Servers Offering this Tool
UseGalaxy.eu (Filter1)This is a guess, we are not currently checking if that is actually present.
Observed Tool Versions
Within GTN tutorials
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Relevant Tutorials
- Assembly / Decontamination of a genome assembly
- Assembly / Making sense of a newly assembled genome
- Contributing to the Galaxy Training Material / Creating a new tutorial
- Foundations of Data Science / Data Manipulation Olympics
- Ecology / Metabarcoding/eDNA through Obitools
- Ecology / Compute and analyze biodiversity metrics with PAMPA toolsuite
- Ecology / Cleaning GBIF data for the use in Ecology
- Ecology / Preparing genomic data for phylogeny reconstruction
- Ecology / RAD-Seq Reference-based data analysis
- Ecology / Regional GAM
- Ecology / Species distribution modeling
- Epigenetics / ATAC-Seq data analysis
- Epigenetics / CUT&RUN data analysis
- Epigenetics / Formation of the Super-Structures on the Inactive X
- Genome Annotation / Comparative gene analysis in unannotated genomes
- Genome Annotation / Essential genes detection with Transposon insertion sequencing
- Introduction to Galaxy Analyses / Data Manipulation Olympics
- Introduction to Galaxy Analyses / Introduction to Genomics and Galaxy
- Metabolomics / Mass spectrometry imaging: Examining the spatial distribution of analytes
- Metabolomics / Mass spectrometry imaging: Finding differential analytes
- Microbiome / Identification of the micro-organisms in a beer using Nanopore sequencing
- Proteomics / Statistical analysis of DIA data
- Proteomics / Library Generation for DIA Analysis
- Proteomics / Clinical Metaproteomics 2: Discovery
- Proteomics / Clinical Metaproteomics 3: Verification
- Proteomics / Label-free data analysis using MaxQuant
- Proteomics / MaxQuant and MSstats for the analysis of label-free data
- Proteomics / metaQuantome 1: Data creation
- Proteomics / Secretome Prediction
- Single Cell / Inferring single cell trajectories with Monocle3
- Single Cell / Converting between common single cell data formats
- Single Cell / Clustering 3K PBMCs with Scanpy
- Statistics and machine learning / A Docker-based interactive Jupyterlab powered by GPU for artificial intelligence in Galaxy
- Transcriptomics / De novo transcriptome reconstruction with RNA-Seq
- Transcriptomics / GO Enrichment Analysis
- Transcriptomics / Whole transcriptome analysis of Arabidopsis thaliana
- Transcriptomics / Reference-based RNA-Seq data analysis
- Transcriptomics / Differential abundance testing of small RNAs
- Variant Analysis / Calling very rare variants
- Variant Analysis / From NCBI's Sequence Read Archive (SRA) to Galaxy: SARS-CoV-2 variant analysis
- Variant Analysis / Mutation calling, viral genome reconstruction and lineage/clade assignment from SARS-CoV-2 sequencing data
- Variant Analysis / Trio Analysis using Synthetic Datasets from RD-Connect GPAP