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Overview of the Galaxy Training Material for Instructors


Author(s) orcid logoHelena Rasche avatar Helena Rasche


last_modification Published: Sep 23, 2022
last_modification Last Updated: Aug 8, 2024

Some questions

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Galaxy Training Material

.image-75[Screenshot of the website]

One website, aggregating training material covering many current research topics.

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Interactive learning via hands-on tutorials built around a “research story”

Screenshot with 2 web-browsers open side-by-side: one pointed at the current tutorial and the other at a Galaxy instance

Usable by individual users & instructors

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Many Tutorials, Large Community

<div class="row" style="color: var(--text-color-boxtitle)"> <div class="col-md-3"> <div class="gtn-card color-agenda"> <div class="card-title">34</div> <div class="card-text">Topics</div> </div> </div> <div class="col-md-3"> <div class="gtn-card color-tip"> <div class="card-title">464</div> <div class="card-text">Tutorials</div> </div> </div> <div class="col-md-3"> <div class="gtn-card color-handson"> <div class="card-title">23</div> <div class="card-text">Learning Paths</div> </div> </div> <div class="col-md-3"> <div class="gtn-card color-details"> <div class="card-title">472</div> <div class="card-text">FAQs</div> </div> </div> <div class="col-md-3"> <div class="gtn-card color-comment"> <div class="card-title">464</div> <div class="card-text">Contributors</div> </div> </div> <div class="col-md-3"> <div class="gtn-card color-handson"> <div class="card-title">9.7</div> <div class="card-text">Years</div> </div> </div> <div class="col-md-3"> <div class="gtn-card color-handson"> <div class="card-title">111</div> <div class="card-text">News Posts</div> </div> </div> <div class="col-md-3"> <div class="gtn-card color-handson"> <div class="card-title">200</div> <div class="card-text">Videos (135.0h)</div> </div> </div> </div>

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Public, Peer-Reviewed, Community Maintained

.image-75[Screenshot of github repo]

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Galaxy + GTN Ecosystem Features

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Tutorial Mode

Video: Tutorial Mode

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Training Infrastructure as a Service (TIaaS)

.pull-left[ If you’re using a Public Galaxy

If you’re using a Private Galaxy

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.pull-right[ TIaaS Provides:

On public servers:


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The TIaaS Dashboard

screenshot of tiaas dashboard showing a few jobs queued in grey, and a few completed successfully in green

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The Video Library

video library homepage showing some descriptive text and big buttons leading to video library contents

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video library stats graphic showing 101 hours and 175 videos

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video library all videos page listing several categories of tutorials with multiple videos covering Assembly, Climate, and Community

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Reusable Videos with Teaching Resources

.pull-left[ video library detail showing an embedded youtube video, and large metadata box below covering advanced video metadata ]


Videos with Metadata

Embeddable! (E.g. BrightSpace, Blackboard, Moodle, etc.)


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Course Builder

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Tutorial Features

A wide array of tutorial features help you and your learners. The GTN builds features directly into the tutorial framework to enhance your trainings and tutorials, with no extra effort from yourself.

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Keeps Training FAIR

GTN is a completely FAIR Training platform, meeting all 10 criteria of the “Ten simple rules for making training materials FAIR” (Garcia et al. 2020)

Read more in the FAQ

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Keeps Training Accessible (Automatically!)

The GTN community cares about accessible training for students with disabilities.




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Frequently Asked Questions Library


.pull-right[ Example FAQs

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Automatic Notebooks


It’s quite easy:

  1. Write a GTN tutorial like normal
  2. Enable the feature.
  3. Select your programming language.
  4. Automatic Notebooks are generated! ]

.pull-right[ screenshot of a jupyter notebook showing the tutorial contents, including normal question and solution boxes. ]

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Choose Your Own Tutorial

.pull-left[ Do your students choose Path A (fresh data access)

gtn tutorial showing a CYOA box with EGA-Archive selected, and a big heading about getting DAC access ]

.pull-right[ Or Path B (archived data copies)

same tutorial but with the second option selected, accessing data stored on Zenodo and a hands on box instructing the student to download from URL ]

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Autogenerated Videos

Do you hate re-recording slide decks, once you’ve updated a single number, on a single slide?


.pull-left[ screenshot of the GTN's video player showing a slide about configuration management, with a transcript and recommended other video below Demo ]

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Page View Metrics

For every training page, the view metrics are public to see how well training is doing

plausible interface screenshot showing that we've drilled down into an introduction tutorial that had 7.1k unique visitors over the last 12 months, with 12k total page views. Below is a top sources table, most come from google, and a top pages table which only shows our selected training page.

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Integrated Quizzes

image of the gtn section on quizzes with a SQL basics recap quiz, offering self study and classroom modes.

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Image of the quiz with the question "What keyword do you use to retrieve data in SQL" and four options in pastel colours.

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Planemo Training Development Kit


  1. Build a workflow in Galaxy
  2. Publish it
  3. Use to create a skeleton
  4. All steps, tools, parameters are filled out for you!

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Running a workshop

Lots of resources for new teachers as well:

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Key Points

Thank you!

This material is the result of a collaborative work. Thanks to the Galaxy Training Network and all the contributors! Galaxy Training Network Tutorial Content is licensed under Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.


  1. Garcia, L., B. Batut, M. L. Burke, M. Kuzak, F. Psomopoulos et al., 2020 Ten simple rules for making training materials FAIR (S. Markel, Ed.). PLOS Computational Biology 16: e1007854. 10.1371/journal.pcbi.1007854