
Learn all about proteomics and how to analyze data in Galaxy. Start with the tutorial at your own pace. If you need support contact us during the event via the gta_proteomics Slack Channel.

Organiser(s) orcid logoPratik Jagtap avatar Pratik Jagtaporcid logoMelanie Föll avatar Melanie Föllorcid logoSubina Mehta avatar Subina Mehtaorcid logoTimothy J. Griffin avatar Timothy J. Griffin
Instructor(s) orcid logoAnna Syme avatar Anna Symeorcid logoMelanie Föll avatar Melanie Föllorcid logoPratik Jagtap avatar Pratik Jagtaporcid logoSubina Mehta avatar Subina Mehtaorcid logoTimothy J. Griffin avatar Timothy J. Griffin


If you encounter any issue please ask us on Slack.

Lesson Slides Hands-on Recordings
Introduction to proteomics, protein identification, quantification and statistical modelling
MaxQuant and MSstats for the analysis of label-free data

Advanced analysis

If you encounter any issue please ask us on Slack.

Lesson Slides Hands-on Recordings
Proteogenomics 1: Database Creation
Proteogenomics 2: Database Search
Proteogenomics 3: Novel peptide analysis
Metaproteomics tutorial

Clinical Metaproteomics

This learning path aims to teach you the basics of how to perform metaproteomics analysis of the clinical data within the Galaxy platform. You will learn how to use Galaxy for analysis and will be guided through the most common first steps of any metaproteomics database generation to searching the database, verifying the proteins/peptides, and data analysis. If you encounter any issue please ask us on Slack.

Clinical metaproteomics workflows