GTN Feeds

We offer a wide range of RSS feeds to help you keep up to date with the latest training materials and events. You can subscribe to these feeds in your favourite RSS reader, or embed them in your own website.

Feed Directory

These are available as an OPML file as well.

Embedding Feeds

Any1 of the above feeds can be embedded anywhere you like. Simply replace .xml with .w.xml in the URL and it’ll produce a feed preview that is more

amenable to embedding.

<iframe width="340px" height="600px" src="/training-material/events/feed.w.xml"></iframe>
<iframe width="340px" height="600px" src="/training-material/topics/admin/feed.w.xml"></iframe>
<iframe width="340px" height="600px" src="/training-material/topics/one-health/feed.w.xml"></iframe>


We created these ‘rollups’ based on the bot that posted updates to our Matrix channel, they are simply digests of recent changes to help keep community members up to date.

These can be embedded like so:

<iframe width="340px" height="600px" src="/training-material/feeds/matrix-month.w.xml"></iframe>
<iframe width="340px" height="600px" src="/training-material/feeds/matrix-week.w.xml"></iframe>
<iframe width="340px" height="600px" src="/training-material/feeds/matrix-day.w.xml"></iframe>

Community Specific Rollups

Some rollups were created for individual communities:

These are easily embedded, note the .w.xml ending, indicating a widget. (This is simply used to provide an alternate XSLT that renders better in an iframe.

<iframe width="340px" height="600px" src="/training-material/feeds/single-cell-month.w.xml"></iframe>
<iframe width="340px" height="600px" src="/training-material/feeds/one-health-month.w.xml"></iframe>

Differences between feeds

Having two feeds with the same data might seem a bit odd but we have two separate user stories we want to address:

  1. minus the main news feed currently as that is produced by a third party plugin