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Within GTN tutorials
- UseGalaxy.eu ⭐️
- UseGalaxy.fr ⭐️
- UseGalaxy.org (Main) ⭐️
- ChemFlow
- Coloc-stats
- CorGAT
- CoralSNP
- CropGalaxy
- Dintor
- FreeBioinfo
- Galaxy@AuBi
- Galaxy@Pasteur
- GalaxyTrakr
- Genomic Hyperbrowser
- GigaGalaxy
- IPK Galaxy Blast Suite
- ImmPort Galaxy
- InteractoMIX
- Lebanese University Galaxy
- Mandoiu Lab
- MiModD NacreousMap
- Oqtans
- Palfinder
- PepSimili
- UseGalaxy.be
- UseGalaxy.cz
- UseGalaxy.no
- Viral Variant Visualizer (VVV)
Relevant Tutorials
- Assembly / Chloroplast genome assembly
- Assembly / Making sense of a newly assembled genome
- Assembly / Genome Assembly of a bacterial genome (MRSA) sequenced using Illumina MiSeq Data
- Assembly / Genome Assembly of MRSA from Oxford Nanopore MinION data (and optionally Illumina data)
- Contributing to the Galaxy Training Material / Creating content in Markdown
- Foundations of Data Science / Data Manipulation Olympics
- Ecology / Checking expected species and contamination in bacterial isolate
- Evolution / Tree thinking for tuberculosis evolution and epidemiology
- Evolution / Identifying tuberculosis transmission links: from SNPs to transmission clusters
- Using Galaxy and Managing your Data / Workflow Reports
- Genome Annotation / Identification of AMR genes in an assembled bacterial genome
- Genome Annotation / Bacterial Genome Annotation
- Introduction to Galaxy Analyses / Data Manipulation Olympics
- Introduction to Galaxy Analyses / Galaxy Basics for genomics
- Introduction to Galaxy Analyses / Galaxy Basics for everyone
- Introduction to Galaxy Analyses / From peaks to genes
- Introduction to Galaxy Analyses / How to reproduce published Galaxy analyses
- Sequence analysis / Quality and contamination control in bacterial isolate using Illumina MiSeq Data
- Variant Analysis / Avian influenza viral strain analysis from gene segment sequencing data
- Variant Analysis / Pox virus genome analysis from tiled-amplicon sequencing data
- Variant Analysis / Mutation calling, viral genome reconstruction and lineage/clade assignment from SARS-CoV-2 sequencing data
- Variant Analysis / M. tuberculosis Variant Analysis
- Visualisation / Visualisation with Circos