new topic new feature genome-annotation GMOD

Posted on: 29 February 2024 purlPURL:

Building upon the work previously done for the SARS-Cov-2 Topic we have further expanded the ‘tag based topics’ to support a new GMOD topic.

Generic Model Organism Database

the Generic Model Organism Database (GMOD) project, a collection of open source software tools for managing, visualising, storing, and disseminating genetic and genomic data.

Galaxy Project itself has long been a GMOD component, but you’ll recognise some other familiar faces there as well, if you are interested in Genome Annotation. JBrowse, used throughout the GTN in a number of tutorials to render genomic data, and Apollo are both members that you’ll find tutorials for within the GTN.

Current State

As such we’ve created a new topic to help aggregate all of the GMOD related material together. This currently includes tutorials on the use of JBrowse, Apollo, InterMine, and MAKER!

For teachers, tag based topics now support a second level of organisation, in ‘subtopics’. We’ve used that to add a new topic, using subtopics to organise each GMOD component.


For now the topic includes all GTN tutorials which use a GMOD component (that isn’t galaxy), all of these tutorials generally also include Galaxy based steps. In the future we may expand this to include tutorials for other GMOD components which don’t necessary interface with Galaxy. Helena Rasche avatar Helena Rasche has some ideas about a Chado tutorial using the new pglite project, and perhaps Anthony Bretaudeau avatar Anthony Bretaudeau will contribute a Tripal tutorial!

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