Reference Data with CVMFS
Have an understanding of what CVMFS is and how it works
Install and configure the CVMFS client on a linux machine and mount the Galaxy reference data repository
Configure your Galaxy to use these reference genomes and indices
Use an ansible playbook for all of the above.
last_modification Published: Apr 26, 2019
last_modification Last Updated: Aug 8, 2024
Built in Data
Speaker Notes
- Many tools need reference data
- E.g. this BWA-MEM tool requires a reference genome
- But where do you get this data?
- And how do tools know where to find it?
Data, what data?
- Some genomes are large! Human, Mouse, Coral
- Some tools require indices of the genomes.
- The indices take a long time to build!
- Better to pre-build the indices. ]
Speaker Notes
- Much of this reference data requires calculation to generate it
- For example, building dataset indexes
- It is better to build them beforehand, so Galaxy has a concept of reference data
Data schematics in Galaxy
Speaker Notes
- Here is a more conrete example
- A reference dataset is required as input
- A tool (e.g. bwa) is used to build the index
- The outputs are registered with Galaxy’s data registry in a loc file
- The tool data table xml file has a listing of all of the loc files
- When a user runs the BWA tool, Galaxy knows where to find this reference data
Index Generation with Data Manager
- Allows for the creation of built-in (reference) data
- underlying data
- data tables
- *.loc files
- Specialized Galaxy tools that can only be accessed by an admin
- Defined locally or installed from ToolShed
Speaker Notes
- Data managers are special tools in Galaxy
- They create the reference data
- And update the loc files
“loc” files - Short for location!
#<unique_build_id> <dbkey> <display_name> <file_path>
bosTau7 bosTau7 Cow (bosTau7) /genomes/bosTau7/bwa_mem_index/bosTau7/bosTau7.fa
ce10 ce10 C. elegans (ce10) /genomes/ce10/bwa_mem_index/ce10/ce10.fa
danRer7 danRer7 Zebrafish (danRer7) /genomes/danRer7/bwa_mem_index/danRer7/danRer7.fa
dm3 dm3 D. melanogaster Apr. 2006 (BDGP R5/dm3) (dm3) /genomes/dm3/bwa_mem_index/dm3/dm3.fa
hg19 hg19 Human (hg19) /genomes/hg19/bwa_mem_index/hg19/hg19.fa
hg38 hg38 Human (hg38) /genomes/hg38/bwa_mem_index/hg38/hg38.fa
mm10 mm10 Mouse (mm10) /genomes/mm10/bwa_mem_index/mm10/mm10.fa
Speaker Notes
- Here is an example loc file
- They list all of the indexes of a specific type
- Some of these indexes will be tool specific like this one, and some will be more general like a list of genomes
- This file is updated by the data manager.
Where are the data tables?
(Usually located in galaxy/config/tool_data_table_conf.xml
<!-- Locations of indexes in the BWA mapper format -->
<table name="bwa_mem_indexes" comment_char="#" allow_duplicate_entries="False">
<columns>value, dbkey, name, path</columns>
<file path="tool-data/bwa_index.loc" />
Speaker Notes
- The tool data table conf file lists table names, and their associated loc file
- Additionally it defines the meaning of each column in the loc file
Using reference data in a tool
<param name="ref_file" type="select" label="Using reference genome" help="Select genome from the list">
<options from_data_table="bwa_mem_indexes">
<filter type="sort_by" column="2" />
<validator type="no_options" message="No indexes are available" />
<validator type="no_options" message="A built-in reference genome is not available for the build associated with the selected input file"/>
Speaker Notes
- When a tool wants to use the data from those tables, it needs to declare which tables it wants to access (see previous slide)
- A select type parameter is created for the user’s selections
- The tool knows that the options should come from a BWA-MEM indexes loc file
- These reference datasets are sorted by column 2, the name
- An some validators ensure a helpful message is shown if no data is available
Some Problems!
- Super complex, right?
- Time consuming!
- ~30 minutes work just to add a new genome to 1 tool!
- Administrator needs to know:
- how to index every tool
- expected format of the reference data
- format of the .loc file
- Some parts solved by Data Managers
- But there’s an easier way!
Speaker Notes
- This was a lot of information
- And very genomics specific in some places
- A lot of work to create and update the reference data
- But there is a better way!
There’s a lot of reference data
(and it’s hard to keep up with)
Speaker Notes
- Imagine going through this process every time a user request comes in
- It would be unpleasant
CernVM-FS to the rescue
- Needed a method of sharing reference data across country efficiently
- CVMFS is an efficient method for read only data sharing between systems
- Originally designed for distributed software installation at Cern
- Turns out it’s really useful for read only data sets as well
- HTTP-based, firewall friendly
- All nodes of Galaxy Main get their reference genomes and indices from CVMFS
- Shared via mirroring and caching across the country
- It’s also really useful to share data globally
- The usegalaxy.* initiative has taken full advantage of this.
Speaker Notes
- CVMFS and the IDC solves these issues
- CVMFS provides a global repository of reference data
- Originally built by CERN for sharing software, we use it for data
- It’s an HTTP based protocol and very firewall friendly
- All of the usegalaxy.* servers host a CVMFS repository
- Group of admins working on the CVMFS data repository
- Wish to automate the management of data and generation of new indicies
- Come join us:
Speaker Notes
- The IDC is the other half of the puzzle
- CVMFS provides the storage, and the IDC provides the data
- Join us on github if you are interested
CVMFS Global Structure
Speaker Notes
- CVMFS has a hierarchical structure
- At the top is the stratum 0 server, the original copy of the datasets
- This is replicated to the read-only stratum 1 servers
- Anyone can connect to these stratum 1 servers
- And whenever connections fail, CVMFS will fail over to another mirror
- The mirror selection process is based on connection round trip times
- As a result, the nearest mirror is usually selected.
Speaker Notes
- There are CVMFS servers across the entire world
- The primary mirrors are run by Galaxy project, Galaxy Europe, and Galaxy Australia
- If one of these mirrors fails, you will still be able to use the reference data
Thank you!
This material is the result of a collaborative work. Thanks to the Galaxy Training Network and all the contributors!