How to delete datasets?

Deleting datasets individually

To delete datasets individually simply click the galaxy-delete button with dataset’s box. That’s it! This action is reversible: datasets can be undeleted.

Deleting datasets in bulk

To delete multiple datasets at once:

  • Click history-select-multiple icon at the top of the history pane;
  • Select datasets you want to delete;
  • Click the dropdown that would appear at the top of the history;
  • Select “Delete” option.

This action is also reversible: datasets can be undeleted.

An animated gif showing how to delete datasets

Deleting datasets permanently warning Danger zone!

Warning: Permanent is ... PERMANENT!

Datasets deleted in this fashion CANNOT be undeleted!

To delete multiple datasets PERMANENTLY:

  • Click history-select-multiple icon at the top of the history pane;
  • Select datasets you want to delete;
  • Click the dropdown that would appear at the top of the history;
  • Select “Delete (permanently)” option.
Persistent URL
Resource purlPURL:
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