Python - Subprocess
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How can I run another program?
Run a command in a subprocess.
Learn about
and when to use each of these.Read itâs output.
Time estimation: 45 minutesLevel: Intermediate IntermediateSupporting Materials:Published: Apr 25, 2022Last modification: Feb 13, 2023License: Tutorial Content is licensed under Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License. The GTN Framework is licensed under MITpurl PURL: Revision: 3
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Sometimes you need to run other tools in Python, like maybe you want to Here weâll give a quick tutorial on how to read and write files within Python.
AgendaIn this tutorial, we will cover:
Programs can run other programs, and in Python we do this via the subprocess
module. It lets you run any other command on the system, just like you could at the terminal.
The first step is importing the module
import subprocess
Youâll primarily use two functions:
Which executes a command and checks if it was successful (or it raises an exception), and
Check Call: Downloading Files
Which executes a command returns the output of that command. This is really useful if youâre running a subprocess that writes something to stdout, like a report you need to parse. Weâll learn how to use these by running two gene callers, augustus and glimmer. You can install both from Conda if you do not have them already.
conda create -n subprocess augustus glimmer3
Additionally youâll need two files, you generally should not do this, but you can use a subprocess to download the file! Weâll use subprocess.check_call
for this which simply executes the program, and continues on. If there is an error in the execution, it will raise an exception and stop execution.
url = ""
genome = 'Escherichia virus T4.fna.gz'
subprocess.check_call(['wget', url, '-O', genome])
subprocess.check_call(['gzip', '-d', genome])
wget -O "Escherichia virus T4.fna.gz" gzip -d "Escherichia virus T4.fna.gz"
The above segment
- sets a url variable
- sets an output filename,
Escherichia virus T4.fna.gz
- runs
with a single argument: a listwget
a tool we use to download files- the URL
indicating the next argument will be the âoutput nameâ- what we want the output filename to be called
- runs
with a single argument: a listgzip
a tool to decompress files --d
indicating we want to decompress- and the filename.
This list is especially important. When you run commands on the command line, normally you just type in a really bit of text by yourself. Itâs one big string, and youâre responsible for making sure quotation marks appear in the right place. For instance, if you have spaces in your filenames, you have to quote the filename. Python requires you specify a list of arguments, and then handles the quoting for you! Which, honestly, is easier and safer.
Code In: TerminalHere we manually quote the argument
glimmer3 "bow genome.txt"
Code Out: PythonHere python handles that for us
subprocess.check_call(['glimmer3', 'bow genome.txt'])
This is one of the major reasons we donât use
or older Python interfaces for running commands. If youâre processing files, and a user supplies a file with a space, if your program isnât expecting that space in that filename, then it could do something dangerous! Like exploit your system!So, always use
if you run to commands, never any other module, despite what you see on the internet!
There are more functions in the module, but the vast majority of the time, those are sufficient.
Check Output: Gene Calling with Augustus
gff3 = subprocess.check_output([
'augustus', # Our command
'--species=E_coli_K12', # the first argument, the species, we're using a phage so we call genes based on it's host organism
'Escherichia virus T4.fna', # The path to our genome file, without the .gz because we decompressed it.
'--gff3=on' # We would like gff3 formatted output (it's easier to parse!)
gff3 = gff3.decode('utf-8')
gff3 = gff3.split('\n')
augustus --species=E_coli_K12 'Escherichia virus T4.fna' --gff3=on
If youâre using subprocess.check_output()
python doesnât return plain text str
to you, instead it returns a bytes
object. We can decode that into text with .decode('utf-8')
, a phrase you should memorise as going next to check_output()
, for 99% of use cases.
Letâs look at the results!
Itâs a lot of comment lines, starting with #
. Letâs remove those
cleaned_gff3 = []
for line in gff3:
if line.startswith('#'):
And now youâve got a set of gff3 formatted gene calls! You can use all of your loop processing skills to slice and dice this data into something great!
Aside: stdin
, stderr
, stdout
All unix processes have three default file handles that are available to them:
, where data is passed to the program via a pipe. E.g.generate-data | my-program
, there the program would read the output ofgenerate-data
from the pipe.stdout
, the default place where things are written. E.g. if youprint()
in python, it goes tostdout
. People often redirectstdout
to a file, likemy-program > output.txt
to save the output.stderr
, generally if your program produces output onstdout
, you might still want to log messages (errors, % done, etc.) If you write tostdout
, it might get mixed in with the userâs outputs, so we write tostderr
, which also gets printed to the screen, and looks identical as any print statement, but itâs coming from a separate pipe.
One of the more complicated cases, however, is when you need pipes.
url = ""
cds = 'E. Coli CDSs.fna.gz'
subprocess.check_call(['wget', url, '-O', cds])
subprocess.check_call(['gzip', '-d', cds])
With subprocesses, you can control the stdin, and stdout of the process by using file handles.
Code In: TerminalHere we pipe a file to a process named
which takes one argument, the output name. It reads sequences from seq.fa | build-icm test.icm # OR build-icm test.icm < seq.fa
Code Out: PythonHere we need to do a bit more.
- Open a file handle
- Pass that file handle to
. This determines where stdin comes from.with open('seq.fa', 'r') as handle: subprocess.check_call(['build-icm', 'test.icm'], stdin=handle)
Weâll do that now:
with open('E. Coli CDSs.fna', 'r') as handle:
subprocess.check_call(['build-icm', 'test.icm'], stdin=handle)
build-icm test.icm < 'E. Coli CDSs.fna'
Here we build a model, based on the sequences of E. Coli K-12, that Glimmer3 can use.
output = subprocess.check_output([
'glimmer3', # Our program
'Escherichia virus T4.fna', # The input genome
'test.icm', # The model we just built
't4-genes' # The base name for output files. It'll produce t4-genes.detail and t4-genes.predict.
]).decode('utf-8') # And of course we decode as utf-8
glimmer3 'Escherichia virus T4.fna' test.icm t4-genes
What happened here? The output of the program was written to stderr
, not stdout
, so Python may print that out to your screen, but output
will be empty. To solve this common problem we can re-run the program and collect both stdout
and stderr
output = subprocess.check_output([
'glimmer3', # Our program
'Escherichia virus T4.fna', # The input genome
'test.icm', # The model we just built
't4-genes' # The base name for output files. It'll produce t4-genes.detail and t4-genes.predict.
], stderr=subprocess.STDOUT).decode('utf-8') # And of course we decode as utf-8
Here weâve re-directed the stderr
to stdout
and mixed both of them together. This isnât always what we want, but here the program produces no output, and we can do that safely, and now we can parse it or do any other computations we need with it! Our Glimmer3 gene calls are in t4-genes.detail
and t4-genes.predict
if we want to open and process those as well.