Enhancing tabular dataset previews in reports/pages

There are lots of fun advanced features!

There are a number of options, specifically for tabular data, that can allow it to render more nicely in your workflow reports and pages and anywhere that GalaxyMarkdown is used.

  • title to give your table a title
  • footer allows you to caption your table
  • show_column_headers=false to hide the column headers
  • compact=true to make the table show up more inline, hiding that it was embedded from a Galaxy dataset.

The existing history_dataset_display directive displays the dataset name and some useful context at the expense of potentially breaking the flow of the document

Code In: Galaxy Markdown
Code Out: Example Screenshot

a tabular dataset rendered, it has a title and a download button and sortable columns

The existing history_dataset_embedded directive was implemented to try to inline results more and make the results more readable within a more… curated document. It is dispatches on tabular types and puts the results in a table but the table doesn’t have a lot of options.

Code In: Galaxy Markdown
Code Out: Example Screenshot

the same as before but no title nor download button. just a rendered table with sortable columns

The history_dataset_as_table directive mirrors the history_dataset_as_image directive: it tries harder to coerce the data into a table and provides new table—specific options. The first of these is “show_column_headers which defaults to true`.

Code In: Galaxy Markdown
Code Out: Example Screenshot

the same as before but no title nor download button nor column headers

There is also a compact option. This provides a much more inline experience for tabular datasets:

Code In: Galaxy Markdown
Code Out: Example Screenshot

again the same screenshot, no table metadata, and now it lacks the small margin around it.

Figures in general should have titles and legends — so there is the “title” and “footer” options also.

Code In: Galaxy Markdown
history_dataset_as_table(history_dataset_id=1e8ab44153008be8,show_column_headers=false,title='Binding Site Results',footer='Here is a very good figure caption for this table.')
Code Out: Example Screenshot

the same table with now a tasteful title and small caption below it describing that the author would write a caption if he knew what a binding site was.

Persistent URL
Resource purlPURL: https://gxy.io/GTN:F00396
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