Can I use a public Galaxy for my private data?

Of course*!

If your data is not sensitive (i.e. human patient) but just private (sequencing from other animals/bacteria/etc), then it is absolutely ok to use a public galaxy server like or!

Data uploaded is private to your account, it isn’t available to others publicly. No one will scoop your results, if you use a public galaxy server to analyse your data :)

A great benefit of this is then when your paper is being reviewed you can share that history or workflow with reviewers, and when it’s published you can click a button to share those results with the world as well, such that others can reproduce your analysis!

(of course system administrators can see the files on disk but they are not interested and will not be looking at your data. If you file a bug report they may see your data but they are system administrators, not bioinformatics experts that might be interested in your results.)

Persistent URL
Resource purlPURL:
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