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Intro to DataPLANT ARCs


last_modification Published: Oct 24, 2024
last_modification Last Updated: Oct 24, 2024

About DataPLANT

DataPLANT: participate in a thriving PLANT data research community, document and publish your research data FAIR, ensure the reproducibility of your research

Towards democratization of plant research.

Speaker Notes

About DataPLANT


.footnote[] Speaker Notes

Data Stewardship between DataPLANT and communities

images showing the interplay between dataplant on one hand, and research communities on the other

Speaker Notes

Annotated Research Context (ARC)

concept of an ARC, experimental data, computation and annotation bundled together

Your entire investigation in a single unified bag

Speaker Notes

What does an ARC look like?

basic folder structure of an arc

Speaker Notes

ARCs store experimental data

arc folder structure highlighting the studies and assays folder as places for storing experimental data

Speaker Notes

Computations can be run inside ARCs

arc folder structure highlighting the workflows and runs folders for computational data

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ARCs come with comprehensive metadata

arc structure with the metadata files highlighted

Speaker Notes

ARC builds on standards

.pull-left[ arc structure highlighting places where standards such as isa, cwl and ro-crates come into play ]


ARC incorporate established standards

Speaker Notes

You can store ARCs in the DataHUB

image of your local computer, connected to datahub for online storage and backup

Speaker Notes

ARCs are versioned

image showing different versions of an arc on datahub

Speaker Notes

You can invite collaborators

images showing different people having access to an arc

Speaker Notes

Collaborate and Contribute

images showing you you having access to multiple ARCs

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Reuse data in ARCs

image depicting parts of one arc being re-used in another

Speaker Notes

Publish your ARC

an arc being published and receiving a doi. arcs can be published to dataplant, or to third party repositories

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Publish your ARC, get a DOI

image showing an arc being referenced by doi in a manuscript

Speaker Notes

Moving from paper to data publications

image showing move from classical publication to a more data-centric publishing model

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ARC ecosystem

image depicting the circular RDM research cycle, with around its edge various dataplant tools and services

Speaker Notes

Thank you!

This material is the result of a collaborative work. Thanks to the Galaxy Training Network and all the contributors! page logo Tutorial Content is licensed under Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.