Integrating the Galaxy Training Network into the Tool Form

Author(s) orcid logoLaila Los avatar Laila Los
Editor(s) Dannon Baker avatar Dannon Baker
Infrastructure orcid logoLaila Los avatar Laila Los
gtn new feature

Posted on: 4 June 2024 purlPURL:

For many tools in Galaxy, the GTN offers a variety of guides, practical examples, and help throughout it’s many tutorials. Often times when using a tool, such information can be very useful, but hard to discover.

Galaxy’s new GTN Tool-Form integration helps with this, by connecting Galaxy to the GTN, and displaying all tutorials which make use of the tool you are currently using, directly inside to Tool Form! This way it is easy to discover practical examples and guides for Tools, general and domain-specific. The list of tutorials referencing a specific tool can either be viewed on the GTN, or browsed from within the Tool Form.

For an example check out the Concatenate Datasets tool hosted on the EU Galaxy server.

If this section does not appear on your Galaxy server, there may be no tutorials available for the tool you are currently using, or this feature may not be enabled.

The GTN integration doesn’t need to use the official GTN. Configuration settings are available to allow it to link to an internal help site or wiki.

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