
Welcome to the transcriptomics track. Here you can learn how to map the raw RNA-seq sequencing data to a reference, preform an differential expression analysis, GO analysis. Further you can learn how to plot your processed data. Additionally you can also learn how to perform a differential Isofrom expression analysis, as well as how to annotate lncRNAs. If you want to learn more in the field of transciptomics please also have a look at the single cell track. Start with the tutorial at your own pace. If you need support during the event contact us via the Slack Channel gta_transcriptomics.

Organiser(s) Teresa Müller avatar Teresa Müllerorcid logoArmin Dadras avatar Armin Dadras
Instructor(s) orcid logoAnna Syme avatar Anna Symeorcid logoAmirhossein Naghsh Nilchi avatar Amirhossein Naghsh Nilchiorcid logoDiana Chiang Jurado avatar Diana Chiang JuradoDeepti Varshney avatar Deepti Varshneyorcid logoMarisa Loach avatar Marisa LoachMeltem Kutnu avatar Meltem Kutnuorcid logoPavankumar Videm avatar Pavankumar Videmorcid logoSaim Momin avatar Saim Mominorcid logoStéphanie Robin avatar Stéphanie RobinTeresa Müller avatar Teresa Müller

Transcriptomics introduction

If you are new to transcriptomics please start with the following tutorials. If you encounter any issue please ask us on Slack.

Lesson Slides Hands-on Recordings
Introduction to Transcriptomics
Reference-based RNA-Seq data analysis
Visualization of RNA-Seq results with Volcano Plot

Advanced analysis

Here are some more advanced tutorials you can follow if you like. If you encounter any issue please ask us on Slack.

Lesson Slides Hands-on Recordings
Genome-wide alternative splicing analysis
Long non-coding RNAs (lncRNAs) annotation with FEELnc