Generic plugins
How can visualization plugins benefit science?
Implement a first Galaxy visualization
Understand the client side vs. server side principle
- Javascript knowledge
last_modification Published: Sep 30, 2016
last_modification Last Updated: Jul 27, 2021
Why visualizations?
X mean: 54.26, X SD: 16.76
Y mean: 47.83, Y SD: 26.93
Corr: -0.06
Speaker Notes Anscombes quartet, all these datasets have same mean, standard deviation and correlation, yet when visualizing them it is revealed they have vastly different structures.
Why visualizations?
Bam files - textual
Why visualizations?
Bam files - visualized
Types of visualizations in Galaxy
- Trackster - built-in genome browser
- Display applications
- UCSC Genome Browser
- Galaxy tools
- JBrowse
- Krona
- Visualization plugins
- Charts
- Generic
- Interactive Environments
- Jupyter/Rstudio
- IOBIO (bam/vcf visualizations)
- Phinch (metagenomics visualizations)
Which should I use?
- Visualizations button on history items
- Different options depending on file type
Plugins: Charts
Plugins: Charts
- Allows exporting screenshots
Plugins: Generic
- Elements of visualization plugin:
- Configuration (name, description, datatype)
- Template
- Static resources (js, css, images)
- Project Structure
- located in
- located in
├── config
│ └── myviz.xml
├── static
│ ├── css
│ ├── img
│ └── js
└── templates
└── myviz.mako
Plugins: XML file
$ touch $GALAXY_ROOT/config/plugins/$PLUGIN_NAME/config/$PLUGIN_NAME.xml
- Hooks visualizations into Galaxy
- Data types must match with class names in
Plugins: Mako file
- For templates of HTML files:
$ touch $GALAXY_ROOT/config/plugins/$PLUGIN_NAME/templates/$PLUGIN_NAME.mako
- Link to data types and HTML template file
- Every invocation of visualization: template compiled
Plugins: Mako file
- Access to the history item (hda) pre template compilation:
- Avoid (unnecessary) copies of whole files
- Access to hda post template compilation -> via URLs
- Download data file by browser (client side)
- Inconvenient for large files:
- Indices and query protocols (e.g. DAS protocol)
- Inconvenient for large files:
- Resolving history uid to hash
- Correction for extended root URLs:
- Download data file by browser (client side)
Plugins: Mako syntax
- Access to hda post template compilation:
- Obtain hash value used in urls hdadict[‘id’]
- Essential Python variables:
Plugins: Javascript and jQuery
- HTML / JS implementation make often use of jQuery
- Galaxy ships with jQuery
<script type="text/javascript" src="${root}/static/scripts/libs/jquery/jquery.js" />
Plugins: Generic template
Plugins: Static files
- External libraries and static files go in
Plugins: Summary
- Galaxy visualization plugins:
- Datatype-specific
- Written in HTML5 / JS
- Require minor python / Galaxy ecosystem knowledge
- Have access to the whole Galaxy system
- pre-compilation: python
- post-compilation: JS / API
- Can be installed without additional configuration
- Can not be connected to workflows
- Can not (out of the box) save and share
Plugins: More tips and tricks
- Galaxy has UI guidelines with corresponding CSS (
- Look at existing plugins:
- Galaxy mainline
- API is now very extensive, everything is accessible with jQuery!
Key Points
- Visualizations require a different way of thinking: server and client side; downloading files rather than system level access
- Interactivity is what makes visualizations different from static tools
- Requires understanding of both the Galaxy ecosystem as well as HTML5/JS
- Performance is more important than for static Galaxy tools
Thank you!
This material is the result of a collaborative work. Thanks to the Galaxy Training Network and all the contributors!