

Divergence of the branch compared to main. Open image in new tab

Figure 6: The changes on your branch will not be on the main branch
Hands On: Make changes in a branch
  1. Select Open the repository in your external editor if you have one. Otherwise, you will need to find a text editor. You can consider using Visual Studio Code, for example. The text editors allow you to navigate through folders and type in code with automatically detected formatting, which is very helpful!

    Open in editor.

  2. Scroll down to the CONTRIBUTORS.yaml file and follow the text in that file to add yourself.

    Find the contributors file.

  3. Save the file

  4. Go back to your GitHub Desktop, which should now show that file change. Add a useful commit message and a description saying what you did.

    Find the contributors file.

  5. Select Commit to my_new_branch

Hands On: Make changes in a branch
  1. Open with your favorite text editor the CONTRIBUTORS.yaml file that is on your computer
  2. Add yourself in the CONTRIBUTORS.yaml file

    You should use your GitHub username and add it followed by : at the correct position given the alphabetical order

  3. Save the file
  4. Check the changes you made

    $ git status
    On branch my_new_branch
    Changes not staged for commit:
      (use "git add/rm <file>..." to update what will be committed)
      (use "git checkout -- <file>..." to discard changes in working directory)
        modified:   CONTRIBUTORS.yaml
    no changes added to commit (use "git add" and/or "git commit -a")
  5. Add the file and commit the changes

    $ git add CONTRIBUTORS.yaml
    $ git commit -m "Add ..."
  6. Check that there are no more changes to commit with git status

Push your branch on your GitHub repository

The changes you made on your branch are only on the local copy of the repository. To propagate them online, you need to push them on your fork on GitHub:

Hands On: Push the changes
  1. Select Publish branch Publish branch.
Hands On: Push the changes
  1. Push the changes to the GitHub repository

    $ git push origin my_new_branch

    When you git pushed, you specified origin. Git repositories can know that forks exist in multiple places. When you clone one, it creates a “remote” (a remote repository) which it names origin, set to the URL that you used when you cloned. By having multiple remotes, you can manage more complex workflows.

To check this has worked, you can go to your GitHub account.

Hands On: Push the changes
  1. Go to your GitHub repository on a web browser
  2. Change to the “my_new_branch” branch:
    1. Click on Branch: main (left)

      Selecting branch on GitHub.

    2. Select the branch “my_new_branch”

  3. Check that your name is in the CONTRIBUTORS.yaml file
Pushing changes to the fork from the local copy. Open image in new tab

Figure 7: Pushing changes from the local copy to the fork on GitHub

Open a pull request

You pushed your changes to GitHub, but currently they are only on your fork. You want to have these changes in the main GitHub repository in order to appear on our Hall of Fame online. You can’t add or push directly the main GitHub repository, so you need to create what we call a pull request:

Pull request. Open image in new tab

Figure 8: Pull Requests provide a way to notify project maintainers about the changes you'd like them to consider

You will see that you can also make pull requests directly from GitHub Desktop. That also works great!

Hands On: Create a pull request
  1. Go to your GitHub repository
  2. Click on Compare & pull request

    "Opening a pull request".

  3. Check that the selected branch are correct: main on the left and your branch name on the right

    Branches in PR.

  4. Fill in the pull request description

    PR description.

    1. Add a title for the Pull Request
    2. Add a message explaining the changes you made (Be kind )
    3. Click on Create pull request or switch to Create draft pull request from the dropdown menu

      Create pull request dropdown in the GitHub interface is shown, the draft pull request button option is highlighted.

      Creating a pull request as a draft serves as an indication that you are still working on the content. Reviewers may comment on the current state and give general feedback, but they will know that they are not looking at the final version of your contribution.

      In the Galaxy Training Material repository we have also disabled the computationally most expensive automated tests on draft pull requests, and we encourage you to use the draft stage as a small contribution to sustainable computing.

  5. Go to Pull requests to check if it is there

Once the pull is open, it will be reviewed. There are two possible outcomes:

  1. Your pull request is accepted. Congratulations! Your changes will be merged into the main branch of the original repository. The website will be re-built and you will be in the Hall of Fame
  2. Your pull request needs modifications: the reviewers will ask for some changes, possibly because the automatic tests are failing.

Make any requested changes

Three things can happen:

  1. A reviewer commits changes to your pull request (they fix something themselves)
  2. A reviewer suggests changes to your pull request (they think something will be helpful, but want you to check and decide)
  3. A reviewer posts comments, asking you to make some sort of change.

On larger pull requests, you can end up with all three! Here’s how to deal this.

1: A reviewer commits their own changes to your pull request

These changes currently only exist in your GitHub repository online, not on your local branch. In case you have to make any further changes, it’s important you fetch those changes onto your local branch. This is how you stay up to date.

Hands On: Fetch origin
  1. On your GitHub Desktop, select Fetch origin Fetch origin.

You can then make further changes locally, keeping your local and online branch synched.

2: A reviewer suggests changes

Hands On: Commit suggested changes
  1. On your Pull Request link where you see the suggested changes, commit them by clicking on the “Commit suggestion” button (or engage further, or edit them) on GitHub

    Fetch origin.

  2. Now that your branch is updated, you need to Fetch origin

    Fetch origin.

You can then make further changes locally, keeping your local and online branch synched (are you noticing a pattern?).

3: A reviewer posts comments to be addressed

For example, one of the reviewers of your pull request may have asked you to add your name after your GitHub username in the CONTRIBUTORS.yaml file, if you didn’t already.

Hands On: Make further changes
  1. Just like when you made your initial branch and edited the file in your text editor, go to GitHub Desktop Current Branch (make sure it is the correct one!) Open the repository in your external editor
  2. Navigate to the CONTRIBUTORS.yaml file and make any suggested changes

  3. Save the file

  4. Commit the changes to your branch (as before)

  5. Select Push origin to push these changes from your local folder to your online GitHub branch (which is linked to your pull request)

    Push origin.

    The pull request should be automatically updated

  6. Check that the new changes are added to the pull request on GitHub
Hands On: Make further changes
  1. Make any requested changes in the CONTRIBUTORS.yaml file

    It should look like

         name: Bérénice Batut
  2. Check the changes that you made

    $ git status
    On branch my_new_branch
    Changes not staged for commit:
      (use "git add/rm <file>..." to update what will be committed)
      (use "git checkout -- <file>..." to discard changes in working directory)
        modified:   CONTRIBUTORS.yaml
    no changes added to commit (use "git add" and/or "git commit -a")
  3. Add the file and commit the changes

    $ git add CONTRIBUTORS.yaml
    $ git commit -m "Add ..."
  4. Check that there are no more changes to commit with git status
  5. Push the new changes to GitHub

    $ git push origin my_new_branch

    The pull request should be automatically updated

  6. Check that the new changes are added to the pull request on GitHub

Check the automatic tests

When a pull request is opened, some automated tests are automatically launched on Travis to be sure that the changes do not break the website, the URL are valid, etc.

On the bottom of your pull request, you can see the status of the tests:

  • Yellow (with circle)


    The tests are still running

  • Red (with cross)

    Failed tests.

    When it is red, you can investigate why by clicking on Details. You will be redirected on Travis where you can see the logs of the tests. Get in touch with us on Gitter if you need help to understand the issue.

  • Green (with tick)

    Passed tests.

    The tests passed. Good job!

    Even it is green, we recommend to check the result of the tests, as some of tests are allowed to fail (to avoid too much noise).

Stay up to date

You now want to work on a new tutorial or make some other new changes. However since you get a local copy, some changes have happened to the original GitHub repository. You need then to update your local copy of the repository before changing anything.

Hands On: Update the local copy
  1. Move to the main branch

    $ git checkout main
  2. Add a reference to the original GitHub repository

    $ git remote add upstream
    Comment: Error "remote upstream already exists"

    If you have done step 2 before and try to remote add again, git will tell you that a “remote upstream already exists”. In this case you can safely continue to step 4.

  3. Update the local copy of the repository by “pulling” in the content of the original GitHub repository

    $ git pull upstream main

You can now restart the GitHub flow to propose new changes: start by creating a new branch.

Finishing the pull request

Great! You now know how to make pull request on GitHub, and how to make changes after a review. Reviewers can now approve and merge your pull request, however, there’s no point adding you as a contributor if you don’t plan to contribute! So you have to make a choice - do you plan to contribute now, later, or never?

Hands-on: Choose Your Own Tutorial

This is a "Choose Your Own Tutorial" section, where you can select between multiple paths. Click one of the buttons below to select how you want to follow the tutorial

Your choice impacts how you will continue with your pull request.

If you do not intend to contribute to Galaxy, please close the pull request as per below.

Hands On: Close the Pull Request
  1. Go to the list of pull requests tab on the GitHub website
  2. Click on your pull request
  3. Scroll to the bottom of the page
  4. Click on “Close pull request” button

If you plan to contribute to Galaxy, but not anytime soon, we ask that you close your Pull Request. When you come back to contribute to Galaxy, you can add any changes to the branch that you are working on, and open a fresh pull request following the same instructions above!

Hands On: Close the Pull Request
  1. Go to the list of pull requests tab on the GitHub website
  2. Click on your pull request
  3. Scroll to the bottom of the page
  4. Click on “Close pull request” button

Thank you so much for being willing to contribute! The easiest way to start contributing is to look through training materials to find typos, poor figure legends or alt text - basically, a text-based issue that you can correct. If you’re feeling bold, you can also look at some of these ideas for ways to contribute.

  1. Find a typo/error
  2. Fix it locally, just the way you edited the CONTRIBUTORS.yaml file above.
  3. Commit this change to your branch (the same one with yourself added to the CONTRIBUTORS.yaml file)
  4. Push this change from your local machine to the Github site
  5. Check the change is reflected in your Pull Request

The steps are the same as your initial contribution to the CONTRIBUTORS.yaml file. You will then, as before, engage further with reviewers to finalise your Pull Request, and eventually (if all goes well!) your Pull Request will be approved and merged!

congratulations Congrats, you’ll have made your first contribution to the Galaxy Training Network!


With this tutorial, you have learned some basics git commands and principles:

Summary of the links between GitHub, fork and local repository. Open image in new tab

Figure 9: Summary of the links between GitHub, fork and local repository

You also learned the GitHub flow and its cycle:

  1. Create a new branch in your local copy
  2. Commit the changes in that branch
  3. Push that branch to your fork on GitHub
  4. Submit a pull request from that branch to the main repository
  5. Wait for feedbacks and make requested changes
  6. Update your local copy
  7. Restart the cycle

You can now contribute and help us to improve our tutorials!

This tutorial was a quick introduction to explain the basics of contributing to the training material. We recommend that everyone follow a more detailed git tutorials:

You should also download, print and keep always with you the Git Cheat Sheet