module GtnLinter
Linting functions for the GTN
Public Class Methods
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# File bin/lint.rb, line 383 def self.bad_tool_links(contents) find_matching_texts(contents, @BAD_TOOL_LINK) + \ find_matching_texts(contents, @BAD_TOOL_LINK2) .map do |idx, _text, selected| ReviewDogEmitter.error( path: @path, idx: idx, match_start: selected.begin(0), match_end: selected.end(0) + 1, replacement: "{% tool #{selected[1]}(#{selected[2]}) %}", message: 'You have used the full tool URL to a specific server, here we only need the tool ID portion.', code: 'GTN:009' ) end end
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# File bin/lint.rb, line 399 def self.bad_zenodo_links(contents) find_matching_texts(contents, /https:\/\/\/api\//) .reject { |_idx, _text, selected| _text =~ /files-archive/ } .map do |idx, _text, selected| ReviewDogEmitter.error( path: @path, idx: idx, match_start: selected.begin(0), match_end: selected.end(0) + 1, replacement: nil, message: 'Please do not use links, instead it should look like<filename>', code: 'GTN:040' ) end end
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# File bin/lint.rb, line 999 def self.bib_missing_mandatory_fields(bib) results = [] bib.each do |x| begin doi = x.doi rescue StandardError doi = nil end begin url = x.url rescue StandardError url = nil end results.push([x.key, 'Missing both a DOI and a URL. Please add one of the two.']) if doi.nil? && url.nil? begin x.title results.push([x.key, 'This entry is missing a title attribute. Please add it.']) if !x.title rescue StandardError results.push([x.key, 'This entry is missing a title attribute. Please add it.']) end end results end
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# File bin/lint.rb, line 329 def self.check_bad_cite(contents) find_matching_texts(contents, /{%\s*cite\s+([^%]*)\s*%}/i) .map do |idx, _text, selected| citation_key = selected[1].strip if citation_library[citation_key].nil? ReviewDogEmitter.error( path: @path, idx: idx, match_start: selected.begin(0), match_end: selected.end(0), replacement: nil, message: "The citation (#{citation_key}) could not be found.", code: 'GTN:007' ) end end end
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# File bin/lint.rb, line 741 def self.check_bad_heading_order(contents) depth = 1 headings = find_matching_texts(contents, /^(?<level>#+)\s?(?<title>.*)/) .map do |idx, text, selected| new_depth = selected[:level].length depth_change = new_depth - depth depth = new_depth [idx, text, selected, depth_change, new_depth] end all_headings = do |_idx, _text, selected, _depth_change, _new_depth| "#{selected[:level]} #{selected[:title]}" end do |_idx, _text, _selected, depth_change, _new_depth| depth_change > 1 do |idx, _text, selected, depth_change, new_depth| ReviewDogEmitter.error( path: @path, idx: idx, match_start: selected.begin(1), match_end: selected.end(1) + 1, replacement: '#' * (new_depth - depth_change + 1), message: "You have skipped a heading level, please correct this.\n<details>" \ "<summary>Listing of Heading Levels</summary>\n\n```\n#{all_headings.join("\n")}\n```\n</details>", code: 'GTN:028' ) end end
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# File bin/lint.rb, line 347 def self.check_bad_icon(contents) find_matching_texts(contents, /{%\s*icon\s+([^%]*)\s*%}/i) .map do |idx, _text, selected| icon_key = selected[1].strip.split[0] if jekyll_config['icon-tag'][icon_key].nil? ReviewDogEmitter.error( path: @path, idx: idx, match_start: selected.begin(0), match_end: selected.end(0), replacement: nil, message: "The icon (#{icon_key}) could not be found, please add it to _config.yml.", code: 'GTN:033' ) end end end
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# File bin/lint.rb, line 598 def self.check_bad_link(contents) find_matching_texts(contents, /{%\s*link\s+([^%]*)\s*%}/i) .map do |idx, _text, selected| path = selected[1].to_s.strip if !File.exist?(path.gsub(%r{^/}, '')) ReviewDogEmitter.error( path: @path, idx: idx, match_start: selected.begin(0), match_end: selected.end(0), replacement: nil, message: "The linked file (`#{selected[1].strip}`) could not be found.", code: 'GTN:018' ) end end find_matching_texts(contents, /\]\(\)/i) .map do |idx, _text, selected| path = selected[1].to_s.strip if !File.exist?(path.gsub(%r{^/}, '')) ReviewDogEmitter.error( path: @path, idx: idx, match_start: selected.begin(0), match_end: selected.end(0), replacement: nil, message: 'The link does not seem to have a target.', code: 'GTN:018' ) end end end
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# File bin/lint.rb, line 229 def self.check_bad_link_text(contents) find_matching_texts(contents, /\[\s*(here|link)\s*\]/i) .map do |idx, _text, selected| ReviewDogEmitter.error( path: @path, idx: idx, match_start: selected.begin(0), match_end: selected.end(0) + 1, replacement: '[Something better here]', message: "Please do not use 'here' as your link title, it is " \ '[bad for accessibility]( ' \ 'Instead try restructuring your sentence to have useful descriptive text in the link.', code: 'GTN:005' ) end end
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# File bin/lint.rb, line 691 def self.check_bad_tag(contents) find_matching_texts(contents, /{%\s*(?<tag>[a-z]+)/) .reject { |_idx, _text, selected| @KNOWN_TAGS.include? selected[:tag] } .map do |idx, _text, selected| ReviewDogEmitter.warning( path: @path, idx: idx, match_start: selected.begin(1), match_end: selected.end(1) + 1, replacement: nil, message: "We're not sure this tag is correct (#{selected[:tag]}), it isn't one of the known tags.", code: 'GTN:021' ) end end
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# File bin/lint.rb, line 632 def self.check_bad_trs_link(contents) find_matching_texts(contents, %r{snippet faqs/galaxy/ path="([^"]*)"}i) .map do |idx, _text, selected| path = selected[1].to_s.strip if !File.exist?(path) ReviewDogEmitter.error( path: @path, idx: idx, match_start: selected.begin(0), match_end: selected.end(0), replacement: nil, message: "The linked file (`#{path}`) could not be found.", code: 'GTN:036' ) end end end
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# File bin/lint.rb, line 771 def self.check_bolded_heading(contents) find_matching_texts(contents, /^#+ (?<title>\*\*.*\*\*)$/) .map do |idx, _text, selected| ReviewDogEmitter.error( path: @path, idx: idx, match_start: selected.begin(1), match_end: selected.end(1) + 1, replacement: selected[:title][2..-3], message: 'Please do not bold headings, it is unncessary ' \ 'and will potentially cause screen readers to shout them.', code: 'GTN:029' ) end end
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# File bin/lint.rb, line 193 def self.check_dois(contents) find_matching_texts(contents, %r{(\[[^\]]*\]\(https?://[^)]*\))}) .reject { |_idx, _text, selected| selected[0].match(%r{10.5281/zenodo}) } # Ignoring zenodo .map do |idx, _text, selected| ReviewDogEmitter.warning( path: @path, idx: idx, match_start: selected.begin(0), match_end: selected.end(0) + 2, replacement: '{% cite ... %}', message: 'This looks like a DOI which could be better served by using the built-in Citations mechanism. ' \ 'You can use to convert your DOI into a .bib formatted entry, ' \ 'and add to your', code: 'GTN:004' ) end end
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# File bin/lint.rb, line 650 def self.check_looks_like_heading(contents) # TODO: we should remove this someday, but, we need to have a good solution # and we're still a ways from that. # # There's no clear way to say "this subsection of the content has its own hierarchy" return if @path.match(/faq/) find_matching_texts(contents, /^\*\*(.*)\*\*$/) .map do |idx, _text, selected| ReviewDogEmitter.warning( path: @path, idx: idx, match_start: selected.begin(1), match_end: selected.end(1) + 1, replacement: "### #{selected[1]}", message: "This looks like a heading, but isn't. Please use proper semantic headings where possible. " \ 'You should check the heading level of this suggestion, rather than accepting the change as-is.', code: 'GTN:020' ) end end
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# File bin/lint.rb, line 211 def self.check_pmids(contents) # find_matching_texts(contents, %r{(\[[^\]]*\]\(https?://[0-9]*\))}).map do |idx, _text, selected| ReviewDogEmitter.warning( path: @path, idx: idx, match_start: selected.begin(0), match_end: selected.end(0) + 2, replacement: '{% cite ... %}', message: 'This looks like a PMID which could be better served by using the built-in Citations mechanism. ' \ 'You can use to convert your PMID/PMCID into a .bib formatted entry, ' \ 'and add to your', code: 'GTN:004' ) end end
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# File bin/lint.rb, line 465 def self.check_tool_link(contents) find_matching_texts(contents, /{%\s*tool \[([^\]]*)\]\(([^)]*)\)\s*%}/) .map do |idx, _text, selected| # text = selected[1] link = selected[2] errs = [] if link.match(%r{/}) if link.count('/') < 5 errs.push(ReviewDogEmitter.error( path: @path, idx: idx, match_start: selected.begin(2), match_end: selected.end(2) + 1, replacement: nil, message: "This tool identifier looks incorrect, it doesn't have the right number of segments.", code: 'GTN:009' )) end if link.match(/testtoolshed/) errs.push(ReviewDogEmitter.warning( path: @path, idx: idx, match_start: selected.begin(2), match_end: selected.end(2) + 1, replacement: nil, message: 'The GTN strongly avoids using testtoolshed tools in your tutorials or workflows', code: 'GTN:009' )) end else if link.match(/\+/) errs.push(ReviewDogEmitter.error( path: @path, idx: idx, match_start: selected.begin(2), match_end: selected.end(2) + 1, replacement: nil, message: 'Broken tool link, unnecessary +', code: 'GTN:009' )) end if !ALLOWED_SHORT_IDS.include?(link) && !link.match(/^interactive_tool_/) && !link.match(/__[A-Z_]+__/) && !link.match(/^{{.*}}$/) && !link.match(/^CONVERTER_/) errs.push(ReviewDogEmitter.error( path: @path, idx: idx, match_start: selected.begin(2), match_end: selected.end(2) + 1, replacement: nil, message: 'Unknown short tool ID. Please use the full tool ID, or check bin/lint.rb ' \ 'if you believe this is correct.', code: 'GTN:009' )) end end errs end end
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# File bin/lint.rb, line 722 def self.check_useless_box_prefix(contents) find_matching_texts(contents, /<(?<tag>[a-z_-]+)-title>(?<fw>[a-zA-Z_-]+:?\s*)/) .select do |_idx, _text, selected| @BOX_CLASSES.include?(selected[:tag]) and selected[:tag] == selected[:fw].gsub(/:\s*$/, '').downcase end .map do |idx, _text, selected| ReviewDogEmitter.warning( path: @path, idx: idx, match_start: selected.begin(2), match_end: selected.end(2) + 1, replacement: '', message: "It is no longer necessary to prefix your #{selected[:tag]} box titles with " \ "#{selected[:tag].capitalize}, this is done automatically.", code: 'GTN:022' ) end end
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# File bin/lint.rb, line 302 def self.citation_library if @CITATION_LIBRARY.nil? lib = (enumerate_type(/bib$/) + enumerate_type(/bib$/, root_dir: 'faqs')).each do |path| b = b.each do |x| # Record the bib path. x._path = path lib << x end end @CITATION_LIBRARY = lib end @CITATION_LIBRARY end
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# File bin/lint.rb, line 1136 def self.code_limits(codes) @LIMIT_EMITTED_CODES = codes end
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# File bin/lint.rb, line 818 def self.cyoa_branches(contents) joined_contents = contents.join("\n") cyoa_branches = joined_contents.scan(/_includes\/cyoa-choices[^%]*%}/m) .map{|cyoa_line| cyoa_line.gsub(/\n/, ' ') # Remove newlines, want it all one one line. .gsub(/\s+/, ' ') # Collapse multiple whitespace for simplicity .gsub(/_includes\/cyoa-choices.html/, '').gsub(/%}$/, '') # Strip start/end .strip .split('" ') # Split on the end of an option to get the individual option groups .map{|p| p.gsub(/="/, '=').split('=')}.to_h} # convert it into a convenient hash # NOTE: Errors on this line usually mean that folks have used ' instead of " in their CYOA. # cyoa_branches = # [{"option1"=>"Quick one tool method", # "option2"=>"Convert to AnnData object compatible with Filter, Plot, Explore workflow", # "default"=>"Quick one tool method", # "text"=>"Choose below if you just want to convert your object quickly or see how it all happens behind the scenes!", # "disambiguation"=>"seurat2anndata\""}, # We use slugify_unsafe to convert it to a slug, now we should check: # 1. Is it unique in the file? No duplicate options? # 2. Is every branch used? # Uniqueness: options ={|o|{|k, v| k =~ /option/}.values}.flatten slugified ={|o| [o, unsafe_slugify(o)]} slugified_grouped = slugified.group_by{|before, after| after} .map{|k, pairs| [k,{|p| p[0]}]}.to_h errors = [] if slugified_grouped.values.any?{|v| v.length > 1} dupes ={|k, v| v.length > 1} msg = "We identified the following duplicate options in your CYOA: " msg += do |slug, options| "Options #{options.join(', ')} became the key: #{slug}" end.join("; ") errors << ReviewDogEmitter.error( path: @path, idx: 0, match_start: 0, match_end: 1, replacement: nil, message: 'You have non-unique options in your Choose Your Own Adventure. Please ensure that each option is unique in its text. Unfortunately we do not currently support re-using the same option text across differently disambiguated CYOA branches, so, please inform us if this is a requirement for you.' + msg, code: 'GTN:041' ) end # Missing default cyoa_branches.each do |branch| if branch['default'].nil? errors << ReviewDogEmitter.error( path: @path, idx: 0, match_start: 0, match_end: 1, replacement: nil, message: 'We recommend specifying a default for every branch', code: 'GTN:042' ) end # Checking default/options correspondence. options ={|k, v| k =~ /option/}.values if branch.key?("default") && ! options.include?(branch['default']) if options.any?{|o| unsafe_slugify(o) == unsafe_slugify(branch['default'])} errors << ReviewDogEmitter.warning( path: @path, idx: 0, match_start: 0, match_end: 1, replacement: nil, message: "We did not see a corresponding option# for the default: «#{branch['default']}», but this could have been written before we automatically slugified the options. If you like, please consider making your default option match the option text exactly.", code: 'GTN:043' ) else errors << ReviewDogEmitter.warning( path: @path, idx: 0, match_start: 0, match_end: 1, replacement: nil, message: "We did not see a corresponding option# for the default: «#{branch['default']}», please ensure the text matches one of the branches.", code: 'GTN:044' ) end end end # Branch testing. cyoa_branches.each do |branch| options = branch .select{|k, v| k =~ /option/} .values # Check for matching lines in the file. options.each do |option| slug_option = unsafe_slugify(option) if !joined_contents.match(/#{slug_option}/) errors << ReviewDogEmitter.warning( path: @path, idx: 0, match_start: 0, match_end: 1, replacement: nil, message: "We did not see a branch for #{option} (#{slug_option}) in the file. Please consider ensuring that all options are used.", code: 'GTN:045' ) end end end # find_matching_texts(contents, />\s*(\*\*\s*[Ss]tep)/) .map do |idx, _text, selected| # ReviewDogEmitter.error( # path: @path, # idx: idx, # match_start: selected.begin(1), # match_end: selected.end(1) + 1, # replacement: nil, # message: 'This is a non-semantic list which is bad for accessibility and bad for screenreaders. ' \ # 'It results in poorly structured HTML and as a result is not allowed.', # code: 'GTN:035' # ) # end errors end
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# File bin/lint.rb, line 1202 def self.emit_results(results) return unless !results.nil? && results.length.positive? results.compact.flatten .select{|r| r.is_a? Hash } .each { |r| format_reviewdog_output(r) } end
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# File bin/lint.rb, line 580 def self.empty_alt_text(contents) find_matching_texts(contents, /!\[\]\(/i) .map do |idx, _text, selected| path = selected[1].to_s.strip if !File.exist?(path.gsub(%r{^/}, '')) ReviewDogEmitter.error( path: @path, idx: idx, match_start: selected.begin(0), match_end: selected.end(0), replacement: nil, message: 'The alt text for this image seems to be empty', code: 'GTN:034' ) end end end
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# File bin/lint.rb, line 1141 def self.enable_auto_fix @AUTO_APPLY_FIXES = true end
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# File bin/lint.rb, line 1382 def self.enumerate_all enumerate_type(/.*/) end
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# File bin/lint.rb, line 1376 def self.enumerate_lintable enumerate_type(/bib$/) + enumerate_type(/md$/) + enumerate_type(/md$/, root_dir: 'faqs') + enumerate_type(/md$/, root_dir: 'news') end
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# File bin/lint.rb, line 1361 def self.enumerate_symlinks paths = [] Find.find('./topics') do |path| if next unless File.basename(path).start_with?('.') Find.prune # Don't look any further into this directory. elsif File.symlink?(path) paths.push(path) end end paths end
enumerate_type(filter, root_dir: 'topics')
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# File bin/lint.rb, line 1346 def self.enumerate_type(filter, root_dir: 'topics') paths = [] Find.find("./#{root_dir}") do |path| if next unless File.basename(path).start_with?('.') Find.prune # Don't look any further into this directory. elsif path.match(filter) paths.push(path) end end paths end
filter_results(results, ignores)
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# File bin/lint.rb, line 1214 def self.filter_results(results, ignores) if !results.nil? # Remove any empty lists results = { |x| !x.nil? && x.length.positive? }.flatten # Before ignoring anything matching GTN:IGNORE:### return results if ignores.nil? or ignores.empty? results = { |x| ignores.index(x['code']['value']).nil? } if results.length.positive? return results end nil end
find_matching_texts(contents, query)
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# File bin/lint.rb, line 115 def self.find_matching_texts(contents, query) do |text, idx| [idx, text, text.match(query)] { |_idx, _text, selected| selected } end
fix_bib(contents, bib)
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# File bin/lint.rb, line 1086 def self.fix_bib(contents, bib) bad_keys = bib_missing_mandatory_fields(bib) results = [] bad_keys.each do |key, reason| results += find_matching_texts(contents, /^\s*@.*{#{key},/) .map do |idx, text, _selected| ReviewDogEmitter.error( path: @path, idx: idx, match_start: 0, match_end: text.length, replacement: nil, message: reason, code: 'GTN:012' ) end end # 13: doi = {}, results += find_matching_texts(contents, %r{doi\s*=\s*\{(https?://}) .map do |idx, _text, selected| ReviewDogEmitter.warning( path: @path, idx: idx, match_start: selected.begin(1), match_end: selected.end(1) + 1, replacement: '', message: 'Unnecessary use of URL in DOI-only field, please just use the doi component itself', code: 'GTN:031' ) end results end
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# File bin/lint.rb, line 1227 def self.fix_file(path) @path = path if path.match(/\s/) emit_results([ReviewDogEmitter.file_error(path: path, message: 'There are spaces in this filename, that is forbidden.', code: 'GTN:014')]) end if path.match(/\?/) emit_results([ReviewDogEmitter.file_error(path: path, message: 'There ?s in this filename, that is forbidden.', code: 'GTN:014')]) end case path when /md$/ handle =, 'r') contents ="\n") ignores = should_ignore(contents) results = fix_md(contents) results = filter_results(results, ignores) emit_results(results) when /.bib$/ handle =, 'r') contents ="\n") bib = results = fix_bib(contents, bib) results = filter_results(results, ignores) emit_results(results) when /.ga$/ handle =, 'r') begin contents = data = JSON.parse(contents) rescue StandardError => e warn "Error parsing #{path}: #{e}" emit_results([ReviewDogEmitter.file_error(path: path, message: 'Unparseable JSON in this workflow file.', code: 'GTN:019')]) end results = [] # Check if there's a missing workflow test folder = File.dirname(path) basename = File.basename(path).gsub(/.ga$/, '') possible_tests = Dir.glob("#{folder}/#{Regexp.escape(basename)}*ym*") possible_tests = possible_tests.grep(/#{Regexp.escape(basename)}[_-]tests?.ya?ml/) contains_interactive_tool = contents.match(/interactive_tool_/) if possible_tests.empty? if !contains_interactive_tool results += [ ReviewDogEmitter.file_error(path: path, message: 'This workflow is missing a test, which is now mandatory. Please ' \ 'see [the FAQ on how to add tests to your workflows](' \ '' \ 'gtn/gtn_workflow_testing.html).', code: 'GTN:027') ] end else # Load tests and run some quick checks: possible_tests.each do |test_file| if !test_file.match(/-tests.yml/) results += [ ReviewDogEmitter.file_error(path: path, message: 'Please use the extension -tests.yml ' \ 'for this test file.', code: 'GTN:032') ] end test = YAML.safe_load( test_plain = # check that for each test, the outputs is non-empty test.each do |test_job| if (test_job['outputs'].nil? || test_job['outputs'].empty?) && !test_plain.match(/GTN_RUN_SKIP_REASON/) results += [ ReviewDogEmitter.file_error(path: path, message: 'This workflow test does not test the contents of outputs, ' \ 'which is now mandatory. Please see [the FAQ on how to add ' \ 'tests to your workflows](' \ '' \ 'gtn/gtn_workflow_testing.html).', code: 'GTN:030') ] end end end end # Check if they use TS tools, we do this here because it's easier to look at the plain text. contents.split("\n").each.with_index do |text, linenumber| if text.match(/testtoolshed/) results += [ ReviewDogEmitter.error( path: @path, idx: linenumber, match_start: 0, match_end: text.length, replacement: nil, message: 'This step uses a tool from the testtoolshed. These are not permitted in GTN tutorials.', code: 'GTN:017' ) ] end end results += fix_ga_wf(data) results = filter_results(results, ignores) emit_results(results) end end
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# File bin/lint.rb, line 1026 def self.fix_ga_wf(contents) results = [] if !contents.key?('tags') or contents['tags'].empty? path_parts = @path.split('/') topic = path_parts[path_parts.index('topics') + 1] results.push(ReviewDogEmitter.file_error( path: @path, message: "This workflow is missing required tags. Please add `\"tags\": [\"#{topic}\"]`", code: 'GTN:015' )) end if !contents.key?('annotation') results.push(ReviewDogEmitter.file_error( path: @path, message: 'This workflow is missing an annotation. Please add `"annotation": "title of tutorial"`', code: 'GTN:016' )) end if !contents.key?('license') results.push(ReviewDogEmitter.file_error( path: @path, message: 'This workflow is missing a license. Please select a valid OSI license. ' \ 'You can correct this in the Galaxy workflow editor.', code: 'GTN:026' )) end if contents.key?('creator') contents['creator'] .select { |c| c['class'] == 'Person' } .each do |p| if !p.key?('identifier') || (p['identifier'] == '') results.push(ReviewDogEmitter.file_error( path: @path, message: 'This workflow has a creator but is missing an identifier for them. ' \ 'Please ensure all creators have valid ORCIDs.', code: 'GTN:025' )) end if !p.key?('name') || (p['name'] == '') results.push(ReviewDogEmitter.file_error( path: @path, message: 'This workflow has a creator but is a name, please add it.', code: 'GTN:025' )) end end else results.push(ReviewDogEmitter.file_error( path: @path, message: 'This workflow is missing a Creator. Please edit this workflow in ' \ 'Galaxy to add the correct creator entities', code: 'GTN:024' )) end results end
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# File bin/lint.rb, line 964 def self.fix_md(contents) [ *fix_notoc(contents), *youtube_bad(contents), *link_gtn_slides_external(contents), *link_gtn_tutorial_external(contents), *check_dois(contents), *check_pmids(contents), *check_bad_link_text(contents), *incorrect_calls(contents), *check_bad_cite(contents), *non_existent_snippet(contents), *bad_tool_links(contents), *check_tool_link(contents), *new_more_accessible_boxes(contents), *new_more_accessible_boxes_agenda(contents), *no_target_blank(contents), *check_bad_link(contents), *check_bad_icon(contents), *check_looks_like_heading(contents), *check_bad_tag(contents), *check_useless_box_prefix(contents), *check_bad_heading_order(contents), *check_bolded_heading(contents), *snippets_too_close_together(contents), *bad_zenodo_links(contents), *zenodo_api(contents), *empty_alt_text(contents), *check_bad_trs_link(contents), *nonsemantic_list(contents), *cyoa_branches(contents), *useless_intro(contents) ] end
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# File bin/lint.rb, line 121 def self.fix_notoc(contents) find_matching_texts(contents, /{:\s*.no_toc\s*}/) .map do |idx, text, _selected| ReviewDogEmitter.delete_text( path: @path, idx: idx, text: text, message: 'Setting no_toc is discouraged, these headings provide useful places for readers to jump to.', code: 'GTN:001', full_line: text ) end end
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# File bin/lint.rb, line 1145 def self.format_reviewdog_output(message) return if message.nil? || message.empty? return if !@LIMIT_EMITTED_CODES.nil? && !@LIMIT_EMITTED_CODES.include?(message['code']['value']) if !message.nil? && (message != []) && message.is_a?(Hash) path = message['location']['path'] if @SHORT_PATH && path.include?(GTN_HOME + '/') path = path.gsub(GTN_HOME + '/', '') end if @PLAIN_OUTPUT # $stdout.tty? or parts = [ path, message['location']['range']['start']['line'], message['location']['range']['start']['column'], message['location']['range']['end']['line'], message['location']['range']['end']['column'], "#{message['code']['value'].gsub(/:/, '')} #{message['message'].split("\n")[0]}" ] puts parts.join(':') else puts JSON.generate(message) end end return unless @AUTO_APPLY_FIXES && message['suggestions'].length.positive? start_line = message['location']['range']['start']['line'] start_coln = message['location']['range']['start']['column'] end_line = message['location']['range']['end']['line'] end_coln = message['location']['range']['end']['column'] if start_line == end_line # We only really support single-line changes. This will probs fuck up lines =['location']['path']).split("\n") original = lines[start_line - 1].dup repl = message['suggestions'][0]['text'] # puts "orig #{original}" # puts "before #{original[0..start_coln - 2]}" # puts "selected '#{original[start_coln-1..end_coln-2]}'" # puts "after #{original[end_coln-2..-1]}" # puts "replace: #{repl}" # puts "#{original[0..start_coln - 2]} + #{repl} + #{original[end_coln-1..-1]}" fixed = original[0..start_coln - 2] + repl + original[end_coln - 1..] warn "DIFF\n-#{original}\n+#{fixed}" lines[start_line - 1] = fixed # Save our changes File.write(message['location']['path'], (lines + ['']).join("\n")) else warn 'Cannot apply this suggestion sorry' end end
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# File bin/lint.rb, line 246 def self.incorrect_calls(contents) a = find_matching_texts(contents, /([^{]|^)(%\s*[^%]*%})/i) .map do |idx, _text, selected| ReviewDogEmitter.error( path: @path, idx: idx, match_start: selected.begin(2), match_end: selected.end(2) + 1, replacement: "{#{selected[2]}", message: 'It looks like you might be missing the opening { of a jekyll function', code: 'GTN:006' ) end b = find_matching_texts(contents, /{([^%]\s*[^%]* %})/i) .map do |idx, _text, selected| ReviewDogEmitter.error( path: @path, idx: idx, match_start: selected.begin(1), match_end: selected.end(1) + 1, replacement: "%#{selected[1]}", message: 'It looks like you might be missing the opening % of a jekyll function', code: 'GTN:006' ) end c = find_matching_texts(contents, /({%\s*[^%]*%)([^}]|$)/i) .map do |idx, _text, selected| ReviewDogEmitter.error( path: @path, idx: idx, match_start: selected.begin(1), match_end: selected.end(1) + 2, replacement: "#{selected[1]}}#{selected[2]}", message: 'It looks like you might be missing the closing } of a jekyll function', code: 'GTN:006' ) end d = find_matching_texts(contents, /({%\s*[^}]*[^%])}/i) .map do |idx, _text, selected| ReviewDogEmitter.error( path: @path, idx: idx, match_start: selected.begin(1), match_end: selected.end(1) + 1, replacement: "#{selected[1]}%", message: 'It looks like you might be missing the closing % of a jekyll function', code: 'GTN:006' ) end a + b + c + d end
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# File bin/lint.rb, line 321 def self.jekyll_config if @JEKYLL_CONFIG.nil? # Load @JEKYLL_CONFIG = YAML.load_file('_config.yml') end @JEKYLL_CONFIG end
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# File bin/lint.rb, line 174 def self.link_gtn_slides_external(contents) find_matching_texts( contents, %r{\((https?://(|*slides.html))\)} ) .map do |idx, _text, selected| ReviewDogEmitter.error( path: @path, idx: idx, match_start: selected.begin(1), match_end: selected.end(1) + 1, replacement: "{% link #{selected[3]} %}", message: 'Please use the link function to link to other pages within the GTN. ' \ 'It helps us ensure that all links are correct', code: 'GTN:003' ) end end
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# File bin/lint.rb, line 153 def self.link_gtn_tutorial_external(contents) find_matching_texts( contents, %r{\(https?://(|[^)]*)\)} ) .map do |idx, _text, selected| # puts "#{idx} 0 #{selected[0]} 1 #{selected[1]} 2 #{selected[2]} 3 #{selected[3]}" ReviewDogEmitter.error( path: @path, idx: idx, # We wrap the entire URL (inside the explicit () in a matching group to make it easy to select/replace) match_start: selected.begin(0) + 1, match_end: selected.end(0), replacement: "{% link #{selected[2].gsub('.html', '.md')} %}", message: 'Please use the link function to link to other pages within the GTN. ' \ 'It helps us ensure that all links are correct', code: 'GTN:003' ) end end
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# File bin/lint.rb, line 531 def self.new_more_accessible_boxes(contents) # \#\#\# find_matching_texts(contents, /> (### {%\s*icon ([^%]*)\s*%}[^:]*:?(.*))/) .map do |idx, _text, selected| key = selected[2].strip.gsub(/_/, '-') ReviewDogEmitter.error( path: @path, idx: idx, match_start: selected.begin(1), match_end: selected.end(1) + 1, replacement: "<#{key}-title>#{selected[3].strip}</#{key}-title>", message: 'We have developed a new syntax for box titles, please consider using this instead.', code: 'GTN:010' ) end end
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# File bin/lint.rb, line 548 def self.new_more_accessible_boxes_agenda(contents) # \#\#\# find_matching_texts(contents, /> (###\s+Agenda\s*)/) .map do |idx, _text, selected| ReviewDogEmitter.error( path: @path, idx: idx, match_start: selected.begin(1), match_end: selected.end(1) + 1, replacement: '<agenda-title></agenda-title>', message: 'We have developed a new syntax for box titles, please consider using this instead.', code: 'GTN:010' ) end end
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# File bin/lint.rb, line 564 def self.no_target_blank(contents) find_matching_texts(contents, /target=("_blank"|'_blank')/) .map do |idx, _text, selected| ReviewDogEmitter.warning( path: @path, idx: idx, match_start: selected.begin(0), match_end: selected.end(0), replacement: nil, message: 'Please do not use `target="_blank"`, [it is bad for accessibility.]' \ '(', code: 'GTN:011' ) end end
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# File bin/lint.rb, line 365 def self.non_existent_snippet(contents) find_matching_texts(contents, /{%\s*snippet\s+([^ ]*)/i) .reject do |_idx, _text, selected| File.exist?(selected[1]) end .map do |idx, _text, selected| ReviewDogEmitter.error( path: @path, idx: idx, match_start: selected.begin(0), match_end: selected.end(0), replacement: nil, message: "This snippet (`#{selected[1]}`) does not seem to exist", code: 'GTN:008' ) end end
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# File bin/lint.rb, line 802 def self.nonsemantic_list(contents) find_matching_texts(contents, />\s*(\*\*\s*[Ss]tep)/) .map do |idx, _text, selected| ReviewDogEmitter.error( path: @path, idx: idx, match_start: selected.begin(1), match_end: selected.end(1) + 1, replacement: nil, message: 'This is a non-semantic list which is bad for accessibility and bad for screenreaders. ' \ 'It results in poorly structured HTML and as a result is not allowed.', code: 'GTN:035' ) end end
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# File bin/lint.rb, line 1386 def self.run_linter_global enumerate_type(/:/).each do |path| format_reviewdog_output( ReviewDogEmitter.file_error(path: path, message: 'There are colons in this filename, that is forbidden.', code: 'GTN:014') ) end enumerate_symlinks.each do |path| if !File.exist?( format_reviewdog_output( ReviewDogEmitter.file_error(path: path, message: 'This is a BAD symlink', code: 'GTN:013') ) end rescue StandardError format_reviewdog_output( ReviewDogEmitter.file_error(path: path, message: 'This is a BAD symlink', code: 'GTN:013') ) end enumerate_type(/data[_-]library.ya?ml/).each do |path| if path.split('/')[-1] != 'data-library.yaml' format_reviewdog_output( ReviewDogEmitter.file_error(path: path, message: 'This file must be named data-library.yaml. Please rename it.', code: 'GTN:023') ) end end enumerate_type(/\.ga$/).each do |path| fix_file(path) end enumerate_lintable.each do |path| fix_file(path) end end
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# File bin/lint.rb, line 1122 def self.set_plain_output @PLAIN_OUTPUT = true end
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# File bin/lint.rb, line 1126 def self.set_rdjson_output @PLAIN_OUTPUT = false end
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# File bin/lint.rb, line 1131 def self.set_short_path @SHORT_PATH = true end
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# File bin/lint.rb, line 1210 def self.should_ignore(contents) { |x| x.match(/GTN:IGNORE:(\d\d\d)/) }.map { |x| "GTN:#{x.match(/GTN:IGNORE:(\d\d\d)/)[1]}" }.uniq end
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# File bin/lint.rb, line 415 def self.snippets_too_close_together(contents) prev_line = -2 res = [] find_matching_texts(contents, /^[> ]*{% snippet/) .each do |idx, _text, selected| if idx == prev_line + 1 res.push(ReviewDogEmitter.error( path: @path, idx: idx, match_start: selected.begin(0), match_end: selected.end(0) + 1, replacement: nil, message: 'Snippets too close together', code: 'GTN:032' )) end prev_line = idx end res end
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# File bin/lint.rb, line 948 def self.useless_intro(contents) joined_contents = contents.join("\n") joined_contents.scan(/\n---\n+# Introduction/m) .map do |line| ReviewDogEmitter.error( path: @path, idx: 0, match_start: 0, match_end: 0, replacement: '', message: 'Please do not include an # Introduction section, it is unnecessary here, just start directly into your text. The first paragraph that is seen by our infrastructure will automatically be shown in a few places as an abstract.', code: 'GTN:046' ) end end
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GTN:002 youtube discouraged
# File bin/lint.rb, line 136 def self.youtube_bad(contents) find_matching_texts(contents, %r{<iframe.*youtu.?be.*</iframe>}) .map do |idx, _text, selected| ReviewDogEmitter.warning( path: @path, idx: idx, match_start: selected.begin(0), match_end: selected.end(0) + 1, replacement: '', message: 'Instead of embedding IFrames to YouTube contents, consider adding this video to the ' \ 'GTN tutorial "recordings" metadata where it will ' \ 'be more visible for others.', code: 'GTN:002' ) end end
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# File bin/lint.rb, line 787 def self.zenodo_api(contents) find_matching_texts(contents, %r{(zenodo\.org/api/files/)}) .map do |idx, _text, selected| ReviewDogEmitter.error( path: @path, idx: idx, match_start: selected.begin(1), match_end: selected.end(1) + 1, replacement: nil, message: 'The URLs are not stable, you must use a URL of the format', code: 'GTN:032' ) end end