module GTNNotebooks
Generate Notebooks from Markdown
Public Class Methods
add_metadata_cell(site, notebook, metadata)
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# File _plugins/notebook.rb, line 193 def self.add_metadata_cell(site, notebook, metadata) by_line = construct_byline(site, metadata) meta_header = [ "<div style=\"border: 2px solid #8A9AD0; margin: 1em 0.2em; padding: 0.5em;\">\n\n", "# #{metadata['title']}\n", "\n", "by #{by_line}\n", "\n", "#{metadata.fetch('license', 'CC-BY')} licensed content from the [Galaxy Training Network]" \ "(\n", "\n", "**Objectives**\n", "\n" ] + metadata.fetch2('questions', []).map { |q| "- #{q}\n" } + [ "\n", "**Objectives**\n", "\n" ] + metadata.fetch2('objectives', []).map { |q| "- #{q}\n" } + [ "\n", "**Time Estimation: #{metadata['time_estimation']}**\n", "\n", "</div>\n" ] metadata_cell = { 'id' => 'metadata', 'cell_type' => 'markdown', 'source' => meta_header } notebook['cells'].unshift(metadata_cell) notebook end
construct_byline(site, metadata)
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# File _plugins/notebook.rb, line 185 def self.construct_byline(site, metadata) folks = Gtn::Contributors.get_authors(metadata) do |c| name = Gtn::Contributors.fetch_name(site, c) "[#{name}]({c}/)" end.join(', ') end
convert_notebook_markdown(content, accepted_languages)
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# File _plugins/notebook.rb, line 67 def self.convert_notebook_markdown(content, accepted_languages) out = [] inside_block = false cur_lang = nil val = [] data = content.split("\n") data.each.with_index do |line, i| m = line.match(/^```(#{accepted_languages.join('|')})\s*$/) if m if inside_block puts data[i - 2..i + 2] raise "[GTN/Notebook] L#{i} Error! we're already in a block:" end # End the previous block out.push([val, inside_block, cur_lang]) val = [] inside_block = true cur_lang = m[1] elsif inside_block && line == '```' # End of code block out.push([val, inside_block, cur_lang]) val = [] inside_block = false else val.push(line) end end # final flush out.push([val, inside_block, cur_lang]) if !val.nil? notebook = { 'metadata' => {}, 'nbformat' => 4, 'nbformat_minor' => 5, } notebook['cells'] = do |data2, index| res = { 'id' => "cell-#{index}", 'source' => data2[0].map { |x| "#{x.rstrip}\n" } } # Strip the trailing newline in the last cell. res['source'][-1] = res['source'][-1].rstrip if res['source'].length.positive? # Remove any remaining language tagged code blocks, e.g. in # tip/solution/etc boxes. These do not render well. res['source'] = res['source'].map { |x| x.gsub(/```(#{accepted_languages.join('|')})/, '```') } if data2[1] res.update({ 'cell_type' => 'code', 'execution_count' => nil, 'outputs' => [], 'metadata' => { 'attributes' => { 'classes' => [ data[2] ], 'id' => '', } } }) else res['cell_type'] = 'markdown' end res end notebook end
click to toggle source
# File _plugins/notebook.rb, line 253 def self.fixBashNotebook(notebook) # Set the bash kernel notebook['metadata'] = { 'kernelspec' => { 'display_name' => 'Bash', 'language' => 'bash', 'name' => 'bash' }, 'language_info' => { 'codemirror_mode' => 'shell', 'file_extension' => '.sh', 'mimetype' => 'text/x-sh', 'name' => 'bash' } } # Strip out %%bash since we'll use the bash kernel notebook['cells'].map do |cell| if cell.fetch('cell_type') == 'code' && (cell['source'][0] == "%%bash\n") cell['source'] = cell['source'].slice(1..-1) end cell end notebook end
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# File _plugins/notebook.rb, line 278 def self.fixPythonNotebook(notebook) # TODO # prefix bash cells with `!` notebook['cells'].map do |cell| if cell.fetch('metadata', {}).fetch('attributes', {}).fetch('classes', [])[0] == 'bash' cell['source'] = cell['source'].map { |line| "!#{line}" } end cell end notebook end
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# File _plugins/notebook.rb, line 226 def self.fixRNotebook(notebook) # Set the bash kernel notebook['metadata'] = { 'kernelspec' => { 'display_name' => 'R', 'language' => 'R', 'name' => 'r' }, 'language_info' => { 'codemirror_mode' => 'r', 'file_extension' => '.r', 'mimetype' => 'text/x-r-source', 'name' => 'R', 'pygments_lexer' => 'r', 'version' => '4.1.0' } } # Strip out %%R since we'll use the bash kernel notebook['cells'].map do |cell| if cell.fetch('cell_type') == 'code' && (cell['source'][0] == "%%R\n") cell['source'] = cell['source'].slice(1..-1) end cell end notebook end
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# File _plugins/notebook.rb, line 290 def self.fixSqlNotebook(notebook) # Add in a %%sql at the top of each cell notebook['cells'].map do |cell| if cell.fetch('cell_type') == 'code' && cell['source'].join.index('load_ext').nil? cell['source'] = ["%%sql\n"] + cell['source'] end cell end notebook end
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# File _plugins/notebook.rb, line 61 def self.generate_css do |key, val| ".#{key} { padding: 0 1em; margin: 1em 0.2em; border: 2px solid #{val} }" end.join("\n") end
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# File _plugins/notebook.rb, line 138 def self.group_doc_by_first_char(data) out = [] first_char = nil val = [] data = data.split("\n") # Here we collapse running groups of `>` into single blocks. data.each do |line| if first_char.nil? first_char = line[0] val = [line] elsif line[0] == first_char val.push(line) elsif line[0..1] == '{:' && first_char == '>' val.push(line) else # flush out.push(val) first_char = if line.size.positive? line[0] else '' end val = [line] end end # final flush out.push(val) out.reject! do |v| (v[0][0] == '>' && v[-1][0..1] == '{:' && v[-1].match(/.agenda/)) end! do |v| if v[0][0] == '>' && v[-1][0..1] == '{:' cls = v[-1][2..-2].strip res = [":::{#{cls}}"] res += v[0..-2].map { |c| c.sub(/^>\s*/, '') } res += [':::'] res else v end end out.flatten(1).join("\n") end
markdownify(site, text)
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# File _plugins/notebook.rb, line 301 def self.markdownify(site, text) site.find_converter_instance( Jekyll::Converters::Markdown ).convert(text.to_s) rescue StandardError require 'kramdown' end
notebook_filter(data, language = nil)
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# File _plugins/notebook.rb, line 310 def self.notebook_filter(data, language = nil) data['layout'] == 'tutorial_hands_on' \ and data.key?('notebook') \ and (language.nil? or data['notebook']['language'].downcase == language) end
renderMarkdownCells(site, notebook, metadata, _page_url, dir)
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# File _plugins/notebook.rb, line 442 def self.renderMarkdownCells(site, notebook, metadata, _page_url, dir) seen_abbreviations = {} notebook['cells'].map do |cell| if cell.fetch('cell_type') == 'markdown' # The source is initially a list of strings, we'll merge it together # to make it easier to work with. source = cell['source'].join.strip # Here we replace individual `s with codeblocks, they screw up # rendering otherwise by going through rouge source = source.gsub(/ `([^`]*)`([^`])/, ' <code>\1</code>\2') .gsub(/([^`])`([^`]*)` /, '\1<code>\2</code> ') # Strip out includes, snippets source.gsub!(/{% include .* %}/, '') source.gsub!(/{% snippet .* %}/, '') # Replace all the broken icons that can't render, because we don't # have access to the full render pipeline. cell['source'] = markdownify(site, source) ICONS.each do |key, val| # Replace the new box titles with h3s. cell['source'].gsub!(%r{<div class="box-title #{key}-title".*?</span>(.*?)</div>}, "<div style=\"font-weight:900;font-size: 125%\">#{val} \\1</div>") # Remove the fa-icon spans cell['source'].gsub!(%r{<span role="button" class="fold-unfold fa fa-minus-square"></span>}, '') # just removing the buttons from solutions since they'll be changed # into summary/details in the parent notebook-jupyter. cell['source'].gsub!(%r{<button class="gtn-boxify-button solution".*?</button>}, '') end if metadata.key?('abbreviations') metadata['abbreviations'].each do |abbr, defn| cell['source'].gsub(/\{#{abbr}\}/) do if seen_abbreviations.key?(abbr) firstdef = false else firstdef = true seen_abbreviations[abbr] = true end if firstdef "#{defn} (#{abbr})" else "<abbr title=\"#{defn}\">#{abbr}</abbr>" end end end end # Here we give a GTN-ish styling that doesn't try to be too faithful, # so we aren't spending time keeping up with changes to GTN css, # we're making it 'our own' a bit. COLORS.each do |key, val| val = "#{val};#{COLORS_EXTRA[key]}" if COLORS_EXTRA.key? key cell['source'].gsub!(/<blockquote class="#{key}">/, "<blockquote class=\"#{key}\" style=\"border: 2px solid #{val}; margin: 1em 0.2em\">") end # Images are referenced in the through relative URLs which is # fab, but in a notebook this doesn't make sense as it will live # outside of the GTN. We need real URLs. # # So either we'll embed the images directly via base64 encoding (cool, # love it) or we'll link to the production images and folks can live # without their images for a bit until it's merged. if cell['source'].match(/<img src="\.\./) cell['source'].gsub!(/<img src="(\.\.[^"]*)/) do |img| path = img[10..] image_path = File.join(dir, path) if img[-3..].downcase == 'png' data = Base64.encode64(File.binread(image_path)) %(<img src="data:image/png;base64,#{data}") elsif (img[-3..].downcase == 'jpg') || (img[-4..].downcase == 'jpeg') data = Base64.encode64(File.binread(image_path)) %(<img src="data:image/jpeg;base64,#{data}") elsif img[-3..].downcase == 'svg' data = Base64.encode64(File.binread(image_path)) %(<img src="data:image/svg+xml;base64,#{data}") else # Falling back to non-embedded images "<img src=\"{page_url.split('/')[0..-2].join('/')}/.." end end end # Strip out the highlighting as it is bad on some platforms. cell['source'].gsub!(/<pre class="highlight">/, '<pre style="color: inherit; background: transparent">') cell['source'].gsub!(/<div class="highlight">/, '<div>') cell['source'].gsub!(/<code>/, '<code style="color: inherit">') # There is some weirdness in the processing of $s in Jupyter. After a # certain number of them, it will give up, and just render everything # like with a '<pre>'. We remove this to prevent that result. cell['source'].gsub!(/^\s*</, '<') # Additionally leading spaces are sometimes interpreted as <pre>s and # end up causing paragraphs to be rendered as code. So we wipe out # all leading space. # 'editable' is actually CoCalc specific but oh well. cell['metadata'] = { 'editable' => false, 'collapsed' => false } cell['source'].gsub!(/\$/, '$') end cell end notebook end
render_jupyter_notebook(data, content, url, _last_modified, notebook_language, site, dir)
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# File _plugins/notebook.rb, line 391 def self.render_jupyter_notebook(data, content, url, _last_modified, notebook_language, site, dir) # Here we read use internal methods to convert the tutorial to a Hash # representing the notebook accepted_languages = [notebook_language] accepted_languages << 'bash' if notebook_language == 'python' if !data['zenodo_link'].nil? Jekyll.logger.debug "Replacing zenodo links in #{url}, #{data['zenodo_link']}" content.gsub!(/{{\s*page.zenodo_link\s*}}/, data['zenodo_link']) end notebook = convert_notebook_markdown(content, accepted_languages) # This extracts the metadata yaml header and does manual formatting of # the header data to make for a nicer notebook. notebook = add_metadata_cell(site, notebook, data) # Apply language specific conventions case notebook_language when 'bash' notebook = fixBashNotebook(notebook) when 'sql' notebook = fixSqlNotebook(notebook) when 'r' notebook = fixRNotebook(notebook) when 'python' notebook = fixPythonNotebook(notebook) end # Here we loop over the markdown cells and render them to HTML. This # allows us to get rid of classes like {: .tip} that would be left in # the output by Jupyter's markdown renderer, and additionally do any # custom CSS which only seems to work when inline on a cell, i.e. we # can't setup a style block, so we really need to render the markdown # to html. notebook = renderMarkdownCells(site, notebook, data, url, dir) # Here we add a close to the notebook notebook['cells'] = notebook['cells'] + [{ 'cell_type' => 'markdown', 'id' => 'final-ending-cell', 'metadata' => { 'editable' => false, 'collapsed' => false }, 'source' => [ "# Key Points\n\n" ] + data.fetch2('key_points', []).map { |k| "- #{k}\n" } + [ "\n# Congratulations on successfully completing this tutorial!\n\n", 'Please [fill out the feedback on the GTN website](' \ "#{url}#feedback) and check there for further resources!\n" ] }] notebook end
render_rmarkdown(site, page_data, page_content, page_url, page_last_modified, fn)
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# File _plugins/notebook.rb, line 316 def self.render_rmarkdown(site, page_data, page_content, page_url, page_last_modified, fn) by_line = construct_byline(site, page_data) # Replace top level `>` blocks with fenced `:::` content = group_doc_by_first_char(page_content) # Re-run a second time to catch singly-nested Q&A? content = group_doc_by_first_char(content) # Replace zenodo links, the only replacement we do if !page_data['zenodo_link'].nil? Jekyll.logger.debug "Replacing zenodo links in #{page_url}, #{page_data['zenodo_link']}" content.gsub!(/{{\s*page.zenodo_link\s*}}/, page_data['zenodo_link']) end ICONS.each do |key, val| content.gsub!(/{% icon #{key} %}/, val) end ICONS_FA.each do |key, val| content.gsub!(%r{<i class="#{key}" aria-hidden="true"></i>}, ICONS[val]) end content += %(\n\n# References\n\n<div id="refs"></div>\n) # # fnparts = fn.split('/') rmddata = { 'title' => page_data['title'], 'author' => "#{by_line}, #{page_data.fetch('license', 'CC-BY')} licensed content from the [Galaxy Training Network](", 'bibliography' => "#{fnparts[2]}-#{fnparts[4]}.bib", 'output' => { 'html_notebook' => { 'toc' => true, 'toc_depth' => 2, 'css' => 'gtn.css', 'toc_float' => { 'collapsed' => false, 'smooth_scroll' => false, }, # 'theme' => {'bootswatch' => 'journal'} }, 'word_document' => { 'toc' => true, 'toc_depth' => 2, 'latex_engine' => 'xelatex', }, 'pdf_document' => { 'toc' => true, 'toc_depth' => 2, 'latex_engine' => 'xelatex', }, }, 'date' => page_last_modified.to_s, 'link-citations' => true, 'anchor_sections' => true, 'code_download' => true, } rmddata['output']['html_document'] = JSON.parse(JSON.generate(rmddata['output']['html_notebook'])) final_content = [ "# Introduction\n", content.gsub(/```[Rr]/, '```{r}'), "# Key Points\n" ] + page_data.fetch2('key_points', []).map { |k| "- #{k}" } + [ "\n# Congratulations on successfully completing this tutorial!\n", 'Please [fill out the feedback on the GTN website](' \ "training-material#{page_url}#feedback) and check there for further resources!\n" ] "#{rmddata.to_yaml(line_width: rmddata['author'].size + 10)}---\n#{final_content.join("\n")}" end