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# Convolutional neural networks (CNN) Deep Learning - Part 3
Kaivan Kamali
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hands-on](/training-material/topics/statistics/tutorials/intro_deep_learning/tutorial.html) - Deep Learning (Part 1) - Feedforward neural networks (FNN): [
slides](/training-material/topics/statistics/tutorials/FNN/slides.html) - [
hands-on](/training-material/topics/statistics/tutorials/FNN/tutorial.html) - Deep Learning (Part 2) - Recurrent neural networks (RNN): [
slides](/training-material/topics/statistics/tutorials/RNN/slides.html) - [
hands-on](/training-material/topics/statistics/tutorials/RNN/tutorial.html) --- ### <i class="far fa-question-circle" aria-hidden="true"></i><span class="visually-hidden">question</span> Questions - What is a convolutional neural network (CNN)? - What are some applications of CNN? --- ### <i class="fas fa-bullseye" aria-hidden="true"></i><span class="visually-hidden">objectives</span> Objectives - Understand the inspiration behind CNN and learn the CNN architecture - Learn the convolution operation and its parameters - Learn how to create a CNN using Galaxy’s deep learning tools - Solve an image classification problem on MNIST digit classification dataset using CNN in Galaxy --- # What is a convolutional neural network (CNN)? ??? What is a convolutional neural network (CNN)? --- # Convolutional Neural Network (CNN) - Increasing popularity of social media in past decade - Image and video processing tasks have become very important - FNN could not scale up to image and video processing tasks - CNN specifically tailored for image and video processing tasks --- # Feedforward neural networks (FNN) - In FNN all nodes in a layer connected to all nodes in next layer - Each connection has a weight, must be learned by learning algorithm  <!-- CC0 license--> --- # Limitations of FNN - If input is 64 pixel by 64 pixel grayscale image - Each grayscale pixel represented by 1 value, usually between 0 to 255 - Where 0 is black, 255 is white, and values in between are shades of gray - Since each grayscale pixel represented by 1 value, we say *channel* size is 1 - Image represented by 64 x 64 x 1 = 4,096 values (rows x columns x channels) - Hence, input layer of FNN has 4096 nodes - Lets assume next layer has 500 nodes - Since FNN fully connected, we have 4,096 x 500 = 2,048,000 weights --- # Limitations of FNN - For complex problems, we need multiple hidden layers in our FNN - Compunds the problem of having many weights - Having too many weights - Makes learning more difficult as dimension of search space is increased - Makes training more time/resource consuming - Increases the likelihood of overfitting - Problem is further compunded for color images - Each pixel in color image represented by 3 values (RGB color mode) - Since each pixel represented by 3 values, we say *channel* size is 3 - Image represented by 64 x 64 x 3 = 12,288 values (rows x columns x channels) - Number of weights is now 12,288 x 500 = 6,144,000 --- # Limitations of FNN - Clear that FNN cannot scale to larger images (Too many weights) - Another problem with FNN - 2D image represented as 1D vector in input layer - Any spatial relationship in the data is ignored --- # Inspiration for CNN - In 1959 Hubel & Wiesel did an experiment to understand how visual cortex of brain processes visual info - Recorded activity of neurons in visual cortex of a cat - While moving a bright line in front of the cat - Some cells fired when bright line is shown at a particular angle/location - Called these *simple* cells - Other cells fired when bright line was shown regardless of angle/location - Seemed to detect movement - Called these *complex* cells - Seemed complex cells receive inputs from multiple simple cells - Have an hierarchical structure - Hubel and Wiesel won Noble prize in 1981 --- # Inspiration for CNN - Inspired by complex/simple cells, Fukushima proposed *Neocognitron* (1980) - Hierarchical neural network used for handwritten Japanese character recognition - First CNN, had its own training algorithm - In 1989, LeCun proposed CNN that was trained by backpropagation - CNN got popular when outperformed other models at ImageNet Challenge - Competition in object classification/detection - On hundreds of object categories and millions of images - Run annually from 2010 to present - Notable CNN architectures that won ImageNet challenge - AlexNet (2012), ZFNet (2013), GoogLeNet & VGG (2014), ResNet (2015) --- # Architecture of CNN - A typical CNN has 4 layers - Input layer - Convolution layer - Pooling layer - Fully connected layer - We will explain a 2D CNN here - Same concepts apply to a 1 (or 3) dimensional CNN --- # Input layer - Example input a 28 pixel by 28 pixel grayscale image - Unlike FNN, we do not “flatten” the input to a 1D vector - Input is presented to network in 2D as 28 x 28 matrix - This makes capturing spatial relationships easier --- # Convolution layer - Composed of multiple filters (kernels) - Filters for 2D image are also 2D - Suppose we have a 3 by 3 filter (9 values in total) - Values are randomly set to 0 or 1 - Convolution: placing 3 by 3 filter on the top left corner of image - Multiply filter values by pixel values, add the results - Move filter to right one pixel at a time, and repeat this process - When at top right corner, move filter down one pixel and repeat process - Process ends when we get to bottom right corner of image --- # 3 by 3 Filter  <!-- CC0 license--> --- # Convolution operator parameters - Filter size - Padding - Stride - Dilation - Activation function --- # Filter size - Filter size can be 5 by 5, 3 by 3, and so on - Larger filter sizes should be avoided - As learning algorithm needs to learn filter values (weights) - Odd sized filters are preferred to even sized filters - Nice geometric property of all input pixels being around output pixel --- # Padding - After applying 3 by 3 filter to 4 by 4 image, we get a 2 by 2 image – Size of the image has gone down - If we want to keep image size the same, we can use padding - We pad input in every direction with 0’s before applying filter - If padding is 1 by 1, then we add 1 zero in evey direction - If padding is 2 by 2, then we add 2 zeros in every direction, and so on --- # 3 by 3 filter with padding of 1  <!-- CC0 license--> --- # Stride - How many pixels we move filter to the right/down is stride - Stride 1: move filter one pixel to the right/down - Stride 2: move filter two pixels to the right/down --- # 3 by 3 filter with stride of 2  <!-- CC0 license--> --- # Dilation - When we apply 3 by 3 filter, output affected by pixels in 3 by 3 subset of image - Dilation: To have a larger receptive field (portion of image affecting filter’s output) - If dilation set to 2, instead of contiguous 3 by 3 subset of image, every other pixel of a 5 by 5 subset of image affects output --- # 3 by 3 filter with dilation of 2  <!-- CC0 license--> --- # Activation function - After filter applied to whole image, apply activation function to output to introduce non-linearlity - Preferred activation function in CNN is ReLU - ReLU leaves outputs with positive values as is, replaces negative values with 0 --- # Relu activation function  <!-- CC0 license--> --- # Single channel 2D convolution  <!-- CC0 license--> --- # Triple channel 2D convolution  <!-- CC0 license--> --- # Triple channel 2D convolution in 3D  <!-- CC0 license--> --- # Change channel size - Output of a multi-channel 2D filter is a single channel 2D image - Applying *multiple* filters results in a multi-channel 2D image - E.g., if input image is 28 x 28 x 3 (rows x columns x channels) - We apply a 3 x 3 filter with 1 x 1 padding, we get a 28 x 28 x 1 image - If we apply 15 such filters, we get a 28 x 28 x 15 - Number of filters allows us to increase or decrease channel size --- # Pooling layer - Pooling layer performs down sampling to reduce spatial dimensionality of input - This decreases number of parameters - Reduces learning time/computation - Reduces likelihood of overfitting - Most popular type is *max* pooling - Usually a 2 x 2 filter with a stride of 2 - Returns maximum value as it slides over input data --- # Fully connected layer - Last layer in a CNN - Connect all nodes from previous layer to this fully connected layer - Which is responsible for classification of the image --- # An example CNN  <!-- CC0 license--> --- # An example CNN - A typical CNN has several convolution plus pooling layers - Each responsible for feature extraction at different levels of abstraction - E.g., filters in first layer detect horizontal, vertical, and diagonal edges - Filters in the next layer detect shapes - Filters in the last layer detect collection of shapes - Filter values randomly initialized, learned by learning algorithm - CNN not only do classification, but can also automatically do feature extraction - Distinguishes CNN from other classification techniques (like Support Vector Machines) --- # MNIST dataset - MNIST dataset of handwritten digits - Composed of training set of 60,000 and test set of 10,000 images - Digits have been size-normalized/centered in a fixed-size image (28 by 28 pixels) - Images are grayscale - Each pixel is represented by a number between 0 and 255 - 0 for black, 255 for white, and other values for shades of gray - MNIST dataset is a standard image classification dataset - Used to compare various Machine Learning techniques --- # Classification of MNIST images with CNN - We define a CNN and train it using MNIST dataset training data - Goal is to learn a model such that given image of a digit we predict the digit (0 to 9) - We then evaluate the trained CNN on test dataset and plot the confusion matrix --- # For references, please see tutorial's References section --- - Galaxy Training Materials ([](  ??? - If you would like to learn more about Galaxy, there are a large number of tutorials available. - These tutorials cover a wide range of scientific domains. --- # Getting Help - **Help Forum** ([](  - **Gitter Chat** - [Main Chat]( - [Galaxy Training Chat]( - Many more channels (scientific domains, developers, admins) ??? - If you get stuck, there are ways to get help. - You can ask your questions on the help forum. - Or you can chat with the community on Gitter. --- # Join an event - Many Galaxy events across the globe - Event Horizon: [](  ??? - There are frequent Galaxy events all around the world. - You can find upcoming events on the Galaxy Event Horizon. --- ## Thank You! This material is the result of a collaborative work. Thanks to the [Galaxy Training Network]( and all the contributors!
Kaivan Kamali
Tutorial Content is licensed under
Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License