Ensuring Workflows meet Best Practices

When you are editing a workflow, there are a number of additional steps you can take to ensure that it is a Best Practice workflow and will be more reusable.

  1. Open a workflow for editing
  2. In the workflow menu bar, you’ll find the galaxy-wf-options Workflow Options dropdown menu.
  3. Click on it and select “Best Practices” from the dropdown menu.

    screenshot showing the best practices menu item in the gear dropdown.

  4. This will take you to a new side panel, which allows you to investigate and correct any issues with your workflow.

    screenshot showing the best practices side panel. several issues are raised like a missing annotation with a link to add that, and non-optional inputs that are unconnected. Additionally several items already have green checks like the workflow defining creator information and a license.

Persistent URL
Resource purlPURL: https://gxy.io/GTN:F00397
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