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# An Introduction to Genome Assembly
Simon Gladman
Plain-text slides
Lecture (February 2021) - 25m
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slides](/training-material/topics/sequence-analysis/tutorials/quality-control/slides.html) - [
hands-on](/training-material/topics/sequence-analysis/tutorials/quality-control/tutorial.html) --- ### <i class="far fa-question-circle" aria-hidden="true"></i><span class="visually-hidden">question</span> Questions - How do we perform a very basic genome assembly from short read data? --- ### <i class="fas fa-bullseye" aria-hidden="true"></i><span class="visually-hidden">objectives</span> Objectives - assemble some paired end reads using Velvet - examine the output of the assembly. --- .enlarge120[ # ***De novo* Genome Assembly** ] #### With thanks to T Seemann, D Bulach, I Cooke and Simon Gladman --- .enlarge120[ # ***De novo* assembly** ] .pull-left[ **The process of reconstructing the original DNA sequence from the fragment reads alone.** * Instinctively like a jigsaw puzzle * Find reads which "fit together" (overlap) * Could be missing pieces (sequencing bias) * Some pieces will be dirty (sequencing errors) ] .pull-right[  ] --- # **Another View**  --- # **Assembly: An Example** --- # **A small "genome"**  --- # **Shakespearomics**  --- # **Shakespearomics**  --- # **Shakespearomics**  --- # **So far, so good!** --- # **The Awful Truth**  ## "Genome assembly is impossible." - A/Prof. Mihai Pop --- .enlarge120[ # **Why is it so hard?** ] .pull-left[ * Millions of pieces * Much, much shorter than the genome * Lots of them look similar * Missing pieces * Some parts can't be sequenced easily * Dirty Pieces * Lots of errors in reads ] .pull-right[  ] --- # **Assembly recipe** * Find all overlaps between reads * Hmm, sounds like a lot of work.. * Build a graph * A picture of the read connections * Simplify the graph * Sequencing errors will mess it up a lot * Traverse the graph * Trace a sensible path to produce a consensus ---  --- # **A more realistic graph**  --- # .image-15[] **What ruins the graph?** * Read errors * Introduces false edges and nodes * Non haploid organisms * Heterozygosity causes lots of detours * Repeats * If they are longer than the read length * Causes nodes to be shared, locality confusion. --- # **Repeats** --- .enlarge120[ # **What is a repeat?** ] .pull-left[ #### ***A segment of DNA which occurs more than once in the genome sequence*** * Very common * Transposons (self replicating genes) * Satellites (repetitive adjacent patterns) * Gene duplications (paralogs) ] .pull-right[  ] --- # **Effect on Assembly**  --- .enlarge120[ # **The law of repeats** .image-15[] ] ## **It is impossible to resolve repeats of length S unless you have reads longer than S** ## **It is impossible to resolve repeats of length S unless you have reads longer than S** --- # **Scaffolding** --- .enlarge120[ # **Beyond contigs** ] .pull-left[ Contig sizes are limited by: * the length of the repeats in your genome * Can't change this * the length (or "span") of the reads * Use long read technology * Use tricks with other technology ] --- .enlarge120[ # **Types of reads** ] .pull-left[.enlarge120[**Example fragment**]] .remark-code[.enlarge120[atcgtatgatcttgagattctctcttcccttatagctgctata]] .pull-left[.enlarge120[**"Single-end" read**]] .remark-code[.enlarge120[**atcgtatg**atcttgagattctctcttcccttatagctgctata]] sequence *one* end of the fragment .pull-left[.enlarge120[**"Paired-end" read**]] .remark-code[.enlarge120[**atcgtatg**atcttgagattctctcttcccttatag**ctgctata**]] sequence both ends of the same fragment **We can exploit this information!** --- .enlarge120[# **Scaffolding**] * **Paired end reads** * Known sequences at each end of fragment * Roughly known fragment length * **Most ends will occur in same contig** * **Some will occur in different contigs** * ***evidence that these contigs are linked*** --- .enlarge120[# **Contigs to Scaffolds**]  --- .enlarge120[# **Assessing assemblies**] * We desire * Total length similar to genome size * Fewer, larger contigs * Correct contigs * Metrics * No generally useful measure. (No real prior information) * Longest contigs, total base pairs in contigs, **N50**, ... --- .enlarge120[# **The "N50"**] .enlarge120[***The length of that contig from which 50% of the bases are in it and shorter contigs***] * Imagine we have 7 contigs with lengths: * 1, 1, 3, 5, 8, 12, 20 * Total * 1+1+3+5+8+12+20 = 50 * N50 is the "halfway sum" = 25 * 1+1+3+5+8+**12** = 30 (>25) so **N50 is 12** --- .enlarge120[# **2 levels of assembly**] * Draft assembly * Will contain a number of non-linked scaffolds with gaps of unknown sequence * Fairly easy to get to * Closed (finished) assembly * One sequence for each chromosome * Takes a **lot** more work * Small genomes are becoming easier with long read tech * Large genomes are the province of big consortia (e.g. Human Genome Consortium) --- .enlarge120[# **How do I do it?**] --- .enlarge120[ # **Example** * Culture your bacterium * Extract your genomic DNA * Send it to your sequencing centre for Illumina sequencing * 250bp paired end * Get back 2 files * .remark-code[MRSA_R1.fastq.gz] * .remark-code[MRSA_R2.fastq.gz] * ***Now what?*** ] --- .enlarge120[# **Assembly tools** * **Genome** * **Velvet, Velvet Optimizer, Spades,** Abyss, MIRA, Newbler, SGA, AllPaths, Ray, SOAPdenovo, ... * Meta-genome * Meta Velvet, SGA, custom scripts + above * Transcriptome * Trinity, Oases, Trans-abyss ***And many, many others...*** ] --- .enlarge120[ # **Assembly Exercise #1** * We will do a simple assembly using **Velvet** in **Galaxy** * We can do a number of different assemblies and compare some assembly metrics. ] --- ### <i class="fas fa-key" aria-hidden="true"></i><span class="visually-hidden">keypoints</span> Key points - We assembled some Illumina fastq reads into contigs using a short read assembler called Velvet - We showed what effect one of the key assembly parameters, the k-mer size, has on the assembly - It looks as though there are some exploitable patterns in the metric data vs the k-mer size. --- ## Thank You! This material is the result of a collaborative work. Thanks to the [Galaxy Training Network]( and all the contributors!
Simon Gladman
Tutorial Content is licensed under
Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License