Getting started with Onedata distributed storage

Creative Commons License: CC-BY Questions:
  • What is Onedata and how does it integrate with Galaxy?

  • How to access Onedata services and get required credentials?

  • What are the different ways to use Onedata in Galaxy?

  • Understand the basic concepts of Onedata distributed storage.

  • Learn how to access Onedata services and obtain access tokens.

  • Identify different types of Onedata integration with Galaxy.

Time estimation: 20 minutes
Level: Introductory Introductory
Supporting Materials:
Published: Mar 24, 2025
Last modification: Mar 24, 2025
License: Tutorial Content is licensed under Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License. The GTN Framework is licensed under MIT
version Revision: 1
  1. Introduction to Onedata
  2. Onedata & Galaxy integration
    1. What’s the point?
  3. Accessing Onedata services
    1. Access tokens
    2. Choosing a Onedata Space
  4. Troubleshooting
  5. Related tutorials

Introduction to Onedata

Onedata ( is a data management platform that provides easy and unified access to globally distributed storage resources, supporting a wide range of use cases from personal data management to data-intensive scientific computations. It is an open-source project, started in 2013, and implemented by the team from the Cyfronet Computing Center in Krakow, Poland.

Onedata creates a virtual file system layer spanning geographically dispersed computing centers and data providers that host heterogeneous storage resources. The virtual file system is POSIX-compatible and based on a classic structure of directories and files. The virtualized data can be access using multiple interfaces: Web GUI, REST API, CDMI API, fuse-based POSIX mount, Python libraries, or S3. Regardless of the interface, the user gets the same, unified view of all his data.

Onedata virtual FS.

Onedata uses the concept of Spaces for data organization. A Space is a logical data volume that appears as a monolithic file system from the user’s PoV. Still, it virtualizes the physical data stored on distributed storage systems of different data providers. Spaces facilitate collaborative data sharing between users and groups across organizational domains — using the Onedata interfaces, users can manage and access the data together in a unified namespace, while it is physically distributed.

Onedata Spaces.

The Oneclient software, based on the fuse library, allows mounting the Onedata file system locally, either on a personal computer, or on a worker node in a computing cluster for HPC purposes.

Oneclient mount.

Similarly to the Galaxy project, The Onedata software can be used to build different ecosystems. Each Onedata ecosystem constitutes an independent data management platform, made up of multiple data centers. One of the flagship examples is EGI DataHub, a Europe-wide ecosystem bringing together 17 data sites (as of 03-2025) and catering for many scientific projects around Europe.

For more information about Onedata, see the Documentation and API reference.

Onedata & Galaxy integration

Thanks to the efforts undertaken in the EuroScienceGateway project, Galaxy now offers integration with Onedata. It can be used as a remote source for data import/export (a.k.a. Files Source Plugin) and as a storage location for Galaxy datasets (an Object Store). The integration includes BYOS (Bring Your Own Storage) and BYOD (Bring Your Own Data) templates.

Minimal requirements:

  • Galaxy: version 24.2
  • Onedata: version 21.02.5 (but it’s recommended to use at least 21.02.8)

It is possible to connect multiple Onedata accounts in different Onedata ecosystems to the same Galaxy account.

The below image shows the Onedata file browser UI and the Galaxy Upload tool making it possible to import data stored in Onedata Spaces. Onedata & Galaxy interfaces.

What’s the point?

There are many ways you (or your organization) can leverage the Onedata’s distributed data management capabilities in Galaxy:

  • Onedata is all about unifying access to geographically distributed datasets. It may be your solution to integrate data from multiple data centers and bring them to Galaxy for processing.

  • One of the crucial features of Onedata is seamless collaboration on data across different organizations. It supports groups that bring together users of different affiliations to work on datasets that are integrated from pieces coming from different data sources.

  • Onedata offers powerful data sharing & publishing mechanisms and tools for long-term data archiving and replication, which you may find useful to improve your Galaxy data management.

  • While Galaxy supports a plethora of different data sources and storage options, Onedata offers some additional storage drivers, like Ceph or XRootD. What can’t currently be done directly via Galaxy, can be integrated into Galaxy through Onedata.

  • If your data management and processing pipelines include other software besides Galaxy, the Onedata unified storage layer can help to better organize your environment, providing a common storage abstraction for different applications and pieces of middleware.

  • Galaxy Pulsar and data distribution — the ongoing efforts in Galaxy to build a distributed network of Pulsar nodes is aligning well with the Onedata distributed storage model. By understanding the locality of the data, Galaxy will be able to schedule jobs in a smart way, assigning them to Pulsar nodes that are as close to the data as possible. This is where the Onedata Virtual Filesystem comes to play, allowing the management of data replication and distribution in a geographically aware manner. The synergy of distributed compute power and storage resources can greatly boost the scientific process, especially in projects that bring together people and datasets from different cooperating organizations.

Accessing Onedata services

This guide will give you a kick-start, regardless if your organization is already part of a Onedata ecosystem, you have access to Onedata services, or you are entirely new to this software.

Follow the Onedata user quickstart tutorial to access the Onedata services. Newcomers can use the sandbox environment to get familiar with the system.

Access tokens

All Onedata connectors for Galaxy require an access token suitable for data access in a Oneprovider service.

Follow the Onedata documentation to acquire an access token:

  • GUI — follow the guide, choosing a Oneprovider REST/CDMI access token template.
  • REST API — to acquire an access token programatically, you can interact with the Onedata REST API.

In most cases, the token should not be limited to read-only data access, unless you wish to create a non-writable or publicly accessible Remote File Source. In such a case, add a Read-only caveat to the token, as shown in the detailed guide.

Tokens can also limit the accessible spaces and providers by means of other caveats.

Choosing a Onedata Space

For the purposes of Remote File Sources, you do not have to designate a specific Space — all of them will be available in the data import/export tools (unless you have provided a restricted access token). If you have followed the user quickstart tutorial, you will be able to import from and export to the Sandbox Space.

In case of Storage Locations, you have to choose a specific Onedata Space where the Galaxy data will be stored:

  • A Space provided by your organization — if your institution is a part of a Onedata ecosystem, you may be assigned a specific Space for your Galaxy data.
  • Your private Space — if you have access to a Onedata space for your own purposes, you can connect it as a Storage Location to Galaxy.
  • The Sandbox Space — after following the Onedata user quickstart tutorial, you should have a personal, ACL-secured folder in the Sandbox Space. You may use it to as your Onedata Storage Location (possibly creating some nested directory structure inside, if needed).
  • (Developers) a Space in a dev instance — if you are familiar with docker, you can set up a local Onedata deployment and use the demo-space as a Storage Location. Remember to disable TLS certificate validation in the configs!


In case you are getting errors when interacting with a Onedata remote source or storage location, go through the below checklist:

  1. Avoid whitespace characters (spaces, tabs) in the Space names and file paths, as they are known to cause problems.

  2. Make sure the Onezone domain is correct — open it in your Web browser to double-check.

  3. Log in to the Onezone service and check if there is any service outage or disrupted data providers — if so, you must wait for these problems to be solved. If not, you should assume the problem lies in the configuration of the Galaxy server or your user preferences.

  4. Make sure the token you provided is suitable for REST API access in a Oneprovider service. Some setups require the token to be write-enabled. Consult the access tokens section for a guide.

  5. Make sure the token allows access to at least one Onedata Space in at least one provider (Remote File Source), or the the Space designated as a Storage Location. Caveats (contextual confinements) may be limiting the access token scope.

  6. Make sure there is at least one data provider backing up (supporting) the relevant Space(s).

  7. If you are familiar with command-line, you may perform basic diagnostics on the token like this:

    curl -d '{"token": "'$TOKEN'"}' -H 'Content-type: application/json' \                                                                              130 ↵
         https://$ONEZONE_DOMAIN/api/v3/onezone/tokens/infer_access_token_scope | jq
              "name":"My provider",

    If there is at least one entry both in spaces and providers, and at least one of the providers is online, the token is viable. If not, you should see point 2) or consider creating a token with fewer confinements.

  8. If you are a Dev/Admin, check the Galaxy logs for hints.

Related tutorials

Learn more how to make use of the Galaxy & Onedata integration:

Audience Topic
User Importing (uploading) data from Onedata
User Exporting to Onedata remote
User Onedata user-owned storage
Admin Configuring the Onedata integration (remotes, Object Store, BYOS, BYOD)
Developer Setting up a dev Onedata instance